If True, This Is Bone Chilling......ICE Officer Leaves Suicide Note About Martial Law

It's unbelievable that people would kill themselves over stupid conspiracy theories.
Yeah, because conspiracies have never happened, and the Mafia does not exist, Hitler didnt have the Reichstag fire set, and Stalin had honest elections and didnt starve millions of people, and there is no such thing as corporations rigging prices, running pyramid schemes, like Madoff was only misunderstood, poor dear, etc.

Ravi, you have to be among the dullest posters on these boards. Have you ever read a book that was not approved by the New York Times?
Conspiracies do exist, just not the one you wish did.
Note the difference.

Just STFU...people that are awake as to how things are instead of what we think they are don't feel this way because they "hope" they are right. I was a lot happier when I could just blame leftards and liberals for everything while thinking the Bush crime family were being unfairly targeted. I know better now...neocons, liberals and leftards have the very same agenda....nothing but WWF of politics....so do one of two things...wake up or shut the fuck up because you bring nothing to the table....you post nothing that makes people stop and reflect....get it?
Even Obama is talking about large scale if not nationwide power outage due to cyber or infrastructure attack.
Of course he is. Some of our enemies have developed EMP weapons that could knock out most of the power over the USA with a single high altitude explosion.

They didn't develop "EMP weapons" you dunderhead. EMP is a natural result of a nuclear explosion, and yes, they have calculated that if a nuclear device is detonated about 15 to 20 miles above the center of the country, if it was around 10 megatons, it would generate sufficient EMP to knock out our electrical grid.

But, there aren't all that many nations with a nuclear capability and the ability to launch ICBM missiles.

No, stupid fuck.....EMPs are easily detonated and Russia has the capability to knock out power on the aircraft carriers of USA.INC....happened in the Black Sea two years ago. You don't know shit........seriously.
Even Obama is talking about large scale if not nationwide power outage due to cyber or infrastructure attack.
Of course he is. Some of our enemies have developed EMP weapons that could knock out most of the power over the USA with a single high altitude explosion.

They didn't develop "EMP weapons" you dunderhead. EMP is a natural result of a nuclear explosion, and yes, they have calculated that if a nuclear device is detonated about 15 to 20 miles above the center of the country, if it was around 10 megatons, it would generate sufficient EMP to knock out our electrical grid.

But, there aren't all that many nations with a nuclear capability and the ability to launch ICBM missiles.

No, stupid fuck.....EMPs are easily detonated and Russia has the capability to knock out power on the aircraft carriers of USA.INC....happened in the Black Sea two years ago. You don't know shit........seriously.

Got any links to back up your claim that Russia has used EMP to knock out a carrier? I'm pretty sure that if it did happen, it would have been all over the news.
Even Obama is talking about large scale if not nationwide power outage due to cyber or infrastructure attack.
Of course he is. Some of our enemies have developed EMP weapons that could knock out most of the power over the USA with a single high altitude explosion.

They didn't develop "EMP weapons" you dunderhead. EMP is a natural result of a nuclear explosion, and yes, they have calculated that if a nuclear device is detonated about 15 to 20 miles above the center of the country, if it was around 10 megatons, it would generate sufficient EMP to knock out our electrical grid.

But, there aren't all that many nations with a nuclear capability and the ability to launch ICBM missiles.

No, stupid fuck.....EMPs are easily detonated and Russia has the capability to knock out power on the aircraft carriers of USA.INC....happened in the Black Sea two years ago. You don't know shit........seriously.

Got any links to back up your claim that Russia has used EMP to knock out a carrier? I'm pretty sure that if it did happen, it would have been all over the news.

It wasn't an EMP device...they simply had a device that disabled the electronics of the USS Donald Cook after a few fly bys of a Russian SU 24 fighter plane that then toyed with them by acting like it was going to drop a bomb on them. The crew of the USS Donald Cook soiled themselves. It happened in April of 2014 if I recall correctly. USA.INC needs to leave Russia alone....don't ya think???
Even Obama is talking about large scale if not nationwide power outage due to cyber or infrastructure attack.
Of course he is. Some of our enemies have developed EMP weapons that could knock out most of the power over the USA with a single high altitude explosion.

