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If You Can Help

The house Gracie was living in. :(

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If you blow it up...the tiny multi paned window in the way back of the house that you can see from the picture window..that was my room. I had it so fixed up, too. :( And on the other side of that window was the new covered porch/patio room she had built a week before we moved in. I called it my parlor. My hand painted small tables were out there..the ones with the koi painted on them, and the bird seed because when I first moved in...no birds anywhere. But after I moved in..I had a family of quail (9 of them), wrens, sparrows, bluejays, hummingbirds...all eagerly waiting for me to come out and fill up their feeders. All gone now. :(

Before Anne left the motel to her sisters, she came to our room and thanked us again for hauling her, her two cats Baby Kitty and Serena Kitty, and Casey the dog out of there and getting them all to safety. I told her I would never leave someone behind just to save "stuff" I owned. Stuff can be replaced. Serena, Baby, Anne and Casey are not replaceable. If not for her, we would not be in this motel room. She paid for it from the insurance money they gave her to tide her over until she gets the rest of it..which will be a very long time, I'm thinking. And when we leave here, we are joining her in Marysville. She texted me last night and said its a very small 2bedroom duplex, but we will all stay there for a few months then look for a house that has 3 bedrooms and split the rent. Sounds like a good plan to me! Once she has her eye surgery (tomorrow) she will not have to depend on us anymore and can get a car of her own and be able to drive it because she will have her sight restored enough to do so. So...semi exciting times ahead for her...and maybe for us as well.

I looked up Marysville. Small, rural, quaint, a bit tired and likely in decline, but pleasant, livable, aesthetically pleasing. Summers hot but not excessively so--mild winters. Far enough away from Sacramento to be affordable but close enough to have easy access to city amenities. Doesn't look like nearly as much fire hazard as what you had in Paradise but now you'll have to watch out for flood warnings with the Yuba River right there. :) But it does look like a reasonable solution for you all. We'll pray that it is.

I sent Kat my Geico registration showing our address. If anyone doubts..even just a little bit...pm her and she will show it to you.

When MrG and I first arrived in Paradise almost 2 years ago (it will be 2 years Feb 9th), the first thing we noticed when we arrived at the WELCOME TO PARADISE sign...were the trees. The many many trees. 100 foot tall ponderosa pines that leak sap over everyones cars...which is pitch, which is like gas on a fire if those trees ever burned....and how we could not find businesses or doctors offices, etc due to so many trees and the businesses hidden behind them. Oak trees, walnut trees but oodles of ponderosa pines. HUGE tall trees. And many of them dead due to drought. Our first thoughts were...omg...this is a fire waiting to happen. Whomever set that town up did a piss poor job.
"Oh, this is a nice small clearing! Lets build a store/house!" and allowed to do so even though you had to weave thru trees just to get in to it. And city ordinance did nothing about the junk strewn all around yards..front, back, driveways. Every house I saw had stuff in it....cars on jacks all covered with pine needles and pitch....washers, dryers, couches...just JUNK. Everyhwere. Only nice places were near the Ridge...where the hoity toity folks lived. And even those had junk everywhere. The city leaders did not enforce the city laws and therefore..the town was just a big junk yard in my opinion. Never saw the likes of it until I moved up North.

So the burning of that town is not only on the city for not having a siren for early warning...the denizens also contributed by living the way they did. And Anne's and RJs house was no exception. Most of the folks up there are retired. Old. In wheel chairs, etc. It was beyond them to clean up or get any help to clean up. If you look at the missing list..most are over 80 years old and over 100. How were they to get out with no warning? So when Trump said forest mismanagement..he is right. Hate him or love him....he is right about that and most of the townsfolks will say the same. Mismanagement and a lazy city council. And now that quaint messy town is burned to the ground. Its sad. I liked it there except for the awful summers. Very very hot. The year we arrived, that summer saw over 100 degree days for MONTHS. In the middle of a dying or dead forest, that amount of heat with all that fuel waiting to burn finally happened. :(

