If you think that the Corona hysteria and destruction is bad....

This is just a taste.

If you think destroying society over a never ending, naturally occurring virus' we see every year, wait till they get set on fighting the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide in the same manner. That will make this seem like small potatoes.

I have to say, I'm a little disappointed in Trump buying into all the "scientific expert"/media hysteria.
Well, as he himself is no expert, all he can do is listen to those who are supposedly the experts and act based upon their input. As for the media hysteria, the left has its major hold on most of the media and by pushing the hysteria, they are hoping to crash the economy and by doing so, getting the public desperate to find a solution, which is when they will claim that the only way to solve the problem with the economy and the COVID-19 problem is to choose them. By deliberately pushing to trash the economy shows that they don't care about the nation and its freedoms, but rather, to just gain control. Under them, it would become over a short time, a Marxist-Leninist authoritarian government.

The public I think has seen through all the fear mongering of the Leftist media. After all, the US elected Trump despite the media who kept saying Trump was Hitler. Then the media tried to get everyone to believe that we only had 12 years to live because of global warming as children were taught this in school so they could go to the UN to cry in front of the world after being traumatized by such propaganda. However, the Left failed to sway public opinion about this as well. And why not, Al Gore said we only had 10 years to live 10 years ago.

But now it appears they have been successful with their fearmongering regarding this virus and now they will use this success to destroy Trump and a free market to the best of their ability.
This is just a taste.

If you think destroying society over a never ending, naturally occurring virus' we see every year, wait till they get set on fighting the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide in the same manner. That will make this seem like small potatoes.

I have to say, I'm a little disappointed in Trump buying into all the "scientific expert"/media hysteria.
You don't trust science. You don't trust media information. I presume you don't trust government. The burning question to skeptics like you is, who do you trust and why should anyone trust your opinion?

Why would I trust those in government? They lie constantly and steal from us constantly.

Why would I trust those in the media? They lie constantly as well.

As for scientists, why would I trust them either? Who paid the scientists who worked for the smoking industry to withhold their finding about smoking and cancer? The smoking industry paid the scientists kept their mouths shut to the truth of the matter. Therefore, whoever is lining the pockets of the scientists control them. Who created weapons of mass destruction? Scientists did, that's who. They have created weapons that can now destroy all human life on the earth. Yay!. In fact, if global warming scientists who say that we all have only 12 years to live are right, who caused that debacle? That's right, scientists did so why would I ever trust what they say or their wisdom in what they are saying?

But when I question those politicians, and media, and scientists who all get together and say that the sky if falling regarding such things as global warming or the corona virus, all of a sudden I'm crazy for questioning them on any of it. I don't think so.

Do I believe that the earth is warming? Yes. Do I believe that mankind contributes to it? Yes, however, you can't tax your way to utopia of no carbon emissions and the Paris Accord was a horrible deal for the US economically that would have done next to nothing about global emissions. And this is how I view the current hysteria surrounding this virus. Sure, what they are doing now may save a few lives but at what cost? How many lives are they destroying economically that may cause them not to live as long? And more importantly, how important is safety verses freedom and quality of life? If we all want to live long lives with zero risk, the state may as well take away our freedom to drive cars and smoke and drink, and have sex, etc. After all, limiting those things or banning them altogether will save lives as well.

How much longer will people put up with the BS of being prisoners in their own homes while putting their lives on hold indefinitely is a question we should all answer.
When people descend on city halls demanding answers the pandemic will be over.
This is just a taste.

If you think destroying society over a never ending, naturally occurring virus' we see every year, wait till they get set on fighting the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide in the same manner. That will make this seem like small potatoes.

I have to say, I'm a little disappointed in Trump buying into all the "scientific expert"/media hysteria.
You don't trust science. You don't trust media information. I presume you don't trust government. The burning question to skeptics like you is, who do you trust and why should anyone trust your opinion?

Why would I trust those in government? They lie constantly and steal from us constantly.

Why would I trust those in the media? They lie constantly as well.

As for scientists, why would I trust them either? Who paid the scientists who worked for the smoking industry to withhold their finding about smoking and cancer? The smoking industry paid the scientists kept their mouths shut to the truth of the matter. Therefore, whoever is lining the pockets of the scientists control them. Who created weapons of mass destruction? Scientists did, that's who. They have created weapons that can now destroy all human life on the earth. Yay!. In fact, if global warming scientists who say that we all have only 12 years to live are right, who caused that debacle? That's right, scientists did so why would I ever trust what they say or their wisdom in what they are saying?

But when I question those politicians, and media, and scientists who all get together and say that the sky if falling regarding such things as global warming or the corona virus, all of a sudden I'm crazy for questioning them on any of it. I don't think so.

Do I believe that the earth is warming? Yes. Do I believe that mankind contributes to it? Yes, however, you can't tax your way to utopia of no carbon emissions and the Paris Accord was a horrible deal for the US economically that would have done next to nothing about global emissions. And this is how I view the current hysteria surrounding this virus. Sure, what they are doing now may save a few lives but at what cost? How many lives are they destroying economically that may cause them not to live as long? And more importantly, how important is safety verses freedom and quality of life? If we all want to live long lives with zero risk, the state may as well take away our freedom to drive cars and smoke and drink, and have sex, etc. After all, limiting those things or banning them altogether will save lives as well.

