Ilhan Omar introduces legislation to implement universal basic income


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

Today is a day that ends in 'y.' So, naturally, mar wants to spend billions more in taxpayer money. Her latest socialist scheme is a quasi-universal basic income program. She just introduced legislation that would pave the way for the first national “UBI” program in the US
My gosh, she can't do math.

She proposes giving every adult with an income under $75k, $14,400 per year, including those not working.

There must be over 150 million American adults who would qualify (75% of workers and all the retired and otherwise not working).

Even neglecting dependents, her proposal would cost in excess of $2 trillion per year.

Total Federal revenue is about $3.5 trillion per year, so she's talking about controlling 60% of total federal tax revenue with her one short stupid bill.
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And where does she plan to get the money to pay for this crap? :oops: Oh right! Our hard-earned tax dollars, :saythat:

Screw her! Nothing the Dems love to do the most, is SPEND! SPEND! THEN TAX. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Not unless you make more than $400,000 a year.
My gosh, she can't do math.

She proposes giving every adult with an income under $75k, $14,400 per year, including those not working.

There must be over 150 million American adults who would qualify (75% of workers and all the retired and otherwise not working).

Even neglecting dependents, her proposal would cost in excess of $2 trillion per year.

Total Federal revenue is about $3.5 trillion per year, so she's talking about controlling 60% of total federal tax revenue with her one short stupid bill.
There are multiple of major flaws in your meme in the given context.

For one, Ilhan Omar is not a Capitalist. She is a Socialist, so her idea is not a Capitalist one. So for you to say that universal basic income is built in to Capitalism doesn't really make sense.

Secondly, just about every other form of economic system has this universal basic income built in to a larger extent than Capitalism.

The Capitalist economic system is modeled after nature, like Darwin's theory of survivial of the fittest. It's true, under this system that the strongest and fittest excel, and the inferior tend to have a harder life. One could say the herd is culled, and the weaker die off, for the net benefit of survival of the species.

This analogy does break down though, if you throw in unnatural Socialist ideas like universal income or excessive social welfare programs. That allows the weakest among us to reproduce disproportionately, contaminating the herd with their similarly-unproductive offspring.

Those who propel ideas like redistribution of wealth tend to be weaker members of the species. Hopefully, that's not you, but I do wonder about that.


Today is a day that ends in 'y.' So, naturally, mar wants to spend billions more in taxpayer money. Her latest socialist scheme is a quasi-universal basic income program. She just introduced legislation that would pave the way for the first national “UBI” program in the US
she came within about 1500 votes of losing the dem primary last week. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
There are multiple of major flaws in your meme in the given context.

For one, Ilhan Omar is not a Capitalist. She is a Socialist, so her idea is not a Capitalist one. So for you to say that universal basic income is built in to Capitalism doesn't really make sense.

Secondly, just about every other form of economic system has this universal basic income built in to a larger extent than Capitalism.

The Capitalist economic system is modeled after nature, like Darwin's theory of survivial of the fittest. It's true, under this system that the strongest and fittest excel, and the inferior tend to have a harder life. One could say the herd is culled, and the weaker die off, for the net benefit of survival of the species.

This analogy does break down though, if you throw in unnatural Socialist ideas like universal income or excessive social welfare programs. That allows the weakest among us to reproduce disproportionately, contaminating the herd with their similarly-unproductive offspring.

Those who propel ideas like redistribution of wealth tend to be weaker members of the species. Hopefully, that's not you, but I do wonder about that.

UBI just means that income doesnt start at zero.
It has nothing to do with socialism or capitalism; your just demonstrating you dont know what either is.

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