If you are not saddened &/or deeply disturbed by these stories, you have no soul (NY crime)

it was very predictable that when the demafasict undertake a stalinist style political prosecution they would be called out

You go to such extreme lengths to try to portray the indictment of a lifelong criminal in such a negative light. Especially after spending the entire four years of the Trump administration, waiting for Donald Trump to “lock her up” and complaining that Hillary Clinton hadn’t been arrested.

The entire world is wondering why it’s taking so long to indict Trump for anything. Mitch McConnell, begged the Department of Justice to please prosecute Trump after January 6.

No one is above the law, even if Trump thinks that he’s the exception to the rule. He is not, and he continues to obstruct justice, threaten prosecutors and judges, and generally commit crimes, even as you’re defending him against being charged for committing these crimes.
Cool, the morons are pushing their really stupid false dichotomy fallacy. It goes like this:


Sweet Jeebus, the Trump cult losers here are dim. And to think they wonder why everyone laughs at them.
You go to such extreme lengths to try to portray the indictment of a lifelong criminal in such a negative light. Especially after spending the entire four years of the Trump administration, waiting for Donald Trump to “lock her up” and complaining that Hillary Clinton hadn’t been arrested.

The entire world is wondering why it’s taking so long to indict Trump for anything. Mitch McConnell, big the Department of Justice to please prosecute Trump after January 6.

No one is above the law, even if Trump thinks that he’s the exception to the rule. He is not, and he continues to obstruct justice, threaten prosecutors and judges, and generally commit crimes, even as you’re defending him against being charged for committing these crimes.
when did I complain that Hillary wasn't arrested during the trump admin? I thought i was the right thing to do to essentially pardon her and putting that long national nightmare behind us.

The entire world is laughing at the current state of the United States and how the demafascist have quickly turned us in to a facsict regime
haha comical defense.
It's not a defense. Their is no need need for defense.

Presidential candidates are subject to the same laws we are.

I know that causes angst with you but we aren't fascist yet, but you keep trying.
It's not a defense. Their is no need need for defense.

Presidential candidates are subject to the same laws we are.

I know that causes angst with you but we aren't fascist yet, but you keep trying.
haha yeah just pure deflection from someone pointing out the facts...the obvious facts that Bragg's indictment is nothing more then a Stalinist political hack job.

I didn't see the first part of this on Fox this morning but I saw the testimony of the victims of crime.. it makes you want to cry. Especially I refer to the story of a mother of a VETERAN whose son was murdered, Ms Brame. this is at point 1.45

The story of the bodega owner is always very tragic.

But I always htought the word Tragic was mostly meant for "acts of God" and other accidental things.. This is no accident... the guy gets put at Ryker's Island (I've heard about that hideous place) for defending himsefl. Fortunately, the case did not succeed, but many painted the attempted murderer as the victim instead of him... (reminiscent of the story of Officer Faulkner who was murdered in cold blood by the infamous Mumia who nonetheless had a lot of supporters for some strange reason... )
Looks like Fox doesn't have correspondent in the cities of Ohio, where the murder rate is higher.
I guess Fox doesn't like those murders as much.
How does that quote show fascism from me?

Are you ok or just flailing?
it's what you are supporting. Here's one of your cult leaders...
No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence.
haha yeah just pure deflection from someone pointing out the facts...the obvious facts that Bragg's indictment is nothing more then a Stalinist political hack job.
No. Trump was indicted by a grand jury of his peers based on evidence that they saw and you didn't. Not by Bragg.

Claiming it is stalinist when you have no idea what the GJ saw as evidence, to protect the man you love, is certainly fascism.
All Fat Jerry Nadless could do with his opening statement is whine and cry ORANGE MAN BAD!
What a pathetic POS.
Jerry Nadler is totally worthless. The people in NYC must be dumber than dumb.
Apparently, Jordan along with the willfully ignorant believe that falsifying business records is a crime that shouldn't be prosecuted as long as Trump & their Wall St. buddies are doing it.

They don't give a rat's ass about victims of crime in N.Y.C. or anywhere else unless they can use people to further their deranged political agenda. Jordan has been in Congress for 16 yrs & has yet to sponsor a bill, any bill on crime or anything else.
Gee, I'm sure another crime bill will work, huh. All those crime bills in Chicago, Baltimore, Cleveland, New Orleans, etc are working great.
it's what you are supporting. Here's one of your cult leaders...
No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence.


1. Nancy Pelosi's statement, however taken, has no bearing on the Grand Juries indictment and is just a red herring for distraction.

2. Pelosi simply said Trump has the right to prove his innocence. He has the right but certainly he doesn't have to. He can simply wait and see what the grand jury decides based on the evidence.

Just between you and me, while Trump doesn't have to prove his innocence, if he has the means, he should take Pelosi's advice.

Perhaps you prefer politicians to start chants of "lock her up" instead of tweets offering advice but hey, you do you.
Certainly you have inferred it. Calling the grand jury indictment "stalinist" when you haven't seen the evidence they have.

What would you expect people to believe?
Quote me calling it “Stalinist”, liar.

Keep digging.:dig::dig::dig:
Quote me calling it “Stalinist”, liar.

Keep digging.:dig::dig::dig:
Damn. You win. I had you confused with struth. He said it was stalinist.

I got your ad hominem mixed up with struths fascism.

I don't like it because this will be the 2nd time I have owed you an apology in the last 3 or so months...but I apologize.

Have a great day.

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