If you want to understand why we must all defend the principles of the West, listen to those who have defected, be it Yeonmi Park or Jack Barsky et al


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I've listened to many interviews of former spies or those whop have defected. Even those from the West who defected to Russia etc just out of curiousity. Sometimes they do so for ideology (when headed to the East), sometimes it is money or to simply avoid detection after they betrayed their country for money.

Regardless, those who have left to live in America repeat the same warnings about what we are doing to ourselves. Barksky, a former Russian spy and now an American citizen, in fact is very blunt about his concerns about the U.S becoming an oligarch. Those are strong words from a guy who left such a system behind.

Park, for her part, warns against the woke agenda and embracing socialism. She escaped from N Korea and had to sacrifice much personally in order to survive.

When these people give advice, we should all listen, wouldn't you all agree?

By the way, this includes demanding that American allies embrace civil liberties and Access to Justice, don't allow nations like Canada to have police apparatuses manufacture threats and terrorize citizens for decades...

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