If You Could Be The Moderator, What Would Be Your First Questions For Bernie In October Debates?

Considering how unamerican you are, what kind of retard is going to be your protections against assassination?
If You Could Be The Moderator, What Would Be Your First Questions For Bernie In October Debates?
Q1: Please list the crimes the wealthy have committed which justifies your stealing from them.

Q2: Why do black people like Hillary Clinton more than you?

Q3: Your tax and spending plan increases the federal debt astronomically. Why are you doing this when we are already $17 trillion (and climbing) in debt?

I can answer 2

Blacks know Hillary better than Sanders. That is the only reason why!
Being that you are old as fuck and as lily white as a human can get.

How much self loathing do you have to deal with just to shave?
Senator Sanders, have you finally set free the remainder of your slaves?
Senator Sanders, we are twenty minutes into the debate, we know its time for you to go potty, will you need assistance?
Mr. Sanders, how long do you think you will last as a contestant on "Are You Dumber Than A Fifth Grader" ???
I have a question

Dear Mr Bernard Sanderss

Do you recall an interview you had with one Thom Hartman?

Yes, yes you were a regular on the Thom Hartman show! So I guess you may have to play this one by ear...

1.Do you recall the reasons why you REFUSED to become a Democrat back during the Bush administration??

2. When asked to run for president by Hartman, can you recall the reason you gave as why you did not?

3. Now, why are you trying to run for president for the Democratic Party? Did you lose your soul, or are you trying to rekindle the leftist flame in the Democratic before it becomes totally a servant of Wall street?
"Does your 10 point lead over Donald Trump give you confidence of the outcome of this election?"

Reading comprehension doesn't seem to be an area where you excel, is it? The question dealt with Cruz and Sanders.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Cruz vs. Sanders

Feel Better???

Damn, three useless replies to one post and this one is a deflection and off topic. You must really be losing it.
"Bernie, if it was determined by the American people that you and other politicians in Washington just make too much money, would you agree to take a significant pay cut and have the money taken from your pay checks re-distributed to the Vets and needy in the country?

No? Why not? I thought you believed everyone should pay 'their fair share' and in redistribution of wealth...at ALL levels?"
"Bernie, if it was determined by the American people that you and other politicians in Washington just make too much money, would you agree to take a significant pay cut and have the money taken from your pay checks re-distributed to the Vets and needy in the country?

No? Why not? I thought you believed everyone should pay 'their fair share' and in redistribution of wealth...at ALL levels?"

Hey! Bernie once talked about taking a paycut to help fund something I have to find that interview!
Politicians always TALK about taking a pay cut....which has never actually happened. They may have cut the amount of the INCREASE they were going to give themselves, but I have never seen one actually take a pay CUT.
:banana: :boobies: :desk: And who wouldn't love to be the one asking questions if it came down to Bernie and Ted? Bernie is that candidate that promises the world to immature babies, yet never explains where he is going to get the money, he also never explains to all of those screaming teeny boppers that congress/senate has the final say to all new laws!
So in that respect, the debate has started, it's your turn to ask Bernie a question,,,what will you ask? {and u can make a short list if u want}.
:oops-28: :poke:

"Senator, as a long time member of the Senate, please explain how you will be able to get your agenda passed if McConnell sets the agenda? And in the H. of Repl. how will you get cooperation from Speaker Ryan?"
How big is a bank that's too big to fail.

What makes a bank too big to fail.

How would you break up a bank that's too big to fail.

OK, so he already answered these questions. And the answers are:

I don't know.
I'm not sure.
That's for them to figure out.

Round two:

Who do you admire.

How would you pay for free college.

How would you take down Isis.

Oh, he already answered those. And once again, the answers are:

Fidel Castro
I would tax Wall Street transactions for the first third and then I would hope the states pay for the other two thirds.
I would hope more Muslims get involved.

Finally, I would walk away disgusted.

Just for the record, a bank that is too big to fail isn't measured by how big it is, but by how much debt it's accumulated.
UMMmm... Bernie?? Are you aware how fuckin old you are? You do understand how important your pick for VP is don't you?
"Senator Sanders, can you explain how, after being in the Senate for so long, YOU are suddenly NOT 'part of the problem' but have re-branded yourself as 'the solution'?"

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