If you are against Gay Marriage/Adoption/Rights. WHY?

Jun 21, 2013
Why are you? Is it because your religion tells you to? Is it because you like to control who other people should be allowed to love,marry,have sex with,live with,have kids with etc? What is it?

If its religion well here we go...The Varieties of Biblical Marriage
If its because you want to control others lives well best thing I can tell ya is go to prison..sure the guards control everything but I am sure you could have a few punks you could boss around!
I'm against identity politics in general....Certainly against the state being involved in marriage.
Why are you? Is it because your religion tells you to? Is it because you like to control who other people should be allowed to love,marry,have sex with,live with,have kids with etc? What is it?

If its religion well here we go...The Varieties of Biblical Marriage
If its because you want to control others lives well best thing I can tell ya is go to prison..sure the guards control everything but I am sure you could have a few punks you could boss around!

Funny that the only link provided only talks about man-woman marriages.

Could that be because that's what the definition of marriage IS?
No way.
That's the one and only problem I have with gay marriage. The (mis)use of the word.

They're more than welcome to have a civil union or partnership or whatever they want to call it.
They also should have just as much of a right to lose half their shit if they break up.

But don;t put an eraser on an ink pen and try to tell me it's a fucking pencil. Because it's not.

An ex-coworker, who is gay and county president of democratic party, agrees that they should call it something other than 'marriage' (he's been with his man for 20yrs)
Why isn't it marriage? Its a word...Should homosexuals call themselves something else besides Gay? Because Gay means happy as well? I think not...its not like straight folks haven't destroyed the notion or institution of marriage anyways. Infidelity,bigamy,divorce...its a joke for anyone to be offended when people who have been together that long want to get married.Marriage is a contract between 2 people regardless of sexual orientation etc...Mine and my wife's was not a religious ceremony it was a contract between me and my wife.
Because it's being pushed by eugenicists who come from Fascist schools of thought. Their goal is to purify the human race of all defects.

Now, why would eugenicists, who support the cruel and unusual demise of fetuses (may I snip your spinal cord please?), and already have more than 50% of black infants aborted in New York, be so endeared to "help" gays?

Gaydom is a complex genetic deformation, and has many different variations, and these variations are seen in the emotional and behavior manifestation of each individual gay person. So why would eugenicists want the gays to succeed in their "agenda" and most importantly --- the MARRIAGE agenda?

Well you see, no Church is going to marry gays, nor do the eugenicists want that. They want gays to obtain a legal (government) "Civil Union" contract, which would REGISTERED with the respective government, and would constitute near-absolute proof that both of the individuals are gay.

Now, Second Amendment advocates greatly fear the REGISTRY because it allows the government to act with precision to confiscate firearms at a later date. This is why a a REGISTRATION is opposed. Who the fuck is the government to know whether or not I have a firearm, it's my fucking right.

Returning to Gaydom. Once the gays are all on a registry, it makes it very easy (at a later date) for the eugenicists to label them with a Pink Triangle, just as they did in Nazi Germany, and then round them up and exterminate them not too long after.

So the reason I oppose the "gay agenda" is because there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING stopping two gay men from living together. It already is your right to bind yourself socially and spiritually with any other human being, or even multiple human beings. Polygamy might not be legal, but there's nothing illegal about 20 women living with one man.

Get it? You already have the fucking right. The State does not "create rights," you have them at birth. You have the right to contract, in this case a spiritual contract. Enjoy!

Once you let the government get involved with "spiritual contracts" they are no longer a right, but a privilege, that can be denied or disparaged at any time. Do these words sound familiar? Oh it's the Ninth Amendment:

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people

If yo don't like that Churches won't marry you, then start you own religion or your own denomination of an already existing religion that allows your marriage preferences, it is your FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT.

And before you say "what about benefits, liabilities, [+insert ENDLESS bullshit here]"

This is why government should not have gotten involved with this shit to begin with, because it opens a can of worms.

So my first reason to oppose Gay Marriage is because it's based on the flawed philosophy that Marriage is a privilege, instead of a right. Marriage is a spiritual contract (or social if you're not religious).

