Jimmy Carter was not the worst president we ever had.

WE ALL watched that energy spike. Which hit by the way in 1973, on Nixon's watch, two POTUSes before Carter.
Linear time. Get used to it.
Grow up!
There were two energy crisis in the 70's. The second one not only on Carter's watch but caused by Carter.

Google failed you again.

Oh I don't need Da Googles. I already knew that. I was actually there. Which makes "grow up" a fountain of irony.
Even better, I know contrived made-up bullshit when I see it. And I point it out, for free. You're welcome.

Btw the plural of crisis is crises. Richard Nixon actually used that word (correctly) in a book title. The more you know.
You didnt know shit. And yes, you are pretty good at contradicting yourself, you state it was nixon not carter, then you say you know it was carter, then you say it is made up bullshit that it was carter.

Grow up.

Actually I had already cited Nixon as catalyst, three weeks ago. See post 4. And then I added to it the next day in post 41. Way to keep up.
Btw we actually capitalize proper nouns in English, tovarich.
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WE ALL watched that energy spike. Which hit by the way in 1973, on Nixon's watch, two POTUSes before Carter.
Linear time. Get used to it.
Grow up!
There were two energy crisis in the 70's. The second one not only on Carter's watch but caused by Carter.

Google failed you again.

Oh I don't need Da Googles. I already knew that. I was actually there. Which makes "grow up" a fountain of irony.
Even better, I know contrived made-up bullshit when I see it. And I point it out, for free. You're welcome.

Btw the plural of crisis is crises. Richard Nixon actually used that word (correctly) in a book title. The more you know.
You didnt know shit. And yes, you are pretty good at contradicting yourself, you state it was nixon not carter, then you say you know it was carter, then you say it is made up bullshit that it was carter.

Grow up.

Actually I had already cited Nixon as catalyst, three weeks ago. See post 4. Way to keep up.
Btw we actually capitalize proper nouns in English, tovarich.
Yes, english, you are terrible. would it not be, "nixon as a catalyst"? Btw? How about By the way? Who cares about nixon in this thread about carter?
I addressed carter and the energy crisis he created, you stated that carter did not have an energy crisis.

My comments had nothing to do with post 4, and post 4 has nothing to do with carter. Good job at, keeping up?
Maybe this one was mentioned, but carter also got our ambassador to Afghanistan murdered. Adolph "Spike" Dubs
What was carter's response? Instead of giving Afghanistan $15 million carter gave them $7.5 million!
WE ALL watched that energy spike. Which hit by the way in 1973, on Nixon's watch, two POTUSes before Carter.
Linear time. Get used to it.
Grow up!
There were two energy crisis in the 70's. The second one not only on Carter's watch but caused by Carter.

Google failed you again.

Oh I don't need Da Googles. I already knew that. I was actually there. Which makes "grow up" a fountain of irony.
Even better, I know contrived made-up bullshit when I see it. And I point it out, for free. You're welcome.

Btw the plural of crisis is crises. Richard Nixon actually used that word (correctly) in a book title. The more you know.
You didnt know shit. And yes, you are pretty good at contradicting yourself, you state it was nixon not carter, then you say you know it was carter, then you say it is made up bullshit that it was carter.

Grow up.

Actually I had already cited Nixon as catalyst, three weeks ago. See post 4. And then added to it the next day in post 41. Way to keep up.
Btw we actually capitalize proper nouns in English, tovarich.
Yes, english, you are terrible. would it not be, "nixon as a catalyst"? Btw? How about By the way? Who cares about nixon in this thread about carter?
I addressed carter and the energy crisis he created, you stated that carter did not have an energy crisis.

My comments had nothing to do with post 4, and post 4 has nothing to do with carter. Good job at, keeping up?

No, it would be "English" and "Nixon as catalyst". Ask your teacher what "capital letters" are.

Of course you didn't read post 4. Or 41. If you had you would have realized that the bullshit you just plopped was pre-scooped before you plopped it, and therefore never existed. You cited an energy crisis that Nixon created, and then pinned the name "carter [sic]" on it. Because you're a nidiot.

Finally I didn't "state that carter [sic] did not have an energy crisis". Prove me wrong. Then learn to read.
WE ALL watched that energy spike. Which hit by the way in 1973, on Nixon's watch, two POTUSes before Carter.
Linear time. Get used to it.
Carter imposed an oil embargo on Iran, which caused energy prices to sky-rocket in 1979!
Iran was our ally until carter was president, carter lost Iran to the radicals, carter lost the embassy, carter could not get the hostages released.
Carter also allowed our ambassador to Afghanistan to be murdered, retaliation? He cut aid in half and only gave them 7.5 million.

In 1973 it was the OPEC nations that enacted an oil embargo against the USA for our support of Israel.

You mention teachers? They did you know good when it comes to history. Hell, you say you lived through that time? You have a shitty memory, assuming you paid attention at all. Which it seems that you did not.
WE ALL watched that energy spike. Which hit by the way in 1973, on Nixon's watch, two POTUSes before Carter.
Linear time. Get used to it.
Carter imposed an oil embargo on Iran, which caused energy prices to sky-rocket in 1979!
Iran was our ally until carter was president, carter lost Iran to the radicals, carter lost the embassy, carter could not get the hostages released.
Carter also allowed our ambassador to Afghanistan to be murdered, retaliation? He cut aid in half and only gave them 7.5 million.

