Ilhan Omar defends Palestinians after terrorists rain down rockets on Israel

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Isnt it about time Israel simply dispatches all the supposed Palestinians....Give them one week to leave the territory and wherever is left send to allah.....who is to stop them if America stays on their side...the condemnation of the U.N.....ROTFLMFAO

Also about time these Muslim politicians are swept away....but remember Jews and right minded people it is the DemonRATS that sponsor scum like this!

Rep. Ilhan Omar appeared to take the side of Hamas and Islamic Jihad last night after terrorists fired hundreds of rockets at civilian targets in Israel by Hamas this weekend.

“How many more protesters must be shot, rockets must be fired, and little kids must be killed until the endless cycle of violence ends? The status quo of occupation and humanitarian crisis in Gaza is unsustainable. Only real justice can bring about security and lasting peace,” the Minnesota Democrat said in a tweet Sunday night



We should never let such Satanic ethical scum into USA, never!
….and nobody in the Democratic party has the balls to stand up to this terrorist supporting piece of shit.

It's one of the many reasons I am a FORMER democrat.
She and you openly support murderous terrorists that indiscriminately attack women and children.
I support the oppressed Palestinian people who are the victims of the Israeli IDF terrorists. ... :cool:
Wrong. you support a terror group that fires rockets at women and children, you support a group that murders women and children cause they haven't got the balls to attack the military.
Wrong. you support a terror group that fires rockets at women and children, you support a group that murders women and children cause they haven't got the balls to attack the military.
It's the Israeli psychopaths that murder innocent women and children as part of the criminal zionist plan to steal more land. .... :cuckoo:

If Israel wanted to steal Gaza, why did they give up the territory in 2005?

That would seem counter intuitive.
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Wrong. you support a terror group that fires rockets at women and children, you support a group that murders women and children cause they haven't got the balls to attack the military.
It's the Israeli psychopaths that murder innocent women and children as part of the criminal zionist plan to steal more land. .... :cuckoo:

If Israel wanted to steal Gaza, why did they give up the territory in 2005?

That would seem counter intuitive.
Don't talk logic with terror supporters they are to STUPID to understand it. It is like asking them why when no rockets or bombs are set off in Israel by Pals if Israelis were the blood thirsty people they claim they are they don't attack Pals.
RE: Ilhan Omar defends Palestinians after terrorists rain down rockets on Israel
⁜→ Sunni Man, RetiredGySgt, et al,

I think that there are many people that live in Minnesota's 5th Congressional District that believe that the Honorable Ilhan Omar believes just as they do. That the Arab Palestinians have the independent and inherent right to pursue this hostile agenda. That they are exempt from Customary and International Humanitarian Law.

And that the Honorable Ilhan Omar is following their agenda to support those exceptions.

She and you openly support murderous terrorists that indiscriminately attack women and children.
I support the oppressed Palestinian people who are the victims of the Israeli IDF terrorists. ... :cool:
(What the Arab Palestinians Follow as an Agenda)

◈ Utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations;

◈ Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities;

◈ Intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects, that is, objects which are not military objectives;

◈ Attacking or bombarding, by whatever means, towns, villages, dwellings or buildings which are undefended and which are not military objectives;​

Most Respectfully,
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RE: Ilhan Omar defends Palestinians after terrorist rain down rockets on Israel
※→ Sunni Man, RetiredGySgt, et al,

We have seen this before.

Wrong. you support a terror group that fires rockets at women and children, you support a group that murders women and children cause they haven't got the balls to attack the military.
It's the Israeli psychopaths that murder innocent women and children as part of the criminal zionist plan to steal more land. .... :cuckoo:

Like I've aready expressed → when the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) direct violence against Israel, its citizens or Article 43 (HR) Police and Security → with the intention of - or calculated to → cause death or serious bodily injury to the civilian population, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities, the purpose of such act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population and to compel a government or an international organization to do (or to abstain from doing) some act that furthers their criminal objective, adding to their past history of illegal behaviors.

What we are seeing now → is a very intentional set of actions (by the HoAP) in order to incite a major media level event; to wit → pressuring the Israelis to take military action in response to the several hundred rockets indiscriminately fired into Israel in Violation of Rule #11 Customary IHL.