So much suffering. So much loss. So much pain. Many here at the motel stay drunk. I know they are all from Magalia or Paradise, too. One lady keeps stumbling in our room. I finally had enough when she did it a 3rd time and I told her that ALL of us are from the Camp Fire but not ALL of us are getting shitfaced and to grow the fuck up and deal with it like the rest of us. She just blinked at me and stumbled back out the door. I felt bad for saying it..but I also felt anger. I want to melt down too. But I can't. Not right now. Too many are needing to hear my voice to common sense. Yes, I know you are now homeless. So am I. Yes, I know you don't know what to do. Here..call these people, do this, do that, if you need any more help getting help, let me know, blah blah blah. Most have insurance. They will get big chunks. But many had no insurance and were renting. Sigh. It just gets to me sometimes. Sorry. Had to vent that out a bit. Seeing Anne's house and what used to be my window in my bedroom got me a tad depressed but I will pull out of it. Maybe after breakfast at McD's..which is thankfully down the road not far. Yes. Bacon, eggs, sausage, pancakes and some orange juice. Oh yum!!!

Is Paradise close to the Sultan Sea and that town Slab City?
Oh heavens no, thank God!!! Google it. Near Yuba City Calif...actually just across the river. Lots of crime there. But..we are all old, so....we don't go out at night and the gangbangers are out and about then. We will be snug in our beds or safe in the duplex. :)
Marysville Wikipedia tells some fascinating stories about Marysville. Was a gold rush town back in the day. And yes..it is surrounded by river and lakes so is prone to flooding. Which is why we will NOT buy a lot of furniture and decor, etc. Just simple living, easy to load in the van and hightail it if needed. Maybe a good idea to purchase 3 kayaks though :D
For thanksgiving, Holiday Inn two doors down invited all Paradise survivors to come to their convention center for dinner. Free. It will be nice to gather with Paradise folks and have a nice meal together. :)
The house Gracie was living in. :(

View attachment 229421
If you blow it up...the tiny multi paned window in the way back of the house that you can see from the picture window..that was my room. I had it so fixed up, too. :( And on the other side of that window was the new covered porch/patio room she had built a week before we moved in. I called it my parlor. My hand painted small tables were out there..the ones with the koi painted on them, and the bird seed because when I first moved in...no birds anywhere. But after I moved in..I had a family of quail (9 of them), wrens, sparrows, bluejays, hummingbirds...all eagerly waiting for me to come out and fill up their feeders. All gone now. :(

Before Anne left the motel to her sisters, she came to our room and thanked us again for hauling her, her two cats Baby Kitty and Serena Kitty, and Casey the dog out of there and getting them all to safety. I told her I would never leave someone behind just to save "stuff" I owned. Stuff can be replaced. Serena, Baby, Anne and Casey are not replaceable. If not for her, we would not be in this motel room. She paid for it from the insurance money they gave her to tide her over until she gets the rest of it..which will be a very long time, I'm thinking. And when we leave here, we are joining her in Marysville. She texted me last night and said its a very small 2bedroom duplex, but we will all stay there for a few months then look for a house that has 3 bedrooms and split the rent. Sounds like a good plan to me! Once she has her eye surgery (tomorrow) she will not have to depend on us anymore and can get a car of her own and be able to drive it because she will have her sight restored enough to do so. So...semi exciting times ahead for her...and maybe for us as well.
So many positive waves, how can you lose? :)
One of our USMB members has been a victim of the Paradise Camp fire and is now homeless. She's lost everything in the fire but some pets and is living in her van now. A member here discussed opening a GoFundMe campaign for her with a team invited to manage and edit the page. No one is obligated but if you would like to donate here is the link. All funds will go to her as she will be the one linking her own bank account to the page. We're talking about Gracie. Once again she is homeless. I know she would very much appreciate any help given.

The link:

Click here to support Paradise Camp Fire organized by Michelle Morrow

Okay so I just gave another donation, this now puts it HALF WAY to it's total of 10,000 with my latest donation it is at 5,270, so come on and get off your buttocks those who have NOT given ANYTHING yet IF EVERYONE at this forum just give 20.00 it adds up so just do it.

Damn Oosie. You should work for public radio. :bow2:
One of our USMB members has been a victim of the Paradise Camp fire and is now homeless. She's lost everything in the fire but some pets and is living in her van now. A member here discussed opening a GoFundMe campaign for her with a team invited to manage and edit the page. No one is obligated but if you would like to donate here is the link. All funds will go to her as she will be the one linking her own bank account to the page. We're talking about Gracie. Once again she is homeless. I know she would very much appreciate any help given.