My second point of opposition is that it is being pushed by Statist/Eugencists who would like nothing more than a registry of all gays, so that they may further expunge that genetic defect from the human race. They wish to usurp God, the Creator, and pervert his Creation. They are Satanists, as evidenced by the millions of murdered fetuses.

So, for the SAFETY of the Gay Community, I would urge you to become Libertarian and abolish marriage benefits/taxcredits/etc altogether. The Ninth Amendment has already provided you with that right to enter spiritual contract. If you don't heed this warning, you'll soon find yourselves in death camps by the very beguilers who fooled you into publicly revealing yourselves on record.

God has made you for a purpose, God is your King and no other. Do not allow the Satanists to destroy you. You have Freewill, as do the Satanists who ENVY God. Your destiny is only what you choose. Choose Freedom, choose the Constitution, rebuke Slavery and rebuke Despotism.


As to adoption? Sure, why not? So long as you're not a convicted felon and have a steady and reliable income, no one should be barred from adopting a child.
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Because it's being pushed by eugenicists who come from Fascist schools of thought. Their goal is to purify the human race of all defects.

Now, why would eugenicists, who support the cruel and unusual demise of fetuses (may I snip your spinal cord please?), and already have more than 50% of black infants aborted in New York, be so endeared to "help" gays?

Gaydom is a complex genetic deformation, and has many different variations, and these variations are seen in the emotional and behavior manifestation of each individual gay person. So why would eugenicists want the gays to succeed in their "agenda" and most importantly --- the MARRIAGE agenda?

Well you see, no Church is going to marry gays, nor do the eugenicists want that. They want gays to obtain a legal (government) "Civil Union" contract, which would REGISTERED with the respective government, and would constitute near-absolute proof that both of the individuals are gay.

Now, Second Amendment advocates greatly fear the REGISTRY because it allows the government to act with precision to confiscate firearms at a later date. This is why a a REGISTRATION is opposed. Who the fuck is the government to know whether or not I have a firearm, it's my fucking right.

Returning to Gaydom. Once the gays are all on a registry, it makes it very easy (at a later date) for the eugenicists to label them with a Pink Triangle, just as they did in Nazi Germany, and then round them up and exterminate them not too long after.

So the reason I oppose the "gay agenda" is because there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING stopping two gay men from living together. It already is your right to bind yourself socially and spiritually with any other human being, or even multiple human beings. Polygamy might not be legal, but there's nothing illegal about 20 women living with one man.

Get it? You already have the fucking right. The State does not "create rights," you have them at birth. You have the right to contract, in this case a spiritual contract. Enjoy!

Once you let the government get involved with "spiritual contracts" they are no longer a right, but a privilege, that can be denied or disparaged at any time. Do these words sound familiar? Oh it's the Ninth Amendment:

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people

If yo don't like that Churches won't marry you, then start you own religion or your own denomination of an already existing religion that allows your marriage preferences, it is your FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT.

And before you say "what about benefits, liabilities, [+insert ENDLESS bullshit here]"

This is why government should have gotten involved with this shit to begin with, because it opens a can of worms.

So my first reason to oppose Gay Marriage is because it's based on the flawed philosophy that Marriage is a privilege, instead of a right. Marriage is a spiritual contract (or social if you're not religious).

My second point of opposition is that it is being pushed by Statist/Eugencists who would like nothing more than a registry of all gays, so that they may further expunge that genetic defect from the human race. They wish to usurp God, the Creator, and pervert his Creation. They are Satanists, as evidenced by the millions of murdered fetuses.

So, for the SAFETY of the Gay Community, I would urge you to become Libertarian and abolish marriage benefits/taxcredits/etc altogether. The Ninth Amendment has already provided you with that right to enter spiritual contract.


As to adoption? Sure, why not? So long as you're not a convicted felon and have a steady and reliable income, no one should be barred from adopting a child.


I believe homosexuality is a paraphilia.

LOL...seriously? Wow...so what if someone likes women of a certain age,height,weight,race etc etc etc...So in essence you want to control people instead of letting them marry who they want.
Marriage is a hell of a lot more than a word. It is a centuries old sacred institution that form s the basis of society. Changing its definition is unnecessary to achieving the goals of the gay community.
I believe homosexuality is a paraphilia.

