If you get rid of guns, this man would be alive? No. Had he or his girlfriend had a gun, he might still be alive.

What a load of crap.

Do something?


You've done NOTHING but post crap on this site since 8:00 AM today.

That's 4 posts each and every hour.

Do seething?

Maybe here...

View attachment 838758

But actual factual reality says you're some Keyboard Kommando living in his Mama's garage because they won't let your unemployed 50 year old fat ass in the house anymore.

Really? Post a picture of the cash you have on hand RIGHT now. I will do the same. Let's see who has more.


  • 20231005_162916.jpg
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I looked them over and found they did not discuss criminal background, drug use, alcohol abuse, or police intervention at the residence....all of those are critical factors....that they left out...you dumb ass.....

Criminals with guns shooting their baby mommas or shooting people in their homes trying to steal their drug stash and cash are not normal gun owners....you doofus...
So you're saying guns choose their victims based on personal history and race?

One of your stupidest comments.

But carry that gun.
Like COVID, Darwin will work it all out for us.
More on how your fake researchers lie....

Who's at higher risk for homicide?

(The percentages in this paragraph are based on an examination of Kellermann's ICPSR dataset.)
As mentioned, a reasonable estimate of gun victims killed by a gun from the victim's home is 34%. However, this number drops to 12.6% when households having a prior arrestee are excluded, and drops further to 7% when households with prior arrests, illicit drug use, or a history of violence are excluded. (That's 3.5% of all matched cases. Likewise, the previously mentioned 4½ percent figure of all homicides involving a victim killed by a gun in the home falls to 2.1%.)
These percentages indicate Kellermann's study essentially shows that households with guns in the hands of residents having criminal records, illicit drug use, or prior histories of violence, are at a higher risk of experiencing domestic homicides.

As a Dr. Pat Baranello writes in a letter to the editor in the New England Journal of Medicine, "What the article failed to address is that gun ownership by responsible people is not a risk factor (source)." Kellermann's response (contained in the same source) although a true statement, sidesteps the letter writer's point. Kellerman's response was, "Although we noted a degree of association among several behavioral risk factors, each contributed independently to the risk of homicide."

Households with persons having a criminal history or violence prone personality are at an increased risk for homicide, and a gun in the hands of these kinds of persons also most likely independently increases homicide risk more so than it does for law-abiding gun owning households.
Mathematically speaking, logistic regression calculates only one co-efficient per risk factor (which can be converted into an odds-ratio). If a gun in the hands of persons with criminal records or a history of violence are much more prone to commit homicide than unarmed persons without those risk factors, and the large majority of cases in a regression model had a history of violence and arrests, the odds-ratio is going to reflect the increased risk of a gun in the hands of a volatile group, rather than representing a risk factor for the general population. It's also possible that the risk of homicide by law-abiding persons could be extremely small, yet those same people with guns have a much higher risk of homicide, resulting in an odds ratio higher than what Kellermann's final model showed. Kellermann's study simply can't tell us which is the case (or neither).
Kellermann's defenders may try to claim that a link was found between guns and homicide for all 14 subgroups he studied (p. 1089), however each one of those subgroups still contained a majority of high-risk cases.

(For an example to the contrary, even though living alone was found to be riskier than owning a gun, examining the ICPSR dataset shows there were 46 matched-pair cases who lived alone and had no history of arrest or violent activity. 15 cases were gun owning households versus 19 of the controls, giving a crude odds-ratio of 0.688.

In this group, gunowners had a 31.2% lower risk of being murdered. But these numbers aren't conclusive of gun ownership being protective due to the lack of controls for any other factors that influence homicide victimization. It's simply an example of what might be a low-risk subgroup. Further study would be necessary.)

Kellermann-Gun Ownership as a Risk Factor for Homicide in the Home

I don't have researchers. That's your guys "researching" to "prove" facts aren't and reality isn't.

Believe the lies.
Strap on that GLOCK to cover for your tiny cock.
Let Darwin sort out the mess.
Really? Post a picture of the cash you have on hand RIGHT now. I will do the same. Let's see who has more.
Oh lookee...
The Keyboard Kommando is PROVING to us how great he is by showing us his monopoly cash.

15 hours a day on this site is proof only that you're stuck living in your mom's garage because you're not allowed in the house till you bathe and you havent done that since Obama.

Oh lookee...
The Keyboard Kommando is PROVING to us how great he is by showing us his monopoly cash.

15 hours a day on this site is proof only that you're stuck living in your mom's garage because you're not allowed in the house till you bathe and you havent done that since Obama.


So, you got nothing. Not even a pot to piss in.

Go back to your mom's basement, loser.
So, you got nothing. Not even a pot to piss in.

Go back to your mom's basement, loser.
Sorry little boy.
In my world we piss in the toilet, not in our pots.

Tell your mom she needs to do some dishes before cooking.
Sorry little boy.
In my world we piss in the toilet, not in our pots.

Tell your mom she needs to do some dishes before cooking.

You don't have a toilet, little boy.

You have nothing. You proved that in this thread
You don't have a toilet, little boy.

You have nothing. You proved that in this thread
No, little Kommando...

What we proved on this thread is that you spend every waking moment in your mama's garage on this site because, as a mentally deficient MAGAT this is your life.

You're broke.
You're alone.
You're just a sad tiny minded MAGAT with nothing in your life but me.
And like everyone else in your life, I don't like you either.