The link:

Click here to support Paradise Camp Fire organized by Michelle Morrow

Okay so I just gave another donation, this now puts it HALF WAY to it's total of 10,000 with my latest donation it is at 5,270, so come on and get off your buttocks those who have NOT given ANYTHING yet IF EVERYONE at this forum just give 20.00 it adds up so just do it.

Well one problem they may have is, they might have to buy a truck and a trailer. It sounds like the van might not be able to pull a trailer.

Vans aren't too good at hauling trailers but if you've ever seen Gracie's van -- it doesn't need one. Hope it can be spruced up.

Oops sorry, guess I shouldn't use the word "spruce" in a fire....
I do not see any personal info on anyone that has donated. When I donated I just did it without my real name, but I used an email. I am not sure if I even see emails.
II will check again, and if it is anything different I will let you guys know.
How can I donate without using my real name?

I did. I didn't even use anonymous. I used initials. But after looking now, if you use anonymous...that is all anyone can see. That and the amount.
I don’t care about members knowing how much I donated. I do care about my real name being available to some mods.

It won't be. I promise. Just click anonymous, or hide, and your name and info, other than the amount you donate is not available. I just tried to see ones at random, and I could not. Nothing. Nada.
I finally figured out what I was doing wrong and made the donation.

The problem started when I tried multitasking after opening my 4th Guinness. lol

Take it from the voice of experience --- don't open the fourth until you've drunk the first three. :beer:
I finally figured out what I was doing wrong and made the donation.

The problem started when I tried multitasking after opening my 4th Guinness. lol

^^^^ Men cannot multitask :poke:

Um EXCEPT Mr. Lucy he CAN multitask, this because I trained him BEFORE we got married to multitask, but I will not elaborate about this because I am an innocent girl with a virgin mind

Men know the risks of their ladies knowing they can multitask.


I've been married to one for a lot of decades that just can't. I am pretty darn sure he isn't faking it. :)
There will always be exceptions. That isn’t to say you don’t have an excellent guy. :)

LOL, being able to focus on and accomplish a single task to the exclusion of all others--something that I, a dedicated multi-tasker am woefully inadequate at--also has it virtues. So we balance each other out. And yes, he is an excellent guy. :)

Damn lucky too. :)
^^^^ Men cannot multitask :poke:

Um EXCEPT Mr. Lucy he CAN multitask, this because I trained him BEFORE we got married to multitask, but I will not elaborate about this because I am an innocent girl with a virgin mind

I happen to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time while talking on the phone so I qualify.
I can scratch my butt and pick my ear at the same time, does that count?
You have to also be eating a sloppy joe and talk on the phone while you're pickin' and scratchin'.

Why is this joe and not fred or bob or bill? Do you know Mr. Hoss? Also if you eat it that means it is Homo yes? Joe is a male that is eaten? Um, I will Google sloppy joe to see what this is I hope I do not get directed to The Dark Web Porno Websites :omg:

^^^^ Okay this is Sloppy joe, to me looks a very confusing happening:

Sloppy joe - Wikipedia

The Sloppy Joe is way too sloppy for the Teutonic Temperament.

It's even too sloppy for me. :puke:
Auction ended for less than I had hoped, but thanks to some of the other posters here who donated more because of it, I think it went well. So another $30 was donated. The total is creeping towards $7K.

To me your genius stroke was getting the GFM link onto the eBay listing. I'm surprised eBay let it ride but that should have exposed it to an enormous audience. Nice work.

I'm seeing multitudes of other places calling for donations to the fire refugee services in general, including when I last signed in to PayPal, which means Gracie and everybody else around her should have amply funded relief services available.
Auction ended for less than I had hoped, but thanks to some of the other posters here who donated more because of it, I think it went well. So another $30 was donated. The total is creeping towards $7K.

To me your genius stroke was getting the GFM link onto the eBay listing. I'm surprised eBay let it ride but that should have exposed it to an enormous audience. Nice work.

I'm seeing multitudes of other places calling for donations to the fire refugee services in general, including when I last signed in to PayPal, which means Gracie and everybody else around her should have amply funded relief services available.

