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Hi guys!! Back on again! This place burps in and out for internet usage alot! Even my cell says "no wifi, try again" but I don't try again cuz why bothger? I just wait and try every now and then, lol.

Anyway...Did I tell y'all I got all native american in honor of MrG and whacked off all my hair in mourning? Well, I did. I look awful. But I did a damn good job. Its a cute style I managed to do, but I look 100 years old. Hence, no pic of me. Use yer imagination of an old hag with a very nice hairdo, lol.

So far, the duplex is still a go but I never bank on anything until it happens so.....color me tentatively excited to have a place on dec 1st. What if the fire shifts and heads to Yuba City? What if rains put everything out and it floods Marysville? Nothing is a FOR SURE thing with us any more. Everything I started to slowly recollect for when home calls, is now burned up. I think I'm done collecting stuff. If it doesn't fit in the van..then we don't need it, says I.

Did y'all see on the news that poor horse that saved itself by getting in a swimming pool? It survived, so I hope if the owners cant be found, someone adopts it and gives it a nice barn for the rest of its life.

And all the other animals? Its so sad to think about the wild beasties running for their lives, as well as the pets left behind. Hell, people burned up running down the street and while sitting in their cars so animals were at the mercy as well. That fire was SO FAST and SO STRONG, it screwed us all. People who owned homes have insurance coming to them. People who rented or were homeless? They are in the same boat we are in and this boat sucks. I want out of it, but being in Cali...I don't think it will get any better. I have been thinkging about looking in Oregon or Arizona even although I hate the desert...maybe Idaho. Washington? Not too far away due to Goldy being so tired (my van) but able to get wherever. Find a little cottage that is afforable and settle down until MrG and I gasp our last while sitting on a porch watching the sunset. Thats what I want more than anything. Not money. Not a new car. Just security, peace and happiness. But to get those things, one has to have money and although I am getting more than I thought would ever ever happen, the way things are priced now...I don't think buying a place will ever happen. Even a small 1 bedroom mobile home costs 15K to 25K for half assed decent ones but then you add in the space rent for 550 per month....yeouch. Poor folks are just doomed. I guess that is why so many are homeless...and now with the fires....300k more are joining them. How sad is that?

Anyway..enough of my whining. Again, we cannot convery in words just how appreciative we are at y'alls kindness. There are no words. None. All I can do is send to God what I feel and hope He blesses you all for your help to us.
Hi guys!! Back on again! This place burps in and out for internet usage alot! Even my cell says "no wifi, try again" but I don't try again cuz why bothger? I just wait and try every now and then, lol.

Anyway...Did I tell y'all I got all native american in honor of MrG and whacked off all my hair in mourning? Well, I did. I look awful. But I did a damn good job. Its a cute style I managed to do, but I look 100 years old. Hence, no pic of me. Use yer imagination of an old hag with a very nice hairdo, lol.

So far, the duplex is still a go but I never bank on anything until it happens so.....color me tentatively excited to have a place on dec 1st. What if the fire shifts and heads to Yuba City? What if rains put everything out and it floods Marysville? Nothing is a FOR SURE thing with us any more. Everything I started to slowly recollect for when home calls, is now burned up. I think I'm done collecting stuff. If it doesn't fit in the van..then we don't need it, says I.

Did y'all see on the news that poor horse that saved itself by getting in a swimming pool? It survived, so I hope if the owners cant be found, someone adopts it and gives it a nice barn for the rest of its life.

And all the other animals? Its so sad to think about the wild beasties running for their lives, as well as the pets left behind. Hell, people burned up running down the street and while sitting in their cars so animals were at the mercy as well. That fire was SO FAST and SO STRONG, it screwed us all. People who owned homes have insurance coming to them. People who rented or were homeless? They are in the same boat we are in and this boat sucks. I want out of it, but being in Cali...I don't think it will get any better. I have been thinkging about looking in Oregon or Arizona even although I hate the desert...maybe Idaho. Washington? Not too far away due to Goldy being so tired (my van) but able to get wherever. Find a little cottage that is afforable and settle down until MrG and I gasp our last while sitting on a porch watching the sunset. Thats what I want more than anything. Not money. Not a new car. Just security, peace and happiness. But to get those things, one has to have money and although I am getting more than I thought would ever ever happen, the way things are priced now...I don't think buying a place will ever happen. Even a small 1 bedroom mobile home costs 15K to 25K for half assed decent ones but then you add in the space rent for 550 per month....yeouch. Poor folks are just doomed. I guess that is why so many are homeless...and now with the fires....300k more are joining them. How sad is that?

Anyway..enough of my whining. Again, we cannot convery in words just how appreciative we are at y'alls kindness. There are no words. None. All I can do is send to God what I feel and hope He blesses you all for your help to us.

