If we got super lucky

Maybe. Something needs to wake us up. Partisans seem to consider their political rivals more of a danger than China or Russia.
Understandably. China and Russia interfered in our elections with propaganda. They didn't straight up try to steal the election with criminal state officials, criminal lawyers, and a violent mob.

But I get what you are saying.
I know the culture warriors like DeSantis, but he's just another divisive populist. We need someone who can unite the country.

DeSantis & I (and many other Americans) are populist. If you use the real definition of it.

The real threat to Democracy <<<About the definition of populist​

a person, especially a politician, who strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.

Nothing wrong with elites, until they get into cronyism.

We're also nationalist, (using the correct definition)
Also Conservative (using the correct definition)
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DeSantis & I (and many other Americans) are populist. If you use the real definition of it.

a person, especially a politician, who strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.

Nothing wrong with elites, until they get into cronyism.

We're also nationalist, (using the correct definition)
Also Conservative (using the correct definition)
Correct definitions :rolleyes:

I usually just go by the dictionary definitions.
Understandably. China and Russia interfered in our elections with propaganda. They didn't straight up try to steal the election with criminal state officials, criminal lawyers, and a violent mob.

But I get what you are saying.

Only those who are bogged down with internet politics was affected by other countries media influence in our elections. That's because of their own stupidity & ignorance.
Normal people can see propaganda when they hear/see it, and simple base their judgements on provable facts.
We interfere in other countries election all the time. That doesn't mean those countries have to pay any attention to out propaganda.

Apple is supposedly removing that emoji because apparently it hurts the feelings of so-called lefties and they see it as a ''symbol'' and a ''dog whistle'' for the so-called ''right.'' lolol...

But then I read a headline saying it was a fake stary. So I dunno.

Wait and see if they get rid of it, I guess. How they'll spin it is just how they'll spin it.
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Apple is supposedly removing that emoji because apparently it hurts the feelings of so-called lefties and they see it as a ''symbol'' and a ''dog whistle'' for the so-called ''right.'' lolol...

But then I read a headline saying it was a fake stary. So I dunno.

Wait and see if they get rid of it, I guess. How they'll spin it is just how they'll spin it.
good grief
Of course that's an illusion, and what DeSantis actually accomplishes is theater for the rubes. His knows his ridiculous laws are destined to fail under court scrutiny. And that's what they do. The important part is making his audience FEEL like he is actually doing things.
Joe Biden will likely run for President but he might be replaced by Kamala Harris or Gavin Newsom. DeSantis would be a far more competent President than any of this bunch of losers.

It’s hard to take Giggles Harris seriously. People are fleeing California and heading for states like Florida where there are excellent Governors like DeSantis. The only good thing I can say about Joe Biden is that the stock market hasn’t tanked under his leadership.

Alternate candidates would need to submit to a LIE detector test so we know who they really are.
Only those who are bogged down with internet politics was affected by other countries media influence in our elections.
So... you? Maybe you aren't clear on what message board you are on.

We always hear this same line from everyone. Nobody has or ever will admit that they were influenced by propaganda. Yet the data shows it works.

Yet still, domestic criminal terrorists trying to steal a free and fair election with direct actions is clearly worse.
I posted the dictionaries definition.
Mkay. Well, I'm an elitist. By the correct definition of the word: "Belief that society should be led by the best and the brightest". Anything else strikes me as idiotic. Why would we want less?
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Mkay. Well, I'm an elitist. By the correct definition of the word: "Belief that society should be led by the best and the brightest". Anything else strikes me as idiotic. Why would we want less?

In that case I'm one too. But let's not change the subject (populist). We're not anti elite. (Ultra wealthy) We're anti cronyism. Like Biden giving billions to Microsoft for a chip plant in NY state.
In that case I'm one too. But let's not change the subject (populist). We're not anti elite. (Ultra wealthy) We're anti cronyism. Like Biden giving billions to Microsoft for a chip plant in NY state.
My understanding of populism includes a strong component of paranoia and fear mongering - "Those smart people are trying to trick you again!". That's why there so much conspiracy theorizing among populists. Apart from that, populism also tends to be an envy/class-based movement which I also find repellent.
My understanding of populism includes a strong component of paranoia and fear mongering - "Those smart people are trying to trick you again!". That's why there so much conspiracy theorizing among populists. Apart from that, populism also tends to be an envy/class-based movement which I also find repellent.

I'm not paranoid about anything that doesn't have some credible evidence to back it up. That "envy-based" thing you're talking about, I understand. But I think it's simply people who are retarded, in an entitled way. Like those lefties in college who think their entitled to free college.

This seems to be quite an issue with people now days. They have one small similarity to something like "populism, conservatism, or anything else, and claim that's what they support. Nevermind all the even bigger similarities they have with something else.

Like left leaning Republicans calling themselves conservatives. Everything is so skewed and confused now. Including simple words and their definition.

Can anyone say "The dumbing down of America, through the education system?"

This may be one of the biggest reasons why the left and right have been so divided, when you think about it. Confuse everything, including the words, so everyone argues and tries to make their opponents into something they're not.

Example: The left claim Trump is a racist, over a few irrelevant comments. Even though the evidence that he's not, is overwhelming in favor of Trump not being a racist.
With $7 TRILLION a year in spending up for grabs to the highest bidders, those who offer the biggest bribes and kickbacks to the politicians, I'm afraid the USA is royally screwed at this point.

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