Live with that my little Kommando Kween.
No, little Kommando...

What we proved on this thread is that you spend every waking moment in your mama's garage on this site because, as a mentally deficient MAGAT this is your life.

You're broke.
You're alone.
You're just a sad tiny minded MAGAT with nothing in your life but me.
And like everyone else in your life, I don't like you either.

Live with that my little Kommando Kween.

Yeah, I am so broke I can produce 42k in cash.

But you can't!

Yeah, I am so broke I can produce 42k in cash.

But you can't!

You produced a photoshopped picture.

Here's me celebrating leading the Pats to a SB win

And when I won a World Series pitching for the Yanks

And, of course, my Mr. Universe win

You can claim to be anything you want on the interwebs but reality, butt nugget, is that you are nothing but a loser living in your mom's garage spending 18 hours a day on this site whining about your losing life.
So you're saying guns choose their victims based on personal history and race?

One of your stupidest comments.

But carry that gun.
Like COVID, Darwin will work it all out for us.

No, dumb ass...the researchers fail to highlight that the people who commit 95% of all murder are criminals with long histories of crime going back to their teen years....they are not normal people who buy a gun for self-defense, or sport.
You produced a photoshopped picture.

Here's me celebrating leading the Pats to a SB win
View attachment 839212

And when I won a World Series pitching for the Yanks
View attachment 839213

And, of course, my Mr. Universe win
View attachment 839214

You can claim to be anything you want on the interwebs but reality, butt nugget, is that you are nothing but a loser living in your mom's garage spending 18 hours a day on this site whining about your losing life.

No, that was a picture from my phone.

Like I said, I have cash in abundance.

You, not so much....
No, dumb ass...the researchers fail to highlight that the people who commit 95% of all murder are criminals with long histories of crime going back to their teen years....they are not normal people who buy a gun for self-defense, or sport.
And if you arm yourself and meet one of those criminals the probability your being shot increases 5 fold.
Do what you will. The stupid gene will filter the results and Darwin will be satisfied.
No, that was a picture from my phone.

Like I said, I have cash in abundance.

You, not so much....
OK. Let's deal with your stupidity and ignorance.

So you've just told hundreds of people you don't know that you have $42k in cash laying around the house.
People who have access to your name, email address, and IP address which are easily turned into your home address.
Therefore you trust the people running this site not only with your PII but the "fact" you have $42K laying around the house.

What's next, fool?

So, my idiotic moron, IF you have $42K in cash you won't have it long but, of course, you don't so you'll get the crap beat out of you for the 37 cents you have on you.

No, little moron.
You don't have any money because you're too stupid to earn it and WAAAAAY to stupid to keep it.

OK. Let's deal with your stupidity and ignorance.

So you've just told hundreds of people you don't know that you have $42k in cash laying around the house.
People who have access to your name, email address, and IP address which are easily turned into your home address.
Therefore you trust the people running this site not only with your PII but the "fact" you have $42K laying around the house.

What's next, fool?

So, my idiotic moron, IF you have $42K in cash you won't have it long but, of course, you don't so you'll get the crap beat out of you for the 37 cents you have on you.

No, little moron.
You don't have any money because you're too stupid to earn it and WAAAAAY to stupid to keep it.


:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:I don't live in a blue shithole, MORON! I live on the side of a fucking mountain. So, first off you lazy twats would have to find my place, and then you would have to survive the actual real wildlife that is around here, to include bears, and if you somehow managed to do all of that, you would get to meet me, and my favorite varmint gun.

So, crawl back to your momma's basement. I hear dinner time is approaching and she made you your favorite Mac & Cheese!

That's a good boy....run along now...
I don't have researchers. That's your guys "researching" to "prove" facts aren't and reality isn't.

Believe the lies.
Strap on that GLOCK to cover for your tiny cock.
Let Darwin sort out the mess.
That stupid Libtard sonofabitch didn't have a Glock and now he is as dead as a door knob. Killed by one of his Diversity lover boys.
And if you arm yourself and meet one of those criminals the probability your being shot increases 5 fold.
Do what you will. The stupid gene will filter the results and Darwin will be satisfied.

That is a crock of shit. Normal people use guns all the time to stop violent monsters you people keep releasing from jail.....
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:I don't live in a blue shithole, MORON! I live on the side of a fucking mountain. So, first off you lazy twats would have to find my place, and then you would have to survive the actual real wildlife that is around here, to include bears, and if you somehow managed to do all of that, you would get to meet me, and my favorite varmint gun.

So, crawl back to your momma's basement. I hear dinner time is approaching and she made you your favorite Mac & Cheese!

That's a good boy....run along now...
No matter the shithole your mommy lets you occupy the choices are two...

Most probably your a lying sack of shit Keyboard Kommando wannabe, wishybe, dreamybe, who thinks your lies actually carry weight but are stuffed n a sack with no bottom and covers your feet up to the knees. The is the option everyone knows is true.

Or...Your keeping $42K in cash and spending 18 hours a day whining and raging on this site because your just naturally wealthy. This is the one only you believe.

But should the latter be true remember this...
They know who you are.
They know where you are.
They're flying drones over your place now.
They're sending you phishing messages, emails, texts.
They're watching and they're coming.
Sleep warm Kommando Krissie.


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