Yeah I was honestly surprised they allowed it to be there. I'm not sure if anyone clicked on it or not... but I can hope so.
Hi guys,

So sorry I have not been online today but yesterday MrG was sick..thought I was gonna have to take him to the ER but he rode it out until it "went away". Chest pains, stomach pains, and overall ickiness. Id did finally go away last night. But then today..it was my turn. We changed rooms and it was hard to haul ourselves upstairs cuz this motel does not have an elevator, so by the time we got done I was sicker than I was this morning. I still feel icky but not as bad as I was. I guess its a 24 hour bug? Or, its not eating decent food. Kinda hard to eat good when all ya got is a small mini fridge and a microwave but it sure beats not having either one!

Got the car fixed. MrG took it down there and total cost was 331.00 for a new starter. Your donations sure helped take care of that! Once we get to Marysville, we will see about some tires and new headlight covers since ours are melty looking. No telling how much that will cost, but heck...I need that van to keep running as long as it will. Being homeless is awful but being homeless with no vehicle is worse!!!!

Anyway...we are set for awhile, which is good and its all thanks to you guys! We don't get our SS checks until Dec 3rd, so we could be sleeping in the van instead of having a place to go and a vehicle to get us there!!! Thank you thank you thank you again and again and again!

I am going to bed now. Who woulda thunk I go before 7pm??? But, when one is sick and stuck in a motel...what is one to do? My head hurts all the damn time and I don't know if its the stress or the nasty air. Or both.

BTW...the news keeps talking about the rain coming and mudslides. Not in Paradise. Maybe by the ridge in the canyons surrounding Paradise but not many can afford to live near those vistas so the majority of Paradise should not have a problem with mudslides. I guess they have to make it sound worse for viewership. Besides..nobody is left in Paradise for mudslides to even be a problem. There is a rescue group that goes up there to look for lost pets and I sent them to look for Itty Bit and they did go look...but did not find her :(. I think poor Itty probably died in the fire cuz RJ couldn't catch her the day of the fire. She was 95% wild, 5 percent tame. No holding, no petting, no picking up..just feed her and let her rub against your leg and give her a warm blankey and she was a happy kitty. Was. It bums me out cuz I had no way to go look for her, OR time to do so. I hoped she would hunker under the road next to the house in the big pipe that the water table creek fills....but I won't know if she is alive myself, until I am allowed to go look. Once we get the clear to go....I plan to salvage what I can IF anything is salvagable AND look for her on the offchance she did survive. She is is very good at hunting and was always bringing me lizards, birds, and even a flying squirrel once. I hope some survived and she did too because she WILL catch them. Fingers crossed!

Anyway....I apologize again for not being online today. I will come in tomorrow and visit and update if anything is updateable.

Hugs and many thanks,

Gracie and MrG.
You take care of yourselves, get rest so that you both feel better.
It's probably a combo of many things as to why you and Mr. G are ill.
It's been reported of many getting ill.
Hi guys,

So sorry I have not been online today but yesterday MrG was sick..thought I was gonna have to take him to the ER but he rode it out until it "went away". Chest pains, stomach pains, and overall ickiness. Id did finally go away last night. But then today..it was my turn. We changed rooms and it was hard to haul ourselves upstairs cuz this motel does not have an elevator, so by the time we got done I was sicker than I was this morning. I still feel icky but not as bad as I was. I guess its a 24 hour bug? Or, its not eating decent food. Kinda hard to eat good when all ya got is a small mini fridge and a microwave but it sure beats not having either one!

Got the car fixed. MrG took it down there and total cost was 331.00 for a new starter. Your donations sure helped take care of that! Once we get to Marysville, we will see about some tires and new headlight covers since ours are melty looking. No telling how much that will cost, but heck...I need that van to keep running as long as it will. Being homeless is awful but being homeless with no vehicle is worse!!!!

Anyway...we are set for awhile, which is good and its all thanks to you guys! We don't get our SS checks until Dec 3rd, so we could be sleeping in the van instead of having a place to go and a vehicle to get us there!!! Thank you thank you thank you again and again and again!

I am going to bed now. Who woulda thunk I go before 7pm??? But, when one is sick and stuck in a motel...what is one to do? My head hurts all the damn time and I don't know if its the stress or the nasty air. Or both.

