If Trump is so bad, why are the French rioting in Paris, I mean, if it is so great there?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep...socialism........gotta love it....when you eventually run out of other people's money...

Anti-Macron Yellow Vests Protests Continue Unabated in France

Although it's not exactly considered frontpage news by the leftist mainstream media, the so-called Yellow Vests continue to protest every single weekend against President Macron's horrendous policies. Don't believe me? Well, just watch this rather inspiring video:

This weekend was the 59th weekend in a row that the Gilets Jaunes or Yellow Vests have taken to the streets in order to show the government they mean business. They are against Macron's pension reform, and also protest against the rising cost of living (which makes it virtually impossible for blue-collar workers to live a normal kind of life), while the rich are getting all kinds of tax breaks.


Finally, there is the little fact that France has been living on the dole in Europe for ages. The rich northern EU members are paying France's bills. Trust me when I say that those of us from those northern countries aren't exactly happy with that situation, especially not because we see Frenchmen refusing to give up privileges we had to give up years or even decades ago to prevent the welfare state from collapsing.
The demonstrations in France are not a great reflection on the Real French People. It is basically a massive tantrum, thrown because "government" is threatening to make microscopic changes to their FREE STUFF. They have generous, early pensions that, despite crippling levels of taxation, cannot be sustained without bankrupting the Government. Worst case, many Frenchies might have to work an extra 12-18 months before cashing in. Boo. Fucking. Hoo.

Same thing would happen here if the Feds decided to adjust SS to a level that is sustainable for the Boomers (of which I am one).

That's the trouble with "entitlements." People feel entitled. Even if they didn't pay for it or earn it, or it will fuck everybody else in the country if it continues. I don't care. I want my free STUFF!
Yep...socialism........gotta love it....when you eventually run out of other people's money...

Anti-Macron Yellow Vests Protests Continue Unabated in France

Although it's not exactly considered frontpage news by the leftist mainstream media, the so-called Yellow Vests continue to protest every single weekend against President Macron's horrendous policies. Don't believe me? Well, just watch this rather inspiring video:

This weekend was the 59th weekend in a row that the Gilets Jaunes or Yellow Vests have taken to the streets in order to show the government they mean business. They are against Macron's pension reform, and also protest against the rising cost of living (which makes it virtually impossible for blue-collar workers to live a normal kind of life), while the rich are getting all kinds of tax breaks.


Finally, there is the little fact that France has been living on the dole in Europe for ages. The rich northern EU members are paying France's bills. Trust me when I say that those of us from those northern countries aren't exactly happy with that situation, especially not because we see Frenchmen refusing to give up privileges we had to give up years or even decades ago to prevent the welfare state from collapsing.

What does one have to do with the other? Nothing. Trump and France are two different things.

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