If you're good, should denounce God and the Bible

Clearly Yahweh/Allah of the Bible is not master of anything since he could not even get the authors and editors to come up with any narrative that is consistent with reality.

you're buying into that "recreating God in your own image" argument, aren't you......
More I read sites like evilbible.com which has chapter and verse for all the decidely evil things in the Bible, the more I'm realizing God is not good nor a suitable role model for anyone but dictators and the insane. Deut 13:13-15 says if just 1 person is found to not be worshipping God in a city, the entire city, every human and animal in it should be killed. How is that in ANY way 'good?' Evil as Hitler was, he didn't carpet bomb his own cities to get the handfull of Jews in them.

So, thinking of myself as a good and moral person I can no longer uphold a text which says to slaughter children and animals and descendents of those who sinned though they themselves are guiltless. That's not 'good' that's evil, twisted, perverted, and unjust.

This is because God/ YHWH/ Elohim/ Allah/ Adonai is a morally balanced God, a master of Creation and Destruction, who can be very loving, or extremely brutal depending on the circumstances.

Most Mundane humans want to falsely believe that God is a "God of love", throwing God into the same category as Aphrodite or Cupid.


God is extremely destructive, and its fucking BADASS. You don't know the power of God's Dark Side

Nothing balanced about the Biblical god. If you're Jewish you're okay, but if not, you're to be killed as per Deut 13:13-15. 7.3 billion people in the world right now, only 14 million Jews. According to the Bible, 7.28 billion of you should be killed.
More I read sites like evilbible.com

there's part of the problem....as they say "garbage in, garbage out".......

The site uses chapter and verse for cross-checking. Isn't just claiming the Bible says various things, it's proving it so you can go look it up elsewhere.

yes, but look at all the things "evilbible.com" misrepresents.....it even claims God demands human sacrifices.....and gives as an example God punishing people for conducting human sacrifices.....that takes more than mere ignorance, that requires specific intent to misrepresent......
Nothing balanced about the Biblical god. If you're Jewish you're okay, but if not, you're to be killed as per Deut 13:13-15. 7.3 billion people in the world right now, only 14 million Jews. According to the Bible, 7.28 billion of you should be killed.

of course, you're a fair hand at intentional misrepresentation yourself.....Deuteronomy 13:13-15 says nothing at all about being Jewish......it speaks of people who worship false gods.....
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there's part of the problem....as they say "garbage in, garbage out".......

The site uses chapter and verse for cross-checking. Isn't just claiming the Bible says various things, it's proving it so you can go look it up elsewhere.

yes, but look at all the things "evilbible.com" misrepresents.....it even claims God demands human sacrifices.....and gives as an example God punishing people for conducting human sacrifices.....that takes more than mere ignorance, that requires specific intent to misrepresent......

Keep reading,

Jephthah Burns His Daughter

Josiah and Human Sacrifice

Goes on. But trying to say 1 section on the site refutes the whole site is what's really misrepresenting things. Especially when you don't even have a case for the one section since it does.
The site uses chapter and verse for cross-checking. Isn't just claiming the Bible says various things, it's proving it so you can go look it up elsewhere.

yes, but look at all the things "evilbible.com" misrepresents.....it even claims God demands human sacrifices.....and gives as an example God punishing people for conducting human sacrifices.....that takes more than mere ignorance, that requires specific intent to misrepresent......

Keep reading,

Jephthah Burns His Daughter

Josiah and Human Sacrifice

Goes on. But trying to say 1 section on the site refutes the whole site is what's really misrepresenting things. Especially when you don't even have a case for the one section since it does.

you keep reading.....did God ask Jephthah to burn his daughter?.....was God happy that Jepthah burned his daughter?....does the Bible not go on to say "So it has become a custom in Israel for young Israelite women to go away for four days each year to lament the fate of Jephthah's daughter"?......does a nation lament something that is considered to be good?.....it is given as an example of the stupidity of human beings, not as a directive on how to offer your children as sacrifices to God.....

lets be honest.....the author of evilbible.com is a liar and a fool......as is anyone who uses him as an authority.....
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The site uses chapter and verse for cross-checking. Isn't just claiming the Bible says various things, it's proving it so you can go look it up elsewhere.
Watch this then come back. It's only a little over an hour and a half.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFtI_mVOXbQ]New World Order Bible Versions (Full Movie) - YouTube[/ame]
Nothing balanced about the Biblical god. If you're Jewish you're okay, but if not, you're to be killed as per Deut 13:13-15. 7.3 billion people in the world right now, only 14 million Jews. According to the Bible, 7.28 billion of you should be killed.

of course, you're a fair hand at intentional misrepresentation yourself.....Deuteronomy 13:13-15 says nothing at all about being Jewish......it speaks of people who worship false gods.....

Not surprisingly, like most people of faith you can't read ancient texts well enough to get what they're saying:

13 Certain men, the children of Belial, are gone out from among you, and have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known;

[Since this is a Jewish text for Jews, 'gods you have not known means anyone who isn't God.]

14 Then shalt thou enquire, and make search, and ask diligently; and, behold, if it be truth, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought among you;

15 Thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly, and all that is therein, and the cattle thereof, with the edge of the sword.
Dear [MENTION=46449]Delta4Embassy[/MENTION]:
The OT cannot be taken out of context with the rest of human history in the Bible, or it's like teaching the Holocaust without teaching all the good things in human history after.

If all we taught about humans was WW and the Holocaust, yes,
we'd vote to bomb humans off the planet and solve the problem that way!

The wisest words I ever read summarizing the Bible
came from a Buddhist monk, of all sources:
He said the OT was about living by the letter of the law
and the NT was about living by the spirit of the law.

This is the difference between death and life.

So if you only read about the death and killing that goes on in human history,
that is the Old Way and Old Relationship people had with this view of God
as based on Retributive Justice by judgment and punishment
that leads to rejection and division. This kills relations and causes war for greed over
power over the laws, and we see this in corrupt church and state authority.
Yes, it is self-destructive and sad, and you're right we should renounce these Old Ways.

That is the way to death, you live by the sword you die by the sword.

The new life in the NT is about "Restorative Justice" or Justice with Mercy
that restores good faith relations, good will for all, and peace for all humanity.

So the point is how do we finish the spiritual process in moving from
Retributive Justice (judgment and punishment) in the OT that leads to death
to Restorative Justice (forgiveness and correction) in the NT that brings new life

If you only focus on the OT you will GRIEVE for humanity,
as Buddha did in his meditations and Jesus wept in the Garden.

When we are done with the grief and anger stage,
we are supposed to move into stages of resolution and peace.

The point is how to get there, how to help ourselves and neighbors who
are still in denial and projection, anger and grief, move toward making
peace, forgiving the past, and learning from it to build a better future.

More I read sites like evilbible.com which has chapter and verse for all the decidely evil things in the Bible, the more I'm realizing God is not good nor a suitable role model for anyone but dictators and the insane. Deut 13:13-15 says if just 1 person is found to not be worshipping God in a city, the entire city, every human and animal in it should be killed. How is that in ANY way 'good?' Evil as Hitler was, he didn't carpet bomb his own cities to get the handfull of Jews in them.

So, thinking of myself as a good and moral person I can no longer uphold a text which says to slaughter children and animals and descendents of those who sinned though they themselves are guiltless. That's not 'good' that's evil, twisted, perverted, and unjust.
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