IIha Omar accuses Da Creshaw of icitemet for critizig her over 9//11 commets

Maybe Crenshaw doesn't call her unAmerican. I do.

Any Muslim wearing a head scarf (especially one affiliated with a Muslim Brotherhood group > CAIR) has no nationality of any country. A Muslim like Omar, has only one loyalty. That is to the Uhmma (worldwide community of Muslims)
Maybe Crenshaw doesn't call her unAmerican. I do.

Any Muslim wearing a head scarf (especially one affiliated with a Muslim Brotherhood group > CAIR) has no nationality of any country. A Muslim like Omar, has only one loyalty. That is to the Uhmma (worldwide community of Muslims)
Yes she wants the release of members of the muslim brotherhood locked up for terrorism in egypt released
And the travel ban on nations that have lots of terriost in it
Mark Dice on Twitter

she knows she's been caught her apology is pure bs.

Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar accused Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw of inciting violence against her after Crenshaw said her comments about 9/11 were “unbelievable”.
Ilhan Omar Accuses Dan Crenshaw of “Incitement” For Criticizing Her Over 9/11 Comments

B***h stf up.
This pos loser is ot going to lose her next run to many are waking up
Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar accused Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw of inciting violence against her after Crenshaw said her comments about 9/11 were “unbelievable”.
The last few months sure makes up for
the past 2 years...and it keeps getting better!

All the shit they've dished out, maliciously,
seems to be coming back to them, full circle!


Everything that is coming back their way,
that have excused, ignored, accused, implied...
And their double standards expose them
for the dirty, rotten, lying, corrupted schemers they are

God will not be mocked

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed,
and nothing concealed that will not be brought to light.

Mark 4:22

So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed
that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.

Matthew 10:26

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