They didn't develop "EMP weapons" you dunderhead. EMP is a natural result of a nuclear explosion, and yes, they have calculated that if a nuclear device is detonated about 15 to 20 miles above the center of the country, if it was around 10 megatons, it would generate sufficient EMP to knock out our electrical grid.

But, there aren't all that many nations with a nuclear capability and the ability to launch ICBM missiles.

No, stupid fuck.....EMPs are easily detonated and Russia has the capability to knock out power on the aircraft carriers of USA.INC....happened in the Black Sea two years ago. You don't know shit........seriously.

Got any links to back up your claim that Russia has used EMP to knock out a carrier? I'm pretty sure that if it did happen, it would have been all over the news.
He is referring to this gem:

On 12 April 2014, an unarmed Russian Su-24 "Fencer" fighter jet made twelve close-range passes of the USS Cook during a patrol of the western Black Sea.[8][9][10] According to an allegation by a Pentagon spokesman, "The aircraft did not respond to multiple queries and warnings from Donald Cook, and the event ended without incident after approximately 90 minutes. <...> The Donald Cook is more than capable of defending itself against two Su-24s."[11] In 2014, Russia′s state-run news media outlets, without citing any specific sources of information, ran a series of reports that claimed that during that incident the Su-24, equipped with the Khibiny electronic warfare system, disabled the ship's Aegis combat systems.[12][13][14] The jamming claims were ignored by Western mainstream media. They were dismissed in February 2015 as "nothing but a newspaper hoax" by the Khibiny jammer's Russian manufacturer KRET' website, which asserted that Khibiny was not installed on Su-24 but claimed it was "capable of completely neutralising the enemy radar".[15] One analyst described the incident as "about as tame a flyby as you can get."[10]

USS Donald Cook - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Even Obama is talking about large scale if not nationwide power outage due to cyber or infrastructure attack.
Of course he is. Some of our enemies have developed EMP weapons that could knock out most of the power over the USA with a single high altitude explosion.

They didn't develop "EMP weapons" you dunderhead. EMP is a natural result of a nuclear explosion, and yes, they have calculated that if a nuclear device is detonated about 15 to 20 miles above the center of the country, if it was around 10 megatons, it would generate sufficient EMP to knock out our electrical grid.

But, there aren't all that many nations with a nuclear capability and the ability to launch ICBM missiles.

No, stupid fuck.....EMPs are easily detonated and Russia has the capability to knock out power on the aircraft carriers of USA.INC....happened in the Black Sea two years ago. You don't know shit........seriously.

Got any links to back up your claim that Russia has used EMP to knock out a carrier? I'm pretty sure that if it did happen, it would have been all over the news.
He is referring to this gem:

On 12 April 2014, an unarmed Russian Su-24 "Fencer" fighter jet made twelve close-range passes of the USS Cook during a patrol of the western Black Sea.[8][9][10] According to an allegation by a Pentagon spokesman, "The aircraft did not respond to multiple queries and warnings from Donald Cook, and the event ended without incident after approximately 90 minutes. <...> The Donald Cook is more than capable of defending itself against two Su-24s."[11] In 2014, Russia′s state-run news media outlets, without citing any specific sources of information, ran a series of reports that claimed that during that incident the Su-24, equipped with the Khibiny electronic warfare system, disabled the ship's Aegis combat systems.[12][13][14] The jamming claims were ignored by Western mainstream media. They were dismissed in February 2015 as "nothing but a newspaper hoax" by the Khibiny jammer's Russian manufacturer KRET' website, which asserted that Khibiny was not installed on Su-24 but claimed it was "capable of completely neutralising the enemy radar".[15] One analyst described the incident as "about as tame a flyby as you can get."[10]

USS Donald Cook - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On 10 April 2014, the USS Donald Cook entered the waters of the Black Sea and on 12 April a Russian Su-24 tactical bomber flew over the vessel triggering an incident that, according to several media reports, completely demoralized its crew, so much so that the Pentagon issued a protest [1].

