Illegal Alien from Kenya now facing charges for 750 murders!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

The number boggles the mind. I don’t think the most intensive bombing raid in Europe during WWII caused that many.

Who the hell is this guy?

And why is the media silent about it?

An illegal alien from Kenya is a serial killer who preys on elderly women.

On May 16, 2019, authorities in Dallas, Texas, said former health care worker Billy Chemirmir, 46, who was previously arrested in the death of an 81-year-old woman has been charged with killing at least 11 more elderly women in Dallas and Collin counties.

Someone, somewhere has to be held accountable for this. How did he get work being close to elderly people? Who decided he could work in health care? Who failed to verify his legal status?


The guy will get the death sentence but he can only die once? What about the families of the 750? Will his death ease their pain?

More @ Illegal alien from Kenya charged with murdering 12 elderly women in Texas | Fellowship Of The Minds and Illegal Alien From Kenya Now Tied to Possibly 750 MURDERS ⋆ Conservative Firing Line
we have enough murderers/criminals/crime already in the US
we do not need to import more
stop illegals and cut legal immigration = common sense

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