If you think that the Corona hysteria and destruction is bad....

This is just a taste.

If you think destroying society over a never ending, naturally occurring virus' we see every year, wait till they get set on fighting the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide in the same manner. That will make this seem like small potatoes.

I have to say, I'm a little disappointed in Trump buying into all the "scientific expert"/media hysteria.
I don't think he had a choice.
The entire media is in full hysteria. What Trump has been done is unprecedented.Nothing comes even close to what we are seeing. And yet, the media is still trying to say he is not taking it seriously.
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The virus is all about taking your freedoms get ready ......
Keep laughing fool. the headliines tell you and have been


oh imagine that one oh that's right you can't .

They are SETTING YOUR FEARS fools.

don''t leave your homes you are ALL OBEYING!!!!

just like 911

coming to America
Coronavirus RATIONING begins across the UK and USA as retailers limit purchases
This is just a taste.

If you think destroying society over a never ending, naturally occurring virus' we see every year, wait till they get set on fighting the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide in the same manner. That will make this seem like small potatoes.

I have to say, I'm a little disappointed in Trump buying into all the "scientific expert"/media hysteria.

Sorry, but we have never seen this virus before. A virus is NOT a virus there are tens of thousands of viruses and all are not created equal.

In addition, we'll need at least another 1.5 years to develop a vaccine on this one and it's 15-30 times more deadly than the flu.

Jeezus some of you people! :icon_rolleyes:

Let me hear you say, baaaaaaaah. Now take another deep breath and let it out slowly, mooooooo.
Yep, sounds like you're a fine upstanding member of the herd to me, here's your number.

Uh Huh :icon_rolleyes: No greater Sheeples than Trumptard Sheeples!



This is just a taste.

If you think destroying society over a never ending, naturally occurring virus' we see every year, wait till they get set on fighting the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide in the same manner. That will make this seem like small potatoes.

I have to say, I'm a little disappointed in Trump buying into all the "scientific expert"/media hysteria.
/----/ Maybe he isn't buying into it, but he has to manage the crisis regardless if it's real or manufactured. Does a firefighter work any less hard if he's putting out an arson fire than an accidental one?
Fine, spend the billion. But not the point Trumptard, DO SOMETHING about THIS one - *Only took the Orange Anus two months to figure out that it wouldn't "just disappear" eh?) :icon_rolleyes:


Don't be stupid - errr ... Never mind.
Honey, want me to post some posts here that the left declared of the cirus when Trump shut down incoming flights to and from China back in Jan?

No thanks sweetheart - It was woefully inadequate.

Travel bans rarely work, and particularly in this instance.

It was akin to dead bolting your front door when the axe murderer is already in the fucking house!

The sole purpose was to remind his adoring flock of xenophobic Trumptards that it was those evil FER-NERS fault and not ours.
Apparently YOU dont trust science which says to do everything possible to minimize exposure. Travel bans are only bad when the USA does it apparently.

What good does it do to prevent Europeans from coming here but allow Americans to go there and bring the virus back?

Donnie's idiotic travel ban was woefully insufficient. There were FAR more important things to have done back in January - Like you know, TESTING?

But idiots will duhfend literally anything their beloved President Poopstain does or says.

Will Trump's coronavirus travel ban work? Scientists express skepticism
Virus Travel Bans Are Inevitable But Ineffective
Why Public Health Experts Say Trump's Travel Ban Won't Curb the Spread of COVID-19 in the U.S.
Why Travel Bans Don’t Work During An Outbreak Like Coronavirus
Idiotic is not understanding those Americans returning are being screened.

With COVID-19, it can take up to 14 days for ANY symptoms to appear.

Sweet Jesus - Like holding people in airports for 8 hours to take their temperature is the answer?

You are very gullible.
View attachment 313026

The virus is all about taking your freedoms get ready ......
Keep laughing fool. the headliines tell you and have been


oh imagine that one oh that's right you can't .

View attachment 313027

LoLoLLLL!!! M-Dub - Funny, I just ordered butt-tons of stuff from Amazon, none of which involved "medical supplies".

ZeroHedge - Putin's propaganda arm .. REALLY? :lol:

Silly ass LOL
Sorry, but we have never seen this virus before. A virus is NOT a virus there are tens of thousands of viruses and all are not created equal.

In addition, we'll need at least another 1.5 years to develop a vaccine on this one and it's 15-30 times more deadly than the flu.

Jeezus some of you people! :icon_rolleyes:

When you feel that overwhelming passion to run naked through the streets crying about the sky falling please try to hold off until around midnight when the few remaining innocent children are asleep.
How many viruses on Earth?

Not even close. There are well over 300,000 visus' and they estimate to find about 85% of them it would cost around a billion dollars.

So are we to close down the country every time we find one? What good is this doing? It will do far more harm.

Fine, spend the billion. But not the point Trumptard, DO SOMETHING about THIS one - *Only took the Orange Anus two months to figure out that it wouldn't "just disappear" eh?) :icon_rolleyes:


Don't be stupid - errr ... Never mind.
Honey, want me to post some posts here that the left declared of the cirus when Trump shut down incoming flights to and from China back in Jan?

