If you're a police officer you may want to avoid Dunkin Donuts

I wouldn't eat anything a negro made if I were a cop...and I don't eat what a negro makes unless I see the whole process...remember what jesse jackson said he used to do to white people's food (when he actually had a job) as a waiter...

You should stay at home and never eat out. How do you even know who is processing your food at the kitchen?
As a former restaurant owner I can assure you all whenever certain 'types' of customers ordered food some of my line-cooks would 'mess with' the order. I knew it was happening but I couldn't catch them doing it.
You all have no idea what 'added' ingredients ended up on the plates.
It happens in virtually every independent restaurant.........in the world.
Pro Tip: Never wear a ball cap/jacket with any type of US military script on it and eat at a Arab owned restaurant.
Think about it.
Two separate incidents.

Connecticut Police Officer Refused Service at Dunkin' Donuts

Connecticut Officer Refused Service at Dunkin' Donuts | Officer.com

Dunkin' Donuts Employee Writes '#Blacklivesmatter' on Police Officer's Coffee Cup

Dunkin' Donuts Employee Writes '#Blacklivesmatter' on Police Officer's Coffee Cup

^^This from the same bunch who says going finding a DMV that will give you ID to vote is no problem are the ones crying about not getting coffee from DD. Because going somewhere else is super hard...Coffee is rare lol
something I was thinking. these people spewing this about the police all of sudden cropping up in these FRANCISE businesses.

and could they be PLANTS?

remember how the unions have been going after franchises, especially McDonalds.

just got me to thinking about it because this is now the second or third time we've heard something like this
Yes, it's all an evil conspiracy! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I wouldn't eat anything a negro made if I were a cop...and I don't eat what a negro makes unless I see the whole process...remember what jesse jackson said he used to do to white people's food (when he actually had a job) as a waiter...

You should stay at home and never eat out. How do you even know who is processing your food at the kitchen?
As a former restaurant owner I can assure you all whenever certain 'types' of customers ordered food some of my line-cooks would 'mess with' the order. I knew it was happening but I couldn't catch them doing it.
You all have no idea what 'added' ingredients ended up on the plates.
It happens in virtually every independent restaurant.........in the world.
Pro Tip: Never wear a ball cap/jacket with any type of US military script on it and eat at a Arab owned restaurant.
Think about it.
Better yet, never eat at an Arab owned restaurant.

Like ever.
I wouldn't eat anything a negro made if I were a cop...and I don't eat what a negro makes unless I see the whole process...remember what jesse jackson said he used to do to white people's food (when he actually had a job) as a waiter...

You should stay at home and never eat out. How do you even know who is processing your food at the kitchen?

This isn't about me or what I do, though..why are you trying to change the subject?

...the fact is that jesse jackson proudly admitted spitting in white people's food when he actually had a "job" as a waiter.

..it happens often..many MANY negroes have been CAUGHT doing it or otherwise tampering with food...

No I'm not trying to change the subject. I'm just saying that there are other kinds of people and races that do this kind of stuff and not limited to blacks.
I wouldn't eat anything a negro made if I were a cop...and I don't eat what a negro makes unless I see the whole process...remember what jesse jackson said he used to do to white people's food (when he actually had a job) as a waiter...

You should stay at home and never eat out. How do you even know who is processing your food at the kitchen?

This isn't about me or what I do, though..why are you trying to change the subject?

...the fact is that jesse jackson proudly admitted spitting in white people's food when he actually had a "job" as a waiter.

..it happens often..many MANY negroes have been CAUGHT doing it or otherwise tampering with food...

No I'm not trying to change the subject. I'm just saying that there are other kinds of people and races that do this kind of stuff and not limited to blacks.


unfortunately THIS thread is about a negro waitress who refused to serve cops...I pointed out that racial jealousy and resentment cause negroes to sometimes tamper with white people's food...
jesse jackson even BRAGGED about it...
but you want to talk about OTHER things now...that's called changing the subject..
I wouldn't eat anything a negro made if I were a cop...and I don't eat what a negro makes unless I see the whole process...remember what jesse jackson said he used to do to white people's food (when he actually had a job) as a waiter...

You should stay at home and never eat out. How do you even know who is processing your food at the kitchen?
As a former restaurant owner I can assure you all whenever certain 'types' of customers ordered food some of my line-cooks would 'mess with' the order. I knew it was happening but I couldn't catch them doing it.
You all have no idea what 'added' ingredients ended up on the plates.
It happens in virtually every independent restaurant.........in the world.
Pro Tip: Never wear a ball cap/jacket with any type of US military script on it and eat at a Arab owned restaurant.
Think about it.