If you could find a cheap piece of land... you could buy a yurt pretty cheap.
Hi guys!! Back on again! This place burps in and out for internet usage alot! Even my cell says "no wifi, try again" but I don't try again cuz why bothger? I just wait and try every now and then, lol.

Anyway...Did I tell y'all I got all native american in honor of MrG and whacked off all my hair in mourning? Well, I did. I look awful. But I did a damn good job. Its a cute style I managed to do, but I look 100 years old. Hence, no pic of me. Use yer imagination of an old hag with a very nice hairdo, lol.

So far, the duplex is still a go but I never bank on anything until it happens so.....color me tentatively excited to have a place on dec 1st. What if the fire shifts and heads to Yuba City? What if rains put everything out and it floods Marysville? Nothing is a FOR SURE thing with us any more. Everything I started to slowly recollect for when home calls, is now burned up. I think I'm done collecting stuff. If it doesn't fit in the van..then we don't need it, says I.

Did y'all see on the news that poor horse that saved itself by getting in a swimming pool? It survived, so I hope if the owners cant be found, someone adopts it and gives it a nice barn for the rest of its life.

And all the other animals? Its so sad to think about the wild beasties running for their lives, as well as the pets left behind. Hell, people burned up running down the street and while sitting in their cars so animals were at the mercy as well. That fire was SO FAST and SO STRONG, it screwed us all. People who owned homes have insurance coming to them. People who rented or were homeless? They are in the same boat we are in and this boat sucks. I want out of it, but being in Cali...I don't think it will get any better. I have been thinkging about looking in Oregon or Arizona even although I hate the desert...maybe Idaho. Washington? Not too far away due to Goldy being so tired (my van) but able to get wherever. Find a little cottage that is afforable and settle down until MrG and I gasp our last while sitting on a porch watching the sunset. Thats what I want more than anything. Not money. Not a new car. Just security, peace and happiness. But to get those things, one has to have money and although I am getting more than I thought would ever ever happen, the way things are priced now...I don't think buying a place will ever happen. Even a small 1 bedroom mobile home costs 15K to 25K for half assed decent ones but then you add in the space rent for 550 per month....yeouch. Poor folks are just doomed. I guess that is why so many are homeless...and now with the fires....300k more are joining them. How sad is that?

Anyway..enough of my whining. Again, we cannot convery in words just how appreciative we are at y'alls kindness. There are no words. None. All I can do is send to God what I feel and hope He blesses you all for your help to us.

If you could find a cheap piece of land... you could buy a yurt pretty cheap.
Oh trust me...I have looked. But...most of the land around these parts are in Cali...and there are RULEZ. Funny how you can't do what you want with your own land without some kind of permit.

But..if by some miracle we do get to buy something....we are going to give it to someone else in need once we are dead. Not sure how to go about doing that, but thats the plan.
The guy I used to live with 5 door down sent me this link to Youtube of a guy driving around Paradise. He knew RJ and told him at the 13 minute mark is Anne's house...or whats left of it. If you slow it down or pause it, on the left is what can be seen as the front windows but the porch is gone as is the roof. Hard to see, but I have pics Anne sent me that she snagged while watching the vid herself.

She has a cinder block house, built in the 1950's. Brick does not burn. But the rood sure the hell did. And she had an attack. We are hoping it crashed down on all our stuff..and hers...and something is still salvagable.

Anyway..there are 4 vids from this guy. Share with anyone you know from Paradise cuz this guy really helped by videoing all of paradise and where he was as he drove with street names and whatnot.

Left side. See the two trees, then the small one, then the big one? The little one was the huge oak tree shading her front patio. Walls are there. Just no roof. That house was TALL.

I don't know why those are red x's :(. I can't capture the pics with my paintshoppro cuz its on my PC. This laptop is still new to me and I am NOT good with gadgetry. I think she sent the pics via png or whatever its called instead of jpg.
btw...if I keep repeating myself in posts...I apologize. I think my brain is "full up" as my sister in law used to say when she could get no more in her head. Its been 1 week and 2 days since the fire....and my brain is now full up so sometimes...I repeat myself like the old hag I look like now. :D
Meanwhile, I know some folks are hesitant on Gofundme..but my sister in law sent me 50 bucks via Walmart To Walmart, which I never heard of before. Very easy to use. Go to the local walmart, pay a buck to send 50 bucks, 3 bucks to send over 100 I think, etc...and the person on the other end receiving it just goes to the local walmart and picks it up. You can google it to see how it works. I have a friend in Wyoming that is going to do that for us cuz she, too, refuses to do gofundme. But, GFM has been very helpful to me and Drifter started it all up before I even knew about it for which I am extremely thankful for her doing that. It never really crossed my mind to do such a thing and doubt if I would have even if I did think about it. It just goes against my grain to accept help in any form but this time? This time...I had to. Its not just for me this time. MrG has health issues worse than mine and needs the help. We are forever grateful too. If I ever win the lottery (like, wishful thinking), I swear I will pay everyone back, and more!