No thanks sweetheart - It was woefully inadequate.

Travel bans rarely work, and particularly in this instance.

It was akin to dead bolting your front door when the axe murderer is already in the fucking house!

The sole purpose was to remind his adoring flock of xenophobic Trumptards that it was those evil FER-NERS fault and not ours.

Oh bullcrap. The same people are there that your beloved had working on the previous pandemics, which it took Obama 6 months to even declare an emergency.
Notice you didn’t seem concerned until the Dems told you to be.

Oh GAWD - THAT lie ... AGAIN? :rolleyes:

Did Obama Declare Swine Flu an Emergency Only After 'Millions' Were Infected?
PolitiFact - President Obama declared H1N1 a public health emergency before anyone in the United States died
A Truth Sandwich On Barack Obama's 2009 Swine Flu Response, For President Gateway Pundit
Honey, who said anything about millions? But here are the facts-
Once again, since you seemed to miss it-
2009 flu pandemic in the United States - Wikipedia
On April 26, 2009, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared Swine Flu a public health emergency. [126] On October 24, 2009, President Barack Obama declared Swine Flu a national emergency in the United States. On November 12, 2009, the CDC reported an estimated 22 million Americans had been infected with 2009 A H1N1 and 4,000 Americans have died.[127] On December 10, 2009, the CDC reported an estimated 50 million Americans or 1 in 6 people had been infected with the 2009 A H1N1 Virus and 10,000 Americans had died
Sorry, but we have never seen this virus before. A virus is NOT a virus there are tens of thousands of viruses and all are not created equal.

In addition, we'll need at least another 1.5 years to develop a vaccine on this one and it's 15-30 times more deadly than the flu.

Jeezus some of you people! :icon_rolleyes:

When you feel that overwhelming passion to run naked through the streets crying about the sky falling please try to hold off until around midnight when the few remaining innocent children are asleep.

Tell it to your Dotard and enjoy this rule of thumb: When Dear Leader tells you we have a national emergency - Be VERY skeptical. When Dear Leader tells you that there's nothing to worry about?


Wait until they use this to take away the cash with this too.. go watch END GAME dam it.


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This is just a taste.

If you think destroying society over a never ending, naturally occurring virus' we see every year, wait till they get set on fighting the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide in the same manner. That will make this seem like small potatoes.

I have to say, I'm a little disappointed in Trump buying into all the "scientific expert"/media hysteria.
Well, as he himself is no expert, all he can do is listen to those who are supposedly the experts and act based upon their input. As for the media hysteria, the left has its major hold on most of the media and by pushing the hysteria, they are hoping to crash the economy and by doing so, getting the public desperate to find a solution, which is when they will claim that the only way to solve the problem with the economy and the COVID-19 problem is to choose them. By deliberately pushing to trash the economy shows that they don't care about the nation and its freedoms, but rather, to just gain control. Under them, it would become over a short time, a Marxist-Leninist authoritarian government.
This is just a taste.

If you think destroying society over a never ending, naturally occurring virus' we see every year, wait till they get set on fighting the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide in the same manner. That will make this seem like small potatoes.

I have to say, I'm a little disappointed in Trump buying into all the "scientific expert"/media hysteria.
You don't trust science. You don't trust media information. I presume you don't trust government. The burning question to skeptics like you is, who do you trust and why should anyone trust your opinion?

Why would I trust those in government? They lie constantly and steal from us constantly.

Why would I trust those in the media? They lie constantly as well.

As for scientists, why would I trust them either? Who paid the scientists who worked for the smoking industry to withhold their finding about smoking and cancer? The smoking industry paid the scientists kept their mouths shut to the truth of the matter. Therefore, whoever is lining the pockets of the scientists control them. Who created weapons of mass destruction? Scientists did, that's who. They have created weapons that can now destroy all human life on the earth. Yay!. In fact, if global warming scientists who say that we all have only 12 years to live are right, who caused that debacle? That's right, scientists did so why would I ever trust what they say or their wisdom in what they are saying?

But when I question those politicians, and media, and scientists who all get together and say that the sky if falling regarding such things as global warming or the corona virus, all of a sudden I'm crazy for questioning them on any of it. I don't think so.

Do I believe that the earth is warming? Yes. Do I believe that mankind contributes to it? Yes, however, you can't tax your way to utopia of no carbon emissions and the Paris Accord was a horrible deal for the US economically that would have done next to nothing about global emissions. And this is how I view the current hysteria surrounding this virus. Sure, what they are doing now may save a few lives but at what cost? How many lives are they destroying economically that may cause them not to live as long? And more importantly, how important is safety verses freedom and quality of life? If we all want to live long lives with zero risk, the state may as well take away our freedom to drive cars and smoke and drink, and have sex, etc. After all, limiting those things or banning them altogether will save lives as well.

How much longer will people put up with the BS of being prisoners in their own homes while putting their lives on hold indefinitely is a question we should all answer.

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