Agree. Someone posted here can't remember who but sometime in July regarding Reasonable Tip For Waiter. I have relatives in Seattle that owns 2 restaurants and another in New Jersey. I also met other people that used to be a waiter. And universally told me that NEVER piss off your waiter or complain later after you get your food.
Even if you install a camera you can't catch everything. I think this is happening more than what people think. Like if you are a bad tipper and you keep coming back to the same restaurant. Good luck with that.
I wouldn't eat anything a negro made if I were a cop...and I don't eat what a negro makes unless I see the whole process...remember what jesse jackson said he used to do to white people's food (when he actually had a job) as a waiter...

You should stay at home and never eat out. How do you even know who is processing your food at the kitchen?
As a former restaurant owner I can assure you all whenever certain 'types' of customers ordered food some of my line-cooks would 'mess with' the order. I knew it was happening but I couldn't catch them doing it.
You all have no idea what 'added' ingredients ended up on the plates.
It happens in virtually every independent restaurant.........in the world.
Pro Tip: Never wear a ball cap/jacket with any type of US military script on it and eat at a Arab owned restaurant.
Think about it.

Agree. Someone posted here can't remember who but sometime in July regarding Reasonable Tip For Waiter. I have relatives in Seattle that owns 2 restaurants and another in New Jersey. I also met other people that used to be a waiter. And universally told me that NEVER piss off your waiter or complain later after you get your food.
Even if you install a camera you can't catch everything. I think this is happening more than what people think. Like if you are a bad tipper and you keep coming back to the same restaurant. Good luck with that.

LMAO...you know it's true..you know it happens...you know jesse jackson bragged about doing it...but you just HAVE to make an asinine, snarky post like this when I point it out;

charwin said:
You should stay at home and never eat out. How do you even know who is processing your food at the kitchen?

So..how do YOU know who is processing YOUR food? How do YOU know what goes on in the kitchen?

you're funny!
That's gotta be the stupidest boycott ever. A donut shop refusing their best customers? That's like a liquor store refusing to sell malt liquor to blacks.
The only people that work at Dunkin donuts are white trailer trash like you.


Do you have any idea how much white people spit you've eaten over your lifetime? Yeah, they always spit in your food.
Good. A lot of these fat ass cops might finally start losing some weight.
I wouldn't eat anything a negro made if I were a cop...and I don't eat what a negro makes unless I see the whole process...remember what jesse jackson said he used to do to white people's food (when he actually had a job) as a waiter...

You should stay at home and never eat out. How do you even know who is processing your food at the kitchen?
As a former restaurant owner I can assure you all whenever certain 'types' of customers ordered food some of my line-cooks would 'mess with' the order. I knew it was happening but I couldn't catch them doing it.
You all have no idea what 'added' ingredients ended up on the plates.
It happens in virtually every independent restaurant.........in the world.
Pro Tip: Never wear a ball cap/jacket with any type of US military script on it and eat at a Arab owned restaurant.
Think about it.

Agree. Someone posted here can't remember who but sometime in July regarding Reasonable Tip For Waiter. I have relatives in Seattle that owns 2 restaurants and another in New Jersey. I also met other people that used to be a waiter. And universally told me that NEVER piss off your waiter or complain later after you get your food.
Even if you install a camera you can't catch everything. I think this is happening more than what people think. Like if you are a bad tipper and you keep coming back to the same restaurant. Good luck with that.

LMAO...you know it's true..you know it happens...you know jesse jackson bragged about doing it...but you just HAVE to make an asinine, snarky post like this when I point it out;

charwin said:
You should stay at home and never eat out. How do you even know who is processing your food at the kitchen?

So..how do YOU know who is processing YOUR food? How do YOU know what goes on in the kitchen?

you're funny!

Someone gave me a glass of cognac Hennessy Paradis at lunch....
I wouldn't eat anything a negro made if I were a cop...and I don't eat what a negro makes unless I see the whole process...remember what jesse jackson said he used to do to white people's food (when he actually had a job) as a waiter...

You should stay at home and never eat out. How do you even know who is processing your food at the kitchen?
As a former restaurant owner I can assure you all whenever certain 'types' of customers ordered food some of my line-cooks would 'mess with' the order. I knew it was happening but I couldn't catch them doing it.
You all have no idea what 'added' ingredients ended up on the plates.
It happens in virtually every independent restaurant.........in the world.
Pro Tip: Never wear a ball cap/jacket with any type of US military script on it and eat at a Arab owned restaurant.
Think about it.

Agree. Someone posted here can't remember who but sometime in July regarding Reasonable Tip For Waiter. I have relatives in Seattle that owns 2 restaurants and another in New Jersey. I also met other people that used to be a waiter. And universally told me that NEVER piss off your waiter or complain later after you get your food.
Even if you install a camera you can't catch everything. I think this is happening more than what people think. Like if you are a bad tipper and you keep coming back to the same restaurant. Good luck with that.