LOL...seriously? Wow...so what if someone likes women of a certain age,height,weight,race etc etc etc...So in essence you want to control people instead of letting them marry who they want.

I don't support granting adoptive parental rights for a paraphilia.

If two homosexual paraphiliacs want to call themselves married. I wont try to stop them.
The Communist Party USA is Pro Gay Marriage because it destroys the family.

Communist Goal #26:.
"Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

[SIZE=+1]Communist Goal #40.
Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
Marriage is a hell of a lot more than a word. It is a centuries old sacred institution that form s the basis of society. Changing its definition is unnecessary to achieving the goals of the gay community.

How is a sacred institution? Like I said me and my wife had no church wedding nor did we have a pastor. It was a simple thing with family and friends attending. Definition of marriage is a contract between 2 people....matter of fact WHO came up with the word marriage?
Marriage (also called matrimony or wedlock) is a social union or legal contract between people called spouses that establishes rights and obligations between the spouses, between the spouses and their children, and between the spouses and their in-laws

From wikipedia.
Here is one of the weirdest posts of the entire first six months of this year.

"Because it's being pushed by eugenicists who come from Fascist schools of thought."

Yeah, I know. Just sit and let it sink in. Wow.
Because it's being pushed by eugenicists who come from Fascist schools of thought. Their goal is to purify the human race of all defects.

Now, why would eugenicists, who support the cruel and unusual demise of fetuses (may I snip your spinal cord please?), and already have more than 50% of black infants aborted in New York, be so endeared to "help" gays?

Gaydom is a complex genetic deformation, and has many different variations, and these variations are seen in the emotional and behavior manifestation of each individual gay person. So why would eugenicists want the gays to succeed in their "agenda" and most importantly --- the MARRIAGE agenda?

Well you see, no Church is going to marry gays, nor do the eugenicists want that. They want gays to obtain a legal (government) "Civil Union" contract, which would REGISTERED with the respective government, and would constitute near-absolute proof that both of the individuals are gay.

Now, Second Amendment advocates greatly fear the REGISTRY because it allows the government to act with precision to confiscate firearms at a later date. This is why a a REGISTRATION is opposed. Who the fuck is the government to know whether or not I have a firearm, it's my fucking right.

Returning to Gaydom. Once the gays are all on a registry, it makes it very easy (at a later date) for the eugenicists to label them with a Pink Triangle, just as they did in Nazi Germany, and then round them up and exterminate them not too long after.

So the reason I oppose the "gay agenda" is because there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING stopping two gay men from living together. It already is your right to bind yourself socially and spiritually with any other human being, or even multiple human beings. Polygamy might not be legal, but there's nothing illegal about 20 women living with one man.

Get it? You already have the fucking right. The State does not "create rights," you have them at birth. You have the right to contract, in this case a spiritual contract. Enjoy!

Once you let the government get involved with "spiritual contracts" they are no longer a right, but a privilege, that can be denied or disparaged at any time. Do these words sound familiar? Oh it's the Ninth Amendment:

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people

If yo don't like that Churches won't marry you, then start you own religion or your own denomination of an already existing religion that allows your marriage preferences, it is your FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT.

And before you say "what about benefits, liabilities, [+insert ENDLESS bullshit here]"

This is why government should have gotten involved with this shit to begin with, because it opens a can of worms.

So my first reason to oppose Gay Marriage is because it's based on the flawed philosophy that Marriage is a privilege, instead of a right. Marriage is a spiritual contract (or social if you're not religious).

My second point of opposition is that it is being pushed by Statist/Eugencists who would like nothing more than a registry of all gays, so that they may further expunge that genetic defect from the human race. They wish to usurp God, the Creator, and pervert his Creation. They are Satanists, as evidenced by the millions of murdered fetuses.

So, for the SAFETY of the Gay Community, I would urge you to become Libertarian and abolish marriage benefits/taxcredits/etc altogether. The Ninth Amendment has already provided you with that right to enter spiritual contract.


As to adoption? Sure, why not? So long as you're not a convicted felon and have a steady and reliable income, no one should be barred from adopting a child.