The USS Donald Cook (DDG-75) is a 4th generation guided missile destroyer whose key weapons are Tomahawk cruise missiles with a range of up to 2,500 kilometers, and capable of carrying nuclear explosives. This ship carries 56 Tomahawkmissiles in standard mode, and 96 missiles in attack mode.

The US destroyer is equipped with the most recent Aegis Combat System. It is an integrated naval weapons systems which can link together the missile defense systems of all vessels embedded within the same network, so as to ensure the detection, tracking and destruction of hundreds of targets at the same time. In addition, the USS Donald Cook is equipped with 4 large radars, whose power is comparable to that of several stations. For protection, it carries more than fifty anti-aircraft missiles of various types.

Meanwhile, the Russian Su-24 that buzzed the USS Donald Cook carried neither bombs nor missiles but only a basket mounted under the fuselage, which, according to the Russian newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta [2], contained a Russian electronic warfare device called Khibiny.

As the Russian jet approached the US vessel, the electronic device disabled all radars, control circuits, systems, information transmission, etc. on board the US destroyer. In other words, the all-powerful Aegis system, now hooked up - or about to be - with the defense systems installed on NATO’s most modern ships was shut down, as turning off the TV set with the remote control.

The Russian Su-24 then simulated a missile attack against the USS Donald Cook, which was left literally deaf and blind. As if carrying out a training exercise, the Russian aircraft - unarmed - repeated the same maneuver 12 times before flying away.

After that, the 4th generation destroyer immediately set sail towards a port in Romania.

Since that incident, which the Atlanticist media have carefully covered up despite the widespread reactions sparked among defense industry experts, no US ship has ever approached Russian territorial waters again.

According to some specialized media, 27 sailors from theUSS Donald Cook requested to be relieved from active service.

Vladimir Balybine - director of the research center on electronic warfare and the evaluation of so-called "visibility reduction" techniques attached to the Russian Air Force Academy - made the following comment:

"The more a radio-electronic system is complex, the easier it is to disable it through the use of electronic warfare."

What spooked the USS Donald Cook so much in the Black Sea?
The web site SNOPES.com has issued a declaration that our story is some sort of hoax, that we are somehow NOT a radio station and attributed the story - and this web site - to a former FBI National Security Intelligence Asset named Hal Turner, whom she smears as a "White Supremacist."

This is not the first time SNOPES.com has made accusations against us simply because we have been the exclusive source of politically-incorrect news. And while we stand-by our stories in every regard, this barrage of attacks by SNOPES.com is becoming libelous.

We address the SNOPES.com accusations one at a time:

1) No aspect of our story above is a hoax. What Snopes.com seems to take issue with is theexistence and content of a suicide note which was revealed to us by the NYPD. The person from NYPD who gave us this information did so after trying to get two other New York Media outlets, (one TV, the other a newspaper) to publish the story and was rebuked within minutes by media contacts who said "we won't touch this with a ten foot pole." The fact that the NYPD nowclaims "no note was found" does not surprise us at all; NYPD has very close ties with the feds and the feds have an intense interest in concealing or discrediting the information it contained.

2) According to the FCC Licensing Bureau, 95.1 FM in New York City is the HD-4 frequency for WNSH 94.7 FM as licensed by the FCC as shown HERE

3) Our story was written by our News Room staff, not anyone named Hal Turner.

4) Mr. Turner was formerly a paying customer of this radio station from October 7, 2015 thru March 30, 2016. He bought air time from us to air his personal radio show "The Hal Turner Show." Finances caused Mr. Turner to cancel his programming on our radio station and continue his show on WBCQ International Shortwave, where he is on the air live from 9-11 PM every Wednesday evening. Mr. Turner's web site is: HalTurnerShow.com . He is welcome to return to our airwaves if his finances improve.