BTW...the news keeps talking about the rain coming and mudslides. Not in Paradise. Maybe by the ridge in the canyons surrounding Paradise but not many can afford to live near those vistas so the majority of Paradise should not have a problem with mudslides. I guess they have to make it sound worse for viewership. Besides..nobody is left in Paradise for mudslides to even be a problem. There is a rescue group that goes up there to look for lost pets and I sent them to look for Itty Bit and they did go look...but did not find her :(. I think poor Itty probably died in the fire cuz RJ couldn't catch her the day of the fire. She was 95% wild, 5 percent tame. No holding, no petting, no picking up..just feed her and let her rub against your leg and give her a warm blankey and she was a happy kitty. Was. It bums me out cuz I had no way to go look for her, OR time to do so. I hoped she would hunker under the road next to the house in the big pipe that the water table creek fills....but I won't know if she is alive myself, until I am allowed to go look. Once we get the clear to go....I plan to salvage what I can IF anything is salvagable AND look for her on the offchance she did survive. She is is very good at hunting and was always bringing me lizards, birds, and even a flying squirrel once. I hope some survived and she did too because she WILL catch them. Fingers crossed!

Anyway....I apologize again for not being online today. I will come in tomorrow and visit and update if anything is updateable.

Hugs and many thanks,

Gracie and MrG.

Great to hear the van is still in play Gracie. Can I suggest, are the headlight covers still functional? If they are (or if one is) why not keep it/them as a battle scar. :)

I infer that Itty Bit is a kitty. Let me share a story from Katrina. Day of evacuation I went to get the GF and her dog and cat to get us all out of town. We packed everything up but Hector -- the cat --- got out and ran away somewhere. We went around the neighborhood and called for him with clouds building but no sign of Hector anywhere. It was time, we had to go, just me, GF and the dog.

In the next few weeks once we had power and internet we scoured various websites that had found/rescued animals looking for Hector. Found nothing like him.

Finally in October, five weeks after Katrina when we were first allowed back into the city, we rented a truck and went down to salvage what could be salvaged. In the morning we got to her house, went upstairs and were there for about, literally, two minutes, when into the broken window jumped ---- Hector. He said something in Cat that translates as "where the fuck you been??"

He looked perfectly fine. If anything he had gained weight. We rounded him up and took him to GF's father's house where he lived out the rest of his life.

What we learned: Cats are survivors. They find a way.
Hold onto that thought. :)

Good health to you and Mr G.
Love that story Pogo. I needed to hear it.

Today was my meltdown day. Been doing nothing but crying and sobbing and shaking and just a mess. Poor MrG was at a loss because I said to just leave me be, so he did. It was not pretty. I am an ugly crier, which is why I rarely cry and when I do, I usually find a hidey hole to do it in. Here in the motel...no place to hide.

Anyway...will try to describe all that was going thru my head and is STILL going thru my head so I can lance it and start fresh. I am still depressed and sad and whiney but not as bad as I have been all day to0day.

Everyone is gone. The people I grew close to...gone. Anne down south. RJ south too. Angie in Nevada. People I have hung out with since we first moved to Paradise are now scattered to the winds along with houses...except Angies. Still....I have been thinking about all I lost 2 years ago when we had to leave home and how we were burned by family and friends and hence wound up in a new town with new people who soon became like family. Still...it was a loss for us two. But I still had stuff I loved that fit in the van and we took with us. Stuff from our past. Pictures, a few gew gaws, personal things of ours we have been hauling around for over 30 years. Then we move to Paradise, settle in, get doctors we like, dentists we like, cozy up in two homes with the last one the best cuz I had my own porch and wild birdsd to feed and chickens to cluck to and had more stuff I slowly had been collecting..like my pashima shawls, the koi table I painted just for my room, my jewelry, my beading supplies to make sun catchers, my crystals and crystal balls I found at the many thrift stores there in Paradise....just stuff that I again loved as new things to be my very own.