Gracie, I don't believe anyone here is wanting you to sign an "I.O.U". We did it because we care about ya and the thought of you being in such dire straits didn't set well with us. I am really proud of the way people stepped up and did what they could.
What really impressed me was how so many of us put our petty differences aside and united for a common cause. Hugs ya......
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I was impressed too..and ever so thankful. We pray for ourselves and everyone here for being so kind to us. Its just flat out amazing and surprising and wonderful.

Left side. See the two trees, then the small one, then the big one? The little one was the huge oak tree shading her front patio. Walls are there. Just no roof. That house was TALL.

Gracie, try this.

Sometimes they and some memes are too big. If you drag them to your reply box you will get a small box with an X on the bottom left. You can remedy this by right clicking on the picture and hit "select all," and it'll turn blue. Right click on pic hit copy and then paste. If you still get an X box then edit, reduce picture size and repeat process.
I converted all the pics she sent me..I will post them. BUT I will NOT post the paperwork that proves who she is and where she is/was. That is a private matter. You want to see..PM me.







We are also overlooking that Mr. G and Gracie rescued the owner of that house, a dog and a cat from that fire. In my opinion, we are helping heroes.
The house Gracie was living in. :(

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If you blow it up...the tiny multi paned window in the way back of the house that you can see from the picture window..that was my room. I had it so fixed up, too. :( And on the other side of that window was the new covered porch/patio room she had built a week before we moved in. I called it my parlor. My hand painted small tables were out there..the ones with the koi painted on them, and the bird seed because when I first moved in...no birds anywhere. But after I moved in..I had a family of quail (9 of them), wrens, sparrows, bluejays, hummingbirds...all eagerly waiting for me to come out and fill up their feeders. All gone now. :(

Before Anne left the motel to her sisters, she came to our room and thanked us again for hauling her, her two cats Baby Kitty and Serena Kitty, and Casey the dog out of there and getting them all to safety. I told her I would never leave someone behind just to save "stuff" I owned. Stuff can be replaced. Serena, Baby, Anne and Casey are not replaceable. If not for her, we would not be in this motel room. She paid for it from the insurance money they gave her to tide her over until she gets the rest of it..which will be a very long time, I'm thinking. And when we leave here, we are joining her in Marysville. She texted me last night and said its a very small 2bedroom duplex, but we will all stay there for a few months then look for a house that has 3 bedrooms and split the rent. Sounds like a good plan to me! Once she has her eye surgery (tomorrow) she will not have to depend on us anymore and can get a car of her own and be able to drive it because she will have her sight restored enough to do so. So...semi exciting times ahead for her...and maybe for us as well.
I sent Kat my Geico registration showing our address. If anyone doubts..even just a little bit...pm her and she will show it to you.

When MrG and I first arrived in Paradise almost 2 years ago (it will be 2 years Feb 9th), the first thing we noticed when we arrived at the WELCOME TO PARADISE sign...were the trees. The many many trees. 100 foot tall ponderosa pines that leak sap over everyones cars...which is pitch, which is like gas on a fire if those trees ever burned....and how we could not find businesses or doctors offices, etc due to so many trees and the businesses hidden behind them. Oak trees, walnut trees but oodles of ponderosa pines. HUGE tall trees. And many of them dead due to drought. Our first thoughts were...omg...this is a fire waiting to happen. Whomever set that town up did a piss poor job.
"Oh, this is a nice small clearing! Lets build a store/house!" and allowed to do so even though you had to weave thru trees just to get in to it. And city ordinance did nothing about the junk strewn all around yards..front, back, driveways. Every house I saw had stuff in it....cars on jacks all covered with pine needles and pitch....washers, dryers, couches...just JUNK. Everyhwere. Only nice places were near the Ridge...where the hoity toity folks lived. And even those had junk everywhere. The city leaders did not enforce the city laws and therefore..the town was just a big junk yard in my opinion. Never saw the likes of it until I moved up North.

