If we actually BUILT the wall would you be willing to negotiate the fate of those here?

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  • Deport them no matter what

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I have no skin, so you can attack me on this as a Canadian and I will understand, on this issue I try not to speak up too much other than say illegal immigration is offensive and shouldn't be accepted.. I feel for those who came as children, have been law abiding or paid their dues and become upstanding citizens there should be some process to stay and possible path to citizenship, even if it takes many years. Just my two cents.

It has to be a case by case basis, and it will be and should be an expensive process to do it right. I was reading a tweet of stats I cannot confirm, but something like 76% of DACA are on government assistance, wth is this all about? This isn't progress or contribution, this is just a free lunch. Not right.

On the extreme flip side, I heard 900 are in the military. They should immediately receive a shot at citizenship as soon as any deal is made. They have put their asses on the line for their country and deserve to be Americans. You then go down the list based on similar immigration merits, and make it a longer, arduous process for those who are least desirable.

All of this while the wall is being built and immigration rules shift.

God Bless America.
I have no skin, so you can attack me on this as a Canadian and I will understand, on this issue I try not to speak up too much other than say illegal immigration is offensive and shouldn't be accepted.. I feel for those who came as children, have been law abiding or paid their dues and become upstanding citizens there should be some process to stay and possible path to citizenship, even if it takes many years. Just my two cents.

It has to be a case by case basis, and it will be and should be an expensive process to do it right. I was reading a tweet of stats I cannot confirm, but something like 76% of DACA are on government assistance, wth is this all about? This isn't progress or contribution, this is just a free lunch. Not right.

On the extreme flip side, I heard 900 are in the military. They should immediately receive a shot at citizenship as soon as any deal is made. They have put their asses on the line for their country and deserve to be Americans. You then go down the list based on similar immigration merits, and make it a longer, arduous process for those who are least desirable.

All of this while the wall is being built and immigration rules shift.

God Bless America.
So we should keep the kids and deport their lawbreaking parents right?
If we actually BUILT the wall would you be willing to negotiate the fate of those here?

I'm not of a mind to create a connection between "the wall" and "the fate of those here." As far as I'm concerned, they are matters that are independent of one another and should be handled/resolved as such.
I have no skin, so you can attack me on this as a Canadian and I will understand, on this issue I try not to speak up too much other than say illegal immigration is offensive and shouldn't be accepted.. I feel for those who came as children, have been law abiding or paid their dues and become upstanding citizens there should be some process to stay and possible path to citizenship, even if it takes many years. Just my two cents.

It has to be a case by case basis, and it will be and should be an expensive process to do it right. I was reading a tweet of stats I cannot confirm, but something like 76% of DACA are on government assistance, wth is this all about? This isn't progress or contribution, this is just a free lunch. Not right.

On the extreme flip side, I heard 900 are in the military. They should immediately receive a shot at citizenship as soon as any deal is made. They have put their asses on the line for their country and deserve to be Americans. You then go down the list based on similar immigration merits, and make it a longer, arduous process for those who are least desirable.

All of this while the wall is being built and immigration rules shift.

God Bless America.
So we should keep the kids and deport their lawbreaking parents right?
Let the parents stay until the kids are 18 then they leave and get in line like everyone else.
Wall first then negotiate the fate of those already here?
----------------------------- naw , deport them , we have them by the nutz , why keep them here to dilute the voting power of Americans . These illegals also take jobs and other things that should go to Americans Grandpa .
I have no skin, so you can attack me on this as a Canadian and I will understand, on this issue I try not to speak up too much other than say illegal immigration is offensive and shouldn't be accepted.. I feel for those who came as children, have been law abiding or paid their dues and become upstanding citizens there should be some process to stay and possible path to citizenship, even if it takes many years. Just my two cents.

It has to be a case by case basis, and it will be and should be an expensive process to do it right. I was reading a tweet of stats I cannot confirm, but something like 76% of DACA are on government assistance, wth is this all about? This isn't progress or contribution, this is just a free lunch. Not right.

On the extreme flip side, I heard 900 are in the military. They should immediately receive a shot at citizenship as soon as any deal is made. They have put their asses on the line for their country and deserve to be Americans. You then go down the list based on similar immigration merits, and make it a longer, arduous process for those who are least desirable.

All of this while the wall is being built and immigration rules shift.

God Bless America.
So we should keep the kids and deport their lawbreaking parents right?
Let the parents stay until the kids are 18 then they leave and get in line like everyone else.

Let the parents take the kids with them.
You ever see someone learn from a mistake by removing all the consequences of that mistake? If you tell someone not to steal and then let them keep the property in front of their friends what message did you send? Unfortunately, the best plan is to make examples of them and let anyone who might try see the price that is exacted.
If we actually BUILT the wall would you be willing to negotiate the fate of those here?

I'm not of a mind to create a connection between "the wall" and "the fate of those here." As far as I'm concerned, they are matters that are independent of one another and should be handled/resolved as such.

Again? How many times should we get burned that way before we demand the wall first. We've done this amnesty deal before with just promises from Democrats. The Democrats turned out to be lying and now would like to grant amnesty again before living up to their promise so they can promise it again.

The two aren't separate anymore.
Wall first then negotiate the fate of those already here?

What happened with the Secure Fence Act of 2006? Can you (general) identify what went wrong with this and it's lack of success?

There is nothing to negotiate.
If we actually BUILT the wall would you be willing to negotiate the fate of those here?

I'm not of a mind to create a connection between "the wall" and "the fate of those here." As far as I'm concerned, they are matters that are independent of one another and should be handled/resolved as such.
Lunacy. They are tied together at the hip so to speak. Without a wall the possibility/thought of amnesty will cause yet more & more waves of illegals.
We have all these kids here now because of Obama. He's created a crisis with the illegal minors that the republicans are left dealing with. Or did you forget the train loads that flooded our nation from South America after he ran his mouth?
You ever see someone learn from a mistake by removing all the consequences of that mistake? If you tell someone not to steal and then let them keep the property in front of their friends what message did you send? Unfortunately, the best plan is to make examples of them and let anyone who might try see the price that is exacted.
That time has come and gone. Foreigners know that our border is Swiss cheese and once here they are eventually released if caught.
The solution is not a catch & release/deport plan. The solution is to plug the damn hole.
If we actually BUILT the wall would you be willing to negotiate the fate of those here?

I'm not of a mind to create a connection between "the wall" and "the fate of those here." As far as I'm concerned, they are matters that are independent of one another and should be handled/resolved as such.

Again? How many times should we get burned that way before we demand the wall first. We've done this amnesty deal before with just promises from Democrats. The Democrats turned out to be lying and now would like to grant amnesty again before living up to their promise so they can promise it again.

The two aren't separate anymore.

Wall first then negotiate the fate of those already here?

What happened with the Secure Fence Act of 2006? Can you (general) identify what went wrong with this and it's lack of success?

There is nothing to negotiate.
Fences stop animals not humans.

They didn't fund it. So, if you look at the amount of time that it would take to build it and look at the election cycle and the necessary funding then it is highly possible that you would only see a portion of it and then it would get real, real quiet for years because............the politicians will eventually be bought and paid for by someone who profits from it.

Therefore, fuck negotiations.
I love the GOP wall.

It's a monument to racism and stupidity.

Yea, put it up. Embarrass the nation. Keep it as a reminder for who the GOP is.
If they didn't break our laws as they're the kids of illegals and have been here their entire lives. Well, I'd give them a chance.

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