Then the fire. Its all gone. Again. But this time...it was not my choice what to keep and what to get rid of. It was all taken. Gone. But I still had Anne. And RJ. and Casey the dog. And Baby Kitty. And was surrounded by folks from my new adopted town of Paradise. Many right here in this motel. Family. Now they are all gone. Poof. RJ got an apartment in Red Bluff...Anne went to her sisters. The motel is full every night with cars from Magalia and Paradise. But not now. Magalia can go back. Got word today. Right now? The parking lot has 6 cars in it. Everyone went back. Except Paradise folks. And Anne? I have not heard from her. RJ? He is safe in Red Bluff now in his new apartment he is now furnishing. Angie? She is in Nevada and CAN go back, but she said she won't until the end of the holidays..sometime in December. Blessings to her, because her house IS standing. No smoke damage. No looters. All is well. And the Save Mor I though tburned down? Nope. Its still there. And the post office. And a gas station. Magalia can continue on because it was LOWER Magalia and eastern Magalia that got damaged..not upper. Which is where Angies house is.

Some of you remember me talking about Angie. She is the one with the 10 dogs...11 now....and the pit bull. Anyway..she called me tonight and said if I wanted to rent her basement apartment..we are welcome to but it won't be until Jan 2019. Bless her for offering and I said I would consider it. Why would I consider it? Because I am not sure what Anne is doing. Thins happen, and things change, even the best laid plans. Finally Anne called tonight and said we would have to stay at the motel in Yuba City longer than she thought..that the duplex will NOT be ready on the 1st or even the 3rd of Dec...it will be ready, MAYBE on the 10th. Which means another week of motel stay more than we expected. Which is going to cost at least 800 bucks, give or take....more like take. Thats going to put a dent in everything..because not only do we have to pay the motel an extra week....we have to pay our part of the rent and deposit and utilities. Will this never end, I asked myself? Doesn't seem like it. Which brings me further down into the slumps. I didn't want all you guys help to go to a damn motel. It bothers me trememdously to accept help to begin with but I am so very eternally grateful but it seems like such a waste too, if a chunk of it goes to some motel room. I am going to try very hard to NOT let it go there but as far as I know, Anne may change her mind completely by the 10th and want to live on her own. Like I said..things change all the time. And she is very eccentric. When we moved in with her, she said it would be a 10 year lease if we wanted one. Then after we moved in, she balked and said a 1 year lease. I told her kindly that we would never have moved out of RJs house if she only offered a 1 year lease..we needed at least 1 and a half years maybe 2, or until home called. She then said fine...sighed...and said 2 year lease then but it was very uncomfortable for her to go back on what she offered AFTER we moved in. So what is to stop her from changing her mind again? Paranoia set in today...and it was because she has not been returning my calls since she left. Except she finally did call me about an hour ago so I am less destressed as I was. For the moment.

Anyway..today I told myself I needed a plan B and plan C. Plan B was to go to Angies house in magalia. Plan C was to head to arizona to MrGs brothers dinky little mobile home which is the worst plan ever but it beats living in the van. I think. Personally, I would rather live in the van but MrG says he can't do that again..it will kill him. And it probably would. UNLESS I have a plan D..which is to agree to go to his brothers house and once I get him there...I say I can't handle it and go back home to live on the beach like a beach bum and leave him there at his brothers. So tentatively, I have a plan D that MrG doesn't know about.

Tomorrow is another day like Scarlett said to Rhett Butler. Maybe it will be better and my brain won't be in over load and I won't be a blubbering mess and regret typing all this out but....for right now? I need to share my woes. So...I am sharing with people who don't even know us that well that opened their hearts to us in our time of need and give support even in prayers or with donations..both of which are gratefully received.
Got the car fixed. MrG took it down there and total cost was 331.00 for a new starter. Your donations sure helped take care of that! Once we get to Marysville, we will see about some tires and new headlight covers since ours are melty looking. No telling how much that will cost, but heck...I need that van to keep running as long as it will. Being homeless is awful but being homeless with no vehicle is worse!!!!
Rock Auto has the cheapest parts anywhere.
One of our USMB members has been a victim of the Paradise Camp fire and is now homeless. She's lost everything in the fire but some pets and is living in her van now. A member here discussed opening a GoFundMe campaign for her with a team invited to manage and edit the page. No one is obligated but if you would like to donate here is the link. All funds will go to her as she will be the one linking her own bank account to the page. We're talking about Gracie. Once again she is homeless. I know she would very much appreciate any help given.

The link:

Click here to support Paradise Camp Fire organized by Michelle Morrow

So sorry to hear this news

I will try and donate next check. And she might consider seeking advice from the Van Dwelling community. Start with Cheaprvliving and user groups yahoo and elsewhere

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