So the burning of that town is not only on the city for not having a siren for early warning...the denizens also contributed by living the way they did. And Anne's and RJs house was no exception. Most of the folks up there are retired. Old. In wheel chairs, etc. It was beyond them to clean up or get any help to clean up. If you look at the missing list..most are over 80 years old and over 100. How were they to get out with no warning? So when Trump said forest mismanagement..he is right. Hate him or love him....he is right about that and most of the townsfolks will say the same. Mismanagement and a lazy city council. And now that quaint messy town is burned to the ground. Its sad. I liked it there except for the awful summers. Very very hot. The year we arrived, that summer saw over 100 degree days for MONTHS. In the middle of a dying or dead forest, that amount of heat with all that fuel waiting to burn finally happened. :(

So much suffering. So much loss. So much pain. Many here at the motel stay drunk. I know they are all from Magalia or Paradise, too. One lady keeps stumbling in our room. I finally had enough when she did it a 3rd time and I told her that ALL of us are from the Camp Fire but not ALL of us are getting shitfaced and to grow the fuck up and deal with it like the rest of us. She just blinked at me and stumbled back out the door. I felt bad for saying it..but I also felt anger. I want to melt down too. But I can't. Not right now. Too many are needing to hear my voice to common sense. Yes, I know you are now homeless. So am I. Yes, I know you don't know what to do. Here..call these people, do this, do that, if you need any more help getting help, let me know, blah blah blah. Most have insurance. They will get big chunks. But many had no insurance and were renting. Sigh. It just gets to me sometimes. Sorry. Had to vent that out a bit. Seeing Anne's house and what used to be my window in my bedroom got me a tad depressed but I will pull out of it. Maybe after breakfast at McD's..which is thankfully down the road not far. Yes. Bacon, eggs, sausage, pancakes and some orange juice. Oh yum!!!
I sent Kat my Geico registration showing our address. If anyone doubts..even just a little bit...pm her and she will show it to you.

When MrG and I first arrived in Paradise almost 2 years ago (it will be 2 years Feb 9th), the first thing we noticed when we arrived at the WELCOME TO PARADISE sign...were the trees. The many many trees. 100 foot tall ponderosa pines that leak sap over everyones cars...which is pitch, which is like gas on a fire if those trees ever burned....and how we could not find businesses or doctors offices, etc due to so many trees and the businesses hidden behind them. Oak trees, walnut trees but oodles of ponderosa pines. HUGE tall trees. And many of them dead due to drought. Our first thoughts were...omg...this is a fire waiting to happen. Whomever set that town up did a piss poor job.
"Oh, this is a nice small clearing! Lets build a store/house!" and allowed to do so even though you had to weave thru trees just to get in to it. And city ordinance did nothing about the junk strewn all around yards..front, back, driveways. Every house I saw had stuff in it....cars on jacks all covered with pine needles and pitch....washers, dryers, couches...just JUNK. Everyhwere. Only nice places were near the Ridge...where the hoity toity folks lived. And even those had junk everywhere. The city leaders did not enforce the city laws and therefore..the town was just a big junk yard in my opinion. Never saw the likes of it until I moved up North.

So the burning of that town is not only on the city for not having a siren for early warning...the denizens also contributed by living the way they did. And Anne's and RJs house was no exception. Most of the folks up there are retired. Old. In wheel chairs, etc. It was beyond them to clean up or get any help to clean up. If you look at the missing list..most are over 80 years old and over 100. How were they to get out with no warning? So when Trump said forest mismanagement..he is right. Hate him or love him....he is right about that and most of the townsfolks will say the same. Mismanagement and a lazy city council. And now that quaint messy town is burned to the ground. Its sad. I liked it there except for the awful summers. Very very hot. The year we arrived, that summer saw over 100 degree days for MONTHS. In the middle of a dying or dead forest, that amount of heat with all that fuel waiting to burn finally happened. :(

So much suffering. So much loss. So much pain. Many here at the motel stay drunk. I know they are all from Magalia or Paradise, too. One lady keeps stumbling in our room. I finally had enough when she did it a 3rd time and I told her that ALL of us are from the Camp Fire but not ALL of us are getting shitfaced and to grow the fuck up and deal with it like the rest of us. She just blinked at me and stumbled back out the door. I felt bad for saying it..but I also felt anger. I want to melt down too. But I can't. Not right now. Too many are needing to hear my voice to common sense. Yes, I know you are now homeless. So am I. Yes, I know you don't know what to do. Here..call these people, do this, do that, if you need any more help getting help, let me know, blah blah blah. Most have insurance. They will get big chunks. But many had no insurance and were renting. Sigh. It just gets to me sometimes. Sorry. Had to vent that out a bit. Seeing Anne's house and what used to be my window in my bedroom got me a tad depressed but I will pull out of it. Maybe after breakfast at McD's..which is thankfully down the road not far. Yes. Bacon, eggs, sausage, pancakes and some orange juice. Oh yum!!!

Is Paradise close to the Sultan Sea and that town Slab City?

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