If you don't want "healthcare," you are not someone the Democrats would ever not fine any way.


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
They been playing the health care dot gov commercials. The final screen notes it's a $695 fine or more for anyone not subscribing to health care. Just a mob style shakedown by the Democrats.
They are doing that to the poor? Just taking their final bread? What oppressive monsters!
They been playing the health care dot gov commercials. The final screen notes it's a $695 fine or more for anyone not subscribing to health care. Just a mob style shakedown by the Democrats.

Mine announced that since I had not selected a plan (because I couldn't afford what they offered me), that the government had selected a plan for me (with a company I specifically didn't want), and sure enough, I got a bill in the mail from that company.

Oh I'm sorry... I thought I had freedom. So now you are going to make my choices for me? Thanks..... This is the 'Hope and Change' I heard about 8 years ago, huh?
They been playing the health care dot gov commercials. The final screen notes it's a $695 fine or more for anyone not subscribing to health care. Just a mob style shakedown by the Democrats.

Mine announced that since I had not selected a plan (because I couldn't afford what they offered me), that the government had selected a plan for me (with a company I specifically didn't want), and sure enough, I got a bill in the mail from that company.

Oh I'm sorry... I thought I had freedom. So now you are going to make my choices for me? Thanks..... This is the 'Hope and Change' I heard about 8 years ago, huh?
I've just had a very rude realization this year.

I have pretty much been on the side lines in this whole ACA debate, not caring too much as I have always been chronically poor with a chronic medical condition.

Now, with ACA, there are so many healthy poor, the PHCP's only want to serve the healthy poor. They don't want to see the disabled anymore.

My medicaid insurer switched my PHCP, and the new PHCP told me they were unaware of the switch, and would not see me. Now I can not find a new PHCP. They all are a afraid that my condition would require too many appointments, which, of course, the medicaid scheduled payments mandated are less than regular insurance. So, you can't really blame them.

So, in effect. . . . this becomes a de facto death panel. IOW, folks that don't want health care are forced to pay for something they will rarely use, and folks that need it, don't have it till they are nearly dead.


I thought that this whole government overhaul was supposed reduce the amount of people going to the emergency room for care. Now every poor person with chronic medical condition that needs supervised medical care have no alternative but to go to the emergency room in order to get a referral to a specialist. On top of that, they have to wait till their condition is critical, to the point where it is more expensive and their life expectancy is shortened.
So, I guess I would rather be healthy enough to work and pay the fine. . . it could be worse.
They been playing the health care dot gov commercials. The final screen notes it's a $695 fine or more for anyone not subscribing to health care. Just a mob style shakedown by the Democrats.

By the way...

You left-wingers.....

When you guys were pushing this health care system, one of the things I was told, was that we could reduce the cost of care, by getting rid of the companies, because companies spend money on advertising for example, and without that we would save money.

I'm sorry...... Who is paying for the healthcare.gov commercials? The magic union government advertising faeries?

....sigh.... left-wingers.... more detached from reality than a Stalin show trial.

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