If you want automatic weapons and RPGs in France...go to Belgian train stations...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
the beauty of strict gun control in France.......did not stop the terrorists who decided they needed guns to murder people....it did stop their victims from having guns....and where did they get their fully automatic, Russian military rifles, Rocket propelled grenade and grenades....at a Belgian train station....for a total of 6,000 Euros....a criminal deal at twice the price.....

Paris Terrorists Bought Their AKs Rocket Launcher at a Belgian Train Station - The Truth About Guns

So much for strict European gun control. From ilfattoquotidiano.it via the magic of Google Translate, we get the news that Paris terrorist, Amedy Coulibaly (above), who murdered four Jewish hostages in a kosher grocery store, bought Kalashnikovs and a rocket launcher for himself and the Kouachi brothers (who carried out the murders at the offices of Charlie Hebdo) at a Belgian train station.
And how did he come up with the roughly five grand he needed? “Amedy Coulibaly has found the money to finance their attacks and probably the massacre made by brothers Kouachi in the drafting of Charlie Hebdo simply asking for a loan to a company that specializes in financing online and telephone, the Cofidis. That he readily granted 6 thousand euro, even though it was already a criminal definitely convicted to five years in prison for his part in the plan of escape of Ait Ali Belkacem Smaïn.” I’d have edited that into a more standard form of conversational English, but you get the gist.

Sooooooo.....which French gun control law stopped these terrorists from getting their weapons....anyone....anyone....Bueller....Bueller.....?
Paris? Belgian train stations? Hell, tell me what you want. I'll go look in the bunker.

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