How much longer will people put up with the BS of being prisoners in their own homes while putting their lives on hold indefinitely is a question we should all answer.
Your skepticism has inevitably led to ignorance. I don't know you, how old you are or how capable of logical thinking you may be. Let me tell you that I personally remember polio outbreaks in the mid 50s. Then, we learned about personal sacrifice in the midst of epidemics. We also had a far greater sense of responsibility and selflessness. We had not yet been infected by the selfishness and incongruity of today's spoiled generations.

Your attitude reflects this abhorrent sensibility. You should know that, should others with your preternatural ability to rationalize selfishness, many more people will die of exposure because you failed to make a personal and economic sacrifice in the face of a global pandemic.
This is just a taste.

If you think destroying society over a never ending, naturally occurring virus' we see every year, wait till they get set on fighting the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide in the same manner. That will make this seem like small potatoes.

I have to say, I'm a little disappointed in Trump buying into all the "scientific expert"/media hysteria.
You don't trust science. You don't trust media information. I presume you don't trust government. The burning question to skeptics like you is, who do you trust and why should anyone trust your opinion?

Why would I trust those in government? They lie constantly and steal from us constantly.

Why would I trust those in the media? They lie constantly as well.

As for scientists, why would I trust them either? Who paid the scientists who worked for the smoking industry to withhold their finding about smoking and cancer? The smoking industry paid the scientists kept their mouths shut to the truth of the matter. Therefore, whoever is lining the pockets of the scientists control them. Who created weapons of mass destruction? Scientists did, that's who. They have created weapons that can now destroy all human life on the earth. Yay!. In fact, if global warming scientists who say that we all have only 12 years to live are right, who caused that debacle? That's right, scientists did so why would I ever trust what they say or their wisdom in what they are saying?

But when I question those politicians, and media, and scientists who all get together and say that the sky if falling regarding such things as global warming or the corona virus, all of a sudden I'm crazy for questioning them on any of it. I don't think so.

Do I believe that the earth is warming? Yes. Do I believe that mankind contributes to it? Yes, however, you can't tax your way to utopia of no carbon emissions and the Paris Accord was a horrible deal for the US economically that would have done next to nothing about global emissions. And this is how I view the current hysteria surrounding this virus. Sure, what they are doing now may save a few lives but at what cost? How many lives are they destroying economically that may cause them not to live as long? And more importantly, how important is safety verses freedom and quality of life? If we all want to live long lives with zero risk, the state may as well take away our freedom to drive cars and smoke and drink, and have sex, etc. After all, limiting those things or banning them altogether will save lives as well.

How much longer will people put up with the BS of being prisoners in their own homes while putting their lives on hold indefinitely is a question we should all answer.
When people descend on city halls demanding answers the pandemic will be over.
Because bringing masses together always stems contagion. Skeptics are idiots.
This is just a taste.

If you think destroying society over a never ending, naturally occurring virus' we see every year, wait till they get set on fighting the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide in the same manner. That will make this seem like small potatoes.

I have to say, I'm a little disappointed in Trump buying into all the "scientific expert"/media hysteria.
I think trump has gone off the deep end by even considering $1,000 free money for every warm body in America
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Those who mindlessly accept and believe what Big Brother tells them, are idiots.
In other words: knowledge bad.

It all depends on how careful one is about evaluating the credibility of the sources from which the knowledge comes.

Somone who believes everything, without question, that his government tells him, is what is known as a useful idiot.
Your vetting methods appears to be if you agree with the content or the content benefits you without regard to others, it must therefore be credible content. Echo chamber logic is specious logic. But to learn that lesson, one would have to be open minded.
Your vetting methods appears to be if you agree with the content or the content benefits you without regard to others, it must therefore be credible content. Echo chamber logic is specious logic. But to learn that lesson, one would have to be open minded.

Somone who believes everything, without question, that his government tells him, is what is known as a useful idiot.
Your vetting methods appears to be if you agree with the content or the content benefits you without regard to others, it must therefore be credible content. Echo chamber logic is specious logic. But to learn that lesson, one would have to be open minded.

Please understand that the word “useful”, in the term useful idiot does not mean nor imply that you are of any actual use or value to society as a whole. Quite the opposite, in fact. Your kind are useful only to corrupt politicians, who count on you to believe the lies that they tell you, and to act accordingly in support of their malicious agendas.
This is just a taste.

If you think destroying society over a never ending, naturally occurring virus' we see every year, wait till they get set on fighting the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide in the same manner. That will make this seem like small potatoes.

I have to say, I'm a little disappointed in Trump buying into all the "scientific expert"/media hysteria.

Sorry, but we have never seen this virus before. A virus is NOT a virus there are tens of thousands of viruses and all are not created equal.

In addition, we'll need at least another 1.5 years to develop a vaccine on this one and it's 15-30 times more deadly than the flu.

Jeezus some of you people! :icon_rolleyes:
The president loves the uneducated and they love him.
This is just a taste.

If you think destroying society over a never ending, naturally occurring virus' we see every year, wait till they get set on fighting the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide in the same manner. That will make this seem like small potatoes.

I have to say, I'm a little disappointed in Trump buying into all the "scientific expert"/media hysteria.

You done don't need you no science, Cleetus.


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