LMAO...you know it's true..you know it happens...you know jesse jackson bragged about doing it...but you just HAVE to make an asinine, snarky post like this when I point it out;

charwin said:
You should stay at home and never eat out. How do you even know who is processing your food at the kitchen?

So..how do YOU know who is processing YOUR food? How do YOU know what goes on in the kitchen?

you're funny!

Someone gave me a glass of cognac Hennessy Paradis at lunch....

non response...typical..
You should stay at home and never eat out. How do you even know who is processing your food at the kitchen?
As a former restaurant owner I can assure you all whenever certain 'types' of customers ordered food some of my line-cooks would 'mess with' the order. I knew it was happening but I couldn't catch them doing it.
You all have no idea what 'added' ingredients ended up on the plates.
It happens in virtually every independent restaurant.........in the world.
Pro Tip: Never wear a ball cap/jacket with any type of US military script on it and eat at a Arab owned restaurant.
Think about it.

Agree. Someone posted here can't remember who but sometime in July regarding Reasonable Tip For Waiter. I have relatives in Seattle that owns 2 restaurants and another in New Jersey. I also met other people that used to be a waiter. And universally told me that NEVER piss off your waiter or complain later after you get your food.
Even if you install a camera you can't catch everything. I think this is happening more than what people think. Like if you are a bad tipper and you keep coming back to the same restaurant. Good luck with that.

LMAO...you know it's true..you know it happens...you know jesse jackson bragged about doing it...but you just HAVE to make an asinine, snarky post like this when I point it out;

charwin said:
You should stay at home and never eat out. How do you even know who is processing your food at the kitchen?

So..how do YOU know who is processing YOUR food? How do YOU know what goes on in the kitchen?

you're funny!

Someone gave me a glass of cognac Hennessy Paradis at lunch....

non response...typical..

Meaning alcohol gets me before posting. Didn't even recognized whom I was quoting. My bad.
As a former restaurant owner I can assure you all whenever certain 'types' of customers ordered food some of my line-cooks would 'mess with' the order. I knew it was happening but I couldn't catch them doing it.
You all have no idea what 'added' ingredients ended up on the plates.
It happens in virtually every independent restaurant.........in the world.
Pro Tip: Never wear a ball cap/jacket with any type of US military script on it and eat at a Arab owned restaurant.
Think about it.

Agree. Someone posted here can't remember who but sometime in July regarding Reasonable Tip For Waiter. I have relatives in Seattle that owns 2 restaurants and another in New Jersey. I also met other people that used to be a waiter. And universally told me that NEVER piss off your waiter or complain later after you get your food.
Even if you install a camera you can't catch everything. I think this is happening more than what people think. Like if you are a bad tipper and you keep coming back to the same restaurant. Good luck with that.

LMAO...you know it's true..you know it happens...you know jesse jackson bragged about doing it...but you just HAVE to make an asinine, snarky post like this when I point it out;

charwin said:
You should stay at home and never eat out. How do you even know who is processing your food at the kitchen?

So..how do YOU know who is processing YOUR food? How do YOU know what goes on in the kitchen?

you're funny!

Someone gave me a glass of cognac Hennessy Paradis at lunch....

non response...typical..

Meaning alcohol gets me before posting. Didn't even recognized whom I was quoting. My bad.

heh heh...no problem..I WAS a little confused, though.Couldn't figure out the reference...Everyone likes a little "very special old pale" every now and again. All good, mate.

'#Blacklivesmatter' Coffee Cup Fight Continues Between Police Officers and Civilians

A group handed out coffee cups with the phrase to police officers.

Providence's penchant for coffee cup activism continues: According to the Providence Journal, a group of Rhode Island residents gave away coffee last Friday outside of the Providence police headquarters. The coffee cups had the phrase "#blacklivesmatter" written on them.

The group explains that this move was in response to a protest held by a former cop a week ago. Tony Lepore set up the small protest outside of the Dunkin' Donuts where earlier this month, a Providence police officer purchased a cup of coffee. He was given a cup with"#blacklivesmatter" scrawled across the side after alleging receiving reluctant service from the employee. Lepore is calling for the employee to be fired.

Many police officers were just as upset as Lepore over the incident. The police union was quite angry and released a statement "condemning the employee and the Black Lives Matter Movement." A spokesperson for the union called the slogan written on the cup "anti-police." Franny Choi, one of the residents handing out coffee outside of the police station, tells ABC6"We know the police have been very outspoken in their opposition to simple acts of protest, such as writing 'black lives matter' on a cup," and so they wanted to take a stand. Another volunteer, Victoria Ruis, explains that the group is trying to "do outreach" about a measure before the city council that would help curtail "the ramifications of racial profiling in Providence."

'#Blacklivesmatter' Coffee Cup Fight Continues Between Police Officers and Civilians
Any cop who is truly a donut connoisseur, like me, only goes to Dunkin for the coffee...their donuts suck.

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