This is a trap set by the HoAP. The event, designed to provoke an Israeli response to the HoAP rocket barrage. → This is what the media (led around by the nose) will interpret as an adverse act of aggression on the part of Israelis. It will play to the idea that the HoAP is allowed to attack the Israelis at any time. But it will also challenge the Israeli right of self-defense. It is a propaganda ploy.

Most Respectfully,
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Wrong. you support a terror group that fires rockets at women and children, you support a group that murders women and children cause they haven't got the balls to attack the military.
It's the Israeli psychopaths that murder innocent women and children as part of the criminal zionist plan to steal more land. .... :cuckoo:

If Israel wanted to steal Gaza, why did they give up the territory in 2005?

That would seem counter intuitive.

Has anyone come up with a logical answer to that one?

She and you openly support murderous terrorists that indiscriminately attack women and children.
I support the oppressed Palestinian people who are the victims of the Israeli IDF terrorists. ... :cool:

The Palestinians have been trying the stick for 60 years and it hasn't worked out at all. Perhaps they should try a carrot for a change?
Wrong. you support a terror group that fires rockets at women and children, you support a group that murders women and children cause they haven't got the balls to attack the military.
It's the Israeli psychopaths that murder innocent women and children as part of the criminal zionist plan to steal more land. .... :cuckoo:

If Israel wanted to steal Gaza, why did they give up the territory in 2005?

That would seem counter intuitive.

Has anyone come up with a logical answer to that one?


Not yet...

... nor has anyone explained why the Jewish state are allegedly stealing land but Israel is half the size today compare to what it was in 1967.
RE: Ilhan Omar defends Palestinians after terrorist rain down rockets on Israel
※→ Sunni Man, RetiredGySgt, et al,

We have seen this before.

Wrong. you support a terror group that fires rockets at women and children, you support a group that murders women and children cause they haven't got the balls to attack the military.
It's the Israeli psychopaths that murder innocent women and children as part of the criminal zionist plan to steal more land. .... :cuckoo:

Like I've aready expressed → when the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) direct violence against Israel, its citizens or Article 43 (HR) Police and Security → with the intention of - or calculated to → cause death or serious bodily injury to the civilian population, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities, the purpose of such act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population and to compel a government or an international organization to do (or to abstain from doing) some act that furthers their criminal objective, adding to their past history of illegal behaviors.

What we are seeing now → is a very intentional set of actions (by the HoAP) in order to incite a major media level event; to wit → pressuring the Israelis to take military action in response to the several hundred rockets indiscriminately fired into Israel in Violation of Rule #11 Customary IHL.

This is a trap set by the HoAP. The event, designed to provoke an Israeli response to the HoAP rocket barrage. → This is what the media (led around by the nose) will interpret as an adverse act of aggression on the part of Israelis. It will play to the idea that the HoAP is allowed to attack the Israelis at any time. But it will also challenge the Israeli right of self-defense. It is a propaganda ploy.

Most Respectfully,

Actually if one pays attention, there're several things clearly different in the Israeli response this time.
Not that it's a measure, but much more countries joined in immediate condemnation of Hamas attacks,
because the govt and the military were very clear this time, focused more on precise action where it was not expected, and delivering short messages not open for interpretations. General Kochavi, may Hashem strengthen his hand, seems to be a good change for his position.

Even Omar understood.
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How many Israelites died from the over 600 rockets that the Palestinians blasted Israel with??

I don't believe Israel for one moment. Like Israel would even consider Gaza getting away with more than 600 rockets.

Palestinian officials said Egypt has mediated a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel to end a recent surge of violence. Reports of a ceasefire came not long after Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered a build-up of military along the Gaza border. Israel's military said that more than 600 rockets and other projectiles – more than 150 of which were intercepted by its Iron Dome anti-missile system – have been fired at southern Israeli cities and villages since Friday. It said it attacked more than 260 targets belonging to Gaza militant groups. Gaza officials said Israeli air strikes and artillery fire killed 24 people, including 14 civilians, since Friday

Reports of ceasefire between Gaza and Israel after days of violence – video
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