5) SNOPES.com claims Mr. Turner is a "white supremacist." In reality Mr. Turner worked for the FBI from 1993 - 2008, with his TOD as the Joint Terrorism Task Force from 2003-2008. His job was to infiltrate white supremacist groups to thwart violent criminal acts by such persons. This information came out when the Obama Administration betrayed Mr. Turner in 2009 and arrested him for writing in 2009, what the government PAID HIM $3,000 TO SAY on DATELINE NBC and FOX NEWS CHANNEL just four years earlier in 2005! After three trials (two hung juries) Mr. Turner was Bankrupted by legal fees, was appointed a public defender, who threw the case, resulting in Mr. Turner's conviction. For SNOPES.com to smear Mr. Turner as a "White Supremacist" when federal court records show the exact opposite, is a prime example of the utterly shoddy research and reporting provided by SNOPES.com

The criticism and SNOPES.com outright falsehoods about this story, and others, have been written mostly by:

Personal Contact Information Removed.
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While implausible it smarts that government has behaved in ways that cause one to really consider plausibility.......
So Carla finds suicide to be just hilarious.....

I think it's your gullibility that Carla finds hilarious. At least, that's what I find hilarious.

What you find "hilarious" or what Carla Clunt finds as "hilarious" means nothing to me or anyone else that operate on a higher level than either one of your two clueless clowns. Have a great day!
True, Dale you do operate on a higher level of severe mental illness then most sociopaths.

Wrong, home girl, I am not anti-social, I am anti-being told what I must think and I what I should think.......free thinking isn't part of the commie agenda. I care a great deal about people and give what resources I have to help them.....so yet once again...you are proven to be wrong as well as being exposed for not even knowing the true definitions of terms you lamely throw out......."Stay down, Luke....stay down!!! He is bigger than you"........rise up off the cyber canvas again so I can throw another uppercut, bitch.....you don't even know me......you couldn't exist in my world.
So Carla finds suicide to be just hilarious.....

I think it's your gullibility that Carla finds hilarious. At least, that's what I find hilarious.

What you find "hilarious" or what Carla Clunt finds as "hilarious" means nothing to me or anyone else that operate on a higher level than either one of your two clueless clowns. Have a great day!
True, Dale you do operate on a higher level of severe mental illness then most sociopaths.

Wrong, home girl, I am not anti-social, I am anti-being told what I must think and I what I should think.......free thinking isn't part of the commie agenda. I care a great deal about people and give what resources I have to help them.....so yet once again...you are proven to be wrong as well as being exposed for not even knowing the true definitions of terms you lamely throw out......."Stay down, Luke....stay down!!! He is bigger than you"........rise up off the cyber canvas again so I can throw another uppercut, bitch.....you don't even know me......you couldn't exist in my world.
More repetition of bullshit!
Taken out of context movie quotes.
Delusions of superirority .
Gender identification disorder.
Wilful ignorance.
Argument from ignorance.
Argumentum ad populum fallicy.
You're right Dale I don't exist in your world , I exist in reality.
You go batshit when reality pierces you delusional world.
Superstation95 is an online presence that is neither a "superstation" nor a legitimate news source, but rather a repository of misinformation from Hal Turner, a white supremacist who was sentenced in 2010 to 33 months in prison for making death threats against three federal judges. (The individual listed on the site's "Contact" page is Turner's criminal lawyer.)

Beginning in late 2015, Turner's Superstation95 began spreading alarmist hoaxes and conspiracy theories on social media, frequently building upon legitimate tragic or frightening events with falsified details. Among the most widespread of these were claims that a large group of Muslim men fired upon campers and hikers in California, that Fukushima radiation caused severe mutations in marine life, that cargo ships mysteriously ground to a halt and signaled an imminent economic catastrophe, that a deadly Las Vegas strip crash involved a driver shouting "Allahu Akbar," that the San Bernardino shooting occurred because the shooter was offended by pork served at a holiday party shortly before the massacre, and that the Earth's "magnetosphere" collapsed for two hours.
FALSE: ICE Agent Suicide Note

I have no faith in Snopes because it has been proven that they were co-opted back in 2008. They even claimed that Kennedy never had silver certificates printed even though people have them as a collector's item. They are not the final word on what or what isn't.......and that is just a cold hard fact.
Believe what you want .......be ignorant be a cripple..........before ya say it didnt happen though ya might want to look eh,,,,,,Carnival had a terrible run of bad events one after another...this was one of them
You also had a Carnival Ship fried off the west coast
Well known event ...goog it


When you say "well known event", you must mean an entirely unsubstantiated and ridiculous claim from known batshit conspiracy writer "Sorcha Faal". Right?

