If You Live in One of These – You Probably Want to Get Out!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Another Gallup Poll. Isn't it amazing the stuff they come up to poll on? Anyhow, as a resident of one of them, you put me on the “Absolutely!” answer side. Read more @ The States People Want To Get The Hell Out Of [Infographic] | Popular Science
LOL, Illinois. What a shit hole. Corrupt Chicago engine run by Rahm and his subordinate crime bosses.
I'd love to move to Oregon, myself. Would prefer Maui, but that isn't going to happen. And I doubt we ever get to Oregon..but I can get close to it. Upper California suits me.
I used to own land on the Oregon coast. Sold it. Regret it, but not the kind of scumbags I'd have lived next to.
I've been looking up towards the Chico area. Or Alturas. Cheap rent, close to the border, 4 seasons.
Texas baby !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Having lived in the sooner state (OK), I noticed that it has a below average desire to move, which makes sense. The twisters have got to be the main reason to move, which is why I moved. If it were not for the twisters, OK would very likely have the lowest desire to move, just like Texas.
Some of these states just have high job turnover which creates a desire to get out but it also creates a desire to move in. I'm really not sure what one is suppose gleam from this poll.
I'd love to move to Oregon, myself. Would prefer Maui, but that isn't going to happen. And I doubt we ever get to Oregon..but I can get close to it. Upper California suits me.

Oregon's getting more liberal all the time Gracie, plus it's almost as wet as Washington.
I can't wait until I retire, and I'm moving south as fast as I can.
I like California. No plans to leave until I ex-pat to southern Italy. We have a huge family in Bari.

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I'd love to move to Oregon, myself. Would prefer Maui, but that isn't going to happen. And I doubt we ever get to Oregon..but I can get close to it. Upper California suits me.

Oregon's getting more liberal all the time Gracie, plus it's almost as wet as Washington.
I can't wait until I retire, and I'm moving south as fast as I can.
Funny, I spent most my career in the deep south and couldn't wait to get out. I think most everyone has a desire to move on given enough time, however job, family, and friends will keep people living in the damnist places.
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Another Gallup Poll. Isn't it amazing the stuff they come up to poll on? Anyhow, as a resident of one of them, you put me on the “Absolutely!” answer side. Read more @ The States People Want To Get The Hell Out Of [Infographic] | Popular Science

It's also amazing what polls certain posters bring here in an attempt to send some stupid partisan message.

Gallup is getting as bad as Rasmussen.
What message might that be? People want to stay in Texas, a red state, Oregon, a blue state, Montana, a red state, and Maine, blue state. I don't see any political conclusion one can draw from the poll. In fact, I don't see much of anything you can get out it.
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I'd love to move to Oregon, myself. Would prefer Maui, but that isn't going to happen. And I doubt we ever get to Oregon..but I can get close to it. Upper California suits me.

Oregon's getting more liberal all the time Gracie, plus it's almost as wet as Washington.
I can't wait until I retire, and I'm moving south as fast as I can.

About two thirds of Oregon is rather on the dry side. And Portland, Oregon, gets about the same amount of rainfall as most east coast cities. In a couple of hours drive from almost anywhere in Oregon, you can have beautiful sea shore, rain forest, high desert, or gorgeous high mountain valleys in pine forests. There are high mountain streams with excellent trout fishing, a very large river system with big resevoirs that have all kinds of fish, and there are deer, elk, antelope, California big horn sheep, mountain goat, and all kinds of other game in our mountains and deserts. Portland, Salem, and Eugene are all very pretty towns, and Portland has one of the best tranportation systems in the nation. There are good paying jobs to be had for those with skills, and a very forward looking entrapenurial business community.

Yes, we are getting more liberal all the time, and wealthier at the same time for that liberalism.
Some of these states just have high job turnover which creates a desire to get out but it also creates a desire to move in. I'm really not sure what one is suppose gleam from this poll.

America is a mobile population. Having lived in Texas for MANY years, I'm inclined to think that Texans stay in Texas out of pride as much as any other reason.

My current state, and the one I moved here from, are both unsurprisingly "Average".

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