If You Were In A Walgreens And Some Kid Starts Trashing The Place.....What Would You Do

If you were in Walgreens and saw someone doing this...what would you do?

  • Join in and help trash the place

  • Beat the heck out of her

  • Call the cops and do nothing

  • I don't understand the question

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That's why I'd leave as well.
I'm the kind of guy who would stand and watch and if anything got on me, or her rant come close to me, then I'd grab her by the back of the neck and pants and run her out of the store. Hold her down outside and wait for cops. But she would have to touch me first.
I would get the hell outta there before somebody starts shooting, quickly and quietly to my car and leave. Old white guys can easily become a target in one quick hurry.
Fuck.....as if I care. This country's going to shit. I don't want to have to live thru the starvation and turmoil that's coming.
Fuck.....as if I care. This country's going to shit. I don't want to have to live thru the starvation and turmoil that's coming.

??? That flew right over my head. Agreed, this country look like it is headed for disaster and I got plenty of bullets if I need 'em. But I don't plan on starving either, so I'm going to try to get through the bad times if I can until things start to look pretty better. And I ain't going to hang around a riot or wait to get my ass kicked.
??? That flew right over my head. Agreed, this country look like it is headed for disaster and I got plenty of bullets if I need 'em. But I don't plan on starving either, so I'm going to try to get through the bad times if I can until things start to look pretty better. And I ain't going to hang around a riot or wait to get my ass kicked.
Hahahaha.....all they have to do is shut off your electricity for a month and you'll starve.
I would immediately leave the store.

Maybe some friends of that "lady" are on their way as reinforcements!

I would run to another store and ask them to call 911. (I do not want to have my call traced from my flip phone. I am an old man who does not have a smartphone.) I do not want to be forced to possibly testify about what I saw. I am terrified of those people!
I would immediately leave the store.

Maybe some friends of that "lady" are on their way as reinforcements!

I would run to another store and ask them to call 911. (I do not want to have my call traced from my flip phone. I am an old man who does not have a smartphone.) I do not want to be forced to possibly testify about what I saw. I am terrified of those people!
Damn sure can't count on the law to protect you.
Cops won't do anything.
D.A. won't prosecute them.

Most appropriate call would be to Animal Control.

We need serious, strictly enforced, segregation in this country.
First. I’d try and figure out why I was at a Walgreens when I shop at a different Pharmacy.
Cops won't do anything.
D.A. won't prosecute them.

Most appropriate call would be to Animal Control.

We need serious, strictly enforced, segregation in this country.

I would agree. But unfortunately the Trump Supporters won’t agree to live on a sort of Reservation.
I started a thread and it got shut down. It was about a girl just like her. She cut in front of me at tim hortons. There was about 10 cars behind me. She boldly and rudely cut in. Didn't even wave a thanks or sorry. So I honked and gave her a what the fuck was that look. She said some things, I said some things, next thing you know she backs up her car and rams mine. I should have had free right to crash em up dirby on her and she should have had to pay to fix my shit and if she can't fix it then the constitutional thing to do would be to make her my indentured servant until the debt is paid off.
You need 30 days observation.
I bit my lip during the pandemic when I saw people not wearing masks or wearing them improperly. If there was $500 reward yes I'd rat you out. My own mother too. LOL. JK. You yes. Mama no.
Of course you would. You'd have been quite happy in East Germany.

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