Don't you guys ever get sick of being made fools of?

(Obviously this is not directed at you, Dale - since you take such pride in being a fool)
It's unbelievable that people would kill themselves over stupid conspiracy theories.
Yeah, because conspiracies have never happened, and the Mafia does not exist, Hitler didnt have the Reichstag fire set, and Stalin had honest elections and didnt starve millions of people, and there is no such thing as corporations rigging prices, running pyramid schemes, like Madoff was only misunderstood, poor dear, etc.

Ravi, you have to be among the dullest posters on these boards. Have you ever read a book that was not approved by the New York Times?
Conspiracies do exist, just not the one you wish did.
Note the difference.

Just STFU...people that are awake as to how things are instead of what we think they are don't feel this way because they "hope" they are right. I was a lot happier when I could just blame leftards and liberals for everything while thinking the Bush crime family were being unfairly targeted. I know better now...neocons, liberals and leftards have the very same agenda....nothing but WWF of politics....so do one of two things...wake up or shut the fuck up because you bring nothing to the table....you post nothing that makes people stop and reflect....get it?

But posting unsubstantiated conspiracy pap from known yellow sources makes people stop and reflect only on the intelligence, integrity, gullibility and lucidity of the poster ... get it?

Constantly complaining that those who don't buy into your paranoid delusions are somehow not awake neither functions as proof of the silliness you post nor enhances the view of rational posters that you might be among us.
YOu really trying to claim a cruise ship wasnt totally disabled......reports of cell phone outage too......

whoever that guy is wasnt only one to question the official story......Sent the Reagan out
Even Obama is talking about large scale if not nationwide power outage due to cyber or infrastructure attack.
Of course he is. Some of our enemies have developed EMP weapons that could knock out most of the power over the USA with a single high altitude explosion.

They didn't develop "EMP weapons" you dunderhead.

You stupid fuck, they most certainly have developed EMP weapons.
Electromagnetic pulse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NNEMP)[edit]
Non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NNEMP) is a weapon-generated electromagnetic pulse without use of nuclear technology. Devices that can achieve this objective include a large low-inductance capacitor bank discharged into a single-loop antenna, a microwave generator and an explosively pumped flux compression generator. To achieve the frequency characteristics of the pulse needed for optimal coupling into the target, wave-shaping circuits and/or microwave generators are added between the pulse source and the antenna. Vircators are vacuum tubes that are particularly suitable for microwave conversion of high-energy pulses.[7]

NNEMP generators can be carried as a payload of bombs, cruise missiles (such as the CHAMP missile) and drones, with diminished mechanical, thermal and ionizing radiation effects, but without the political consequences of deploying nuclear weapons.

The range of NNEMP weapons (non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse bombs) is much less than nuclear EMP. Nearly all NNEMP devices used as weapons require chemical explosives as their initial energy source, producing only 10−6 (one millionth) the energy of nuclear explosives of similar weight.[8] The electromagnetic pulse from NNEMP weapons must come from within the weapon, while nuclear weapons generate EMP as a secondary effect.[9] These facts limit the range of NNEMP weapons, but allow finer target discrimination. The effect of small e-bombs has proven to be sufficient for certain terrorist or military operations.[citation needed] Examples of such operations include the destruction of electronic control systems critical to the operation of many ground vehicles and aircraft.

EMP is a natural result of a nuclear explosion, and yes, they have calculated that if a nuclear device is detonated about 15 to 20 miles above the center of the country, if it was around 10 megatons, it would generate sufficient EMP to knock out our electrical grid.

But, there aren't all that many nations with a nuclear capability and the ability to launch ICBM missiles.

I know that, and is basically what I said in the post you responded to. In addition, by the arrangement of the nuclear explosive, and the timing devices, a nuke can be optimized to generate EMP or not, dumbass. For instance in theory a thin cased fission device could generate a huge EMP with a small yield and is within the capability of North Korea and other nations..

All you have demonstrated is that you are an ass hole, and we all already knew that anyway.
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