Old news that turned out to be this "nothing burger" thing you kids are always talking about.
Yet another desperate attempt to distract folks from the dumpster fire that is the tRump *administration*.
Government works slow, just keep in mind how long it took for government to bring down Manafort over charges that were known but they were unable to charge him with.
Then why are you kids constantly saying Mueller should be done?
People are saying the Mueller SC was put in place to investigate Russian interference in the election involving collusion with the TRUMP campaign and he has evolved into going process crimes and campaign finances.
With Clinton plenty of questionable and criminal activity has been found to justify an investigation of obstruction of justice regarding the handling of the investigations into the Clintons.
It must be frustrating for the DS to not be able to simple throw Hillary under the bus knowing by doing so they would be spared of a Hillary 2020 run, but they know they can't because the Clintons know to much.
A lot of people speculated the meeting with Bill and Lynch was to go over Hillary not being charged, but it could have very easily been a quick reminder to Lynch of how much the Clintons know. Keep in mind Obama didn't get on board with supporting Hillary until after the Bill and Lynch meeting, but before Comey had cleared Hillary of charges.