I believe homosexuality is a paraphilia.

LOL...seriously? Wow...so what if someone likes women of a certain age,height,weight,race etc etc etc...So in essence you want to control people instead of letting them marry who they want.

Read the updated post.

I gave you a long well thought out answer, that's your response? It's proven that we have eugenicists in this government operating from very high up and within organizations such as Planned Parenthood. Just read from this website called Black Genocide:


Yes, Nazi Fascism is THRIVING in America today. Just like dog breeding, they want to create a race of obedient HEALTHY servants. If it can be done with every other domesticated animal species, why can't it be done with humans?
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Because it's being pushed by eugenicists who come from Fascist schools of thought. Their goal is to purify the human race of all defects.

Now, why would eugenicists, who support the cruel and unusual demise of fetuses (may I snip your spinal cord please?), and already have more than 50% of black infants aborted in New York, be so endeared to "help" gays?

Gaydom is a complex genetic deformation, and has many different variations, and these variations are seen in the emotional and behavior manifestation of each individual gay person. So why would eugenicists want the gays to succeed in their "agenda" and most importantly --- the MARRIAGE agenda?

Well you see, no Church is going to marry gays, nor do the eugenicists want that. They want gays to obtain a legal (government) "Civil Union" contract, which would REGISTERED with the respective government, and would constitute near-absolute proof that both of the individuals are gay.

Now, Second Amendment advocates greatly fear the REGISTRY because it allows the government to act with precision to confiscate firearms at a later date. This is why a a REGISTRATION is opposed. Who the fuck is the government to know whether or not I have a firearm, it's my fucking right.

Returning to Gaydom. Once the gays are all on a registry, it makes it very easy (at a later date) for the eugenicists to label them with a Pink Triangle, just as they did in Nazi Germany, and then round them up and exterminate them not too long after.

So the reason I oppose the "gay agenda" is because there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING stopping two gay men from living together. It already is your right to bind yourself socially and spiritually with any other human being, or even multiple human beings. Polygamy might not be legal, but there's nothing illegal about 20 women living with one man.

Get it? You already have the fucking right. The State does not "create rights," you have them at birth. You have the right to contract, in this case a spiritual contract. Enjoy!

Once you let the government get involved with "spiritual contracts" they are no longer a right, but a privilege, that can be denied or disparaged at any time. Do these words sound familiar? Oh it's the Ninth Amendment:

If yo don't like that Churches won't marry you, then start you own religion or your own denomination of an already existing religion that allows your marriage preferences, it is your FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT.

And before you say "what about benefits, liabilities, [+insert ENDLESS bullshit here]"

This is why government should have gotten involved with this shit to begin with, because it opens a can of worms.

So my first reason to oppose Gay Marriage is because it's based on the flawed philosophy that Marriage is a privilege, instead of a right. Marriage is a spiritual contract (or social if you're not religious).

My second point of opposition is that it is being pushed by Statist/Eugencists who would like nothing more than a registry of all gays, so that they may further expunge that genetic defect from the human race. They wish to usurp God, the Creator, and pervert his Creation. They are Satanists, as evidenced by the millions of murdered fetuses.

So, for the SAFETY of the Gay Community, I would urge you to become Libertarian and abolish marriage benefits/taxcredits/etc altogether. The Ninth Amendment has already provided you with that right to enter spiritual contract.


As to adoption? Sure, why not? So long as you're not a convicted felon and have a steady and reliable income, no one should be barred from adopting a child.


I believe homosexuality is a paraphilia.

LOL...seriously? Wow...so what if someone likes women of a certain age,height,weight,race etc etc etc...So in essence you want to control people instead of letting them marry who they want.

Read the updated post.

Two, I gave you a long well thought out answer, that's your response? It's proven that we have eugenicists in this government operating from very high up and within organizations such as Planned Parenthood. Just read from this website called Black Genocide:

BlackGenocide.org | Comparing Abortion to Other Forms of Historical Genocide

You think there is a conspiracy to turn everyone they don't want Gay? You don't think it just happens? Like being born with it? I was born with Aspergers's so was my son...nothing we could have done about it. I think being gay is the same way.

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