In 1973 it was the OPEC nations that enacted an oil embargo against the USA for our support of Israel.

You mention teachers? They did you know good when it comes to history. Hell, you say you lived through that time? You have a shitty memory, assuming you paid attention at all. Which it seems that you did not.

Once AGAIN see posts from three weeks ago about the CIA undermining a democratic election in Iran and setting all that up. That would be 1953, first year of the Eisenhower Administration. See my reference to the Dulles brothers. This shit doesn't just spring up out of a proverbial vacuum.

And also once again, Carter did get the hostages released. Algiers Accords, Warren Christopher. It's historical fact and there's nothing you can do about it.

Finally since oil is an international fungible commodity, an embargo on Iran or any other single country would not cause a price spike. It doesn't work that way.

Finally no I didn't mention "teachers". I said you should find one. Might want to invest in a history book while you're at it so you don't look so friggin' clueless.
Finally no I didn't mention "teachers". I said you should find one. Might want to invest in a history book while you're at it so you don't look so friggin' clueless.
If you did not mention teachers, how could you tell me to find one? History books? Okay, here are my books, what do you want to know.


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And also once again, Carter did get the hostages released. Algiers Accords, Warren Christopher. It's historical fact and there's nothing you can do about it.
3 months after Carter lost the election? After Reagan was inaugurated? After 444 days? The hostages were released. Yep, nothing I can do about that.
Finally since oil is an international fungible commodity, an embargo on Iran or any other single country would not cause a price spike. It doesn't work that way.
"Fungible"? Well, you are entitled to your opinion.

Yes, carter lost Iran and its oil. A huge spike in oil prices followed. But carter, being the worst president ever, lowered the speed limit to 55 mph! What a great solution!

Fungible? ha ha ha
Finally since oil is an international fungible commodity, an embargo on Iran or any other single country would not cause a price spike. It doesn't work that way.
"Fungible"? Well, you are entitled to your opinion.

Yes, carter lost Iran and its oil. A huge spike in oil prices followed. But carter, being the worst president ever, lowered the speed limit to 55 mph! What a great solution!

Fungible? ha ha ha

Once AGAIN the National Maximum Speed Law was passed in 1974, in response to Nixon's 1973 crisis. That was the same time they changed the time. And I remember that too, going to work in the dark. Carter was not in office until 1977. You can pull fake facts out of your ass all night but they're going straight back in.

Fungible isn't an "opinion". I happen to know how this shit works. Which is why I know bullshit when I see it.
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And also once again, Carter did get the hostages released. Algiers Accords, Warren Christopher. It's historical fact and there's nothing you can do about it.
3 months after Carter lost the election? After Reagan was inaugurated? After 444 days? The hostages were released. Yep, nothing I can do about that.

Three months after Carter (congratulations on finding the shift key) lost the election, Reagan was President, so no. The Algiers Accords were official in January. Matter of fact Carter met them in Germany on their first stop coming out of Iran.

And yes, there's nothing you can do about that. Other than to quit lying about it.
Finally since oil is an international fungible commodity, an embargo on Iran or any other single country would not cause a price spike. It doesn't work that way.
"Fungible"? Well, you are entitled to your opinion.

Yes, carter lost Iran and its oil. A huge spike in oil prices followed. But carter, being the worst president ever, lowered the speed limit to 55 mph! What a great solution!

Fungible? ha ha ha

Once AGAIN the National Maximum Speed Law was passed in 1974, in response to Nixon's 1973 crisis. That was the same time they changed the time. And I remember that too, going to work in the dark. Carter was not in office until 1977. You can pull fake facts out of your ass all night but they're going straight back in.

Fungible isn't an "opinion". I happen to know how this shit works. Which is why I know bullshit when I see it.
well, I aint perfect, either way, Fungible is your opinion and certainly the prices of oil skyrocketed during the Carter administration. That is fact that your opinion of Fungible can not dispel.

Three months after Carter (congratulations on finding the shift key) lost the election, Reagan was President, so no. The Algiers Accords were official in January. Matter of fact Carter met them in Germany on their first stop coming out of Iran.

And yes, there's nothing you can do about that. Other than to quit lying about it.
The Hostages were not released while Jimmy Carter was president. That is a fact.
Carter was not in office until 1977. You can pull fake facts out of your ass all night but they're going straight back in.

Fungible isn't an "opinion". I happen to know how this shit works. Which is why I know bullshit when I see it.

That makes two, an oil embargo and forcing oil refineries not to sell gasoline? How about a third.
Iran could not produce oil because they were dependent on foreign workers. Nobody would work there after khomeni took power. Too dangerous.

In early 1979, the U.S. government regulated oil prices. The regulators ordered refiners to restrict the supply of gasoline in the early days of the crisis to build inventories. The constrained supply directly contributed to higher prices at the pump. Another factor was unintended supply restriction after the Department of Energy’s (DOE) decided to make a handful of large U.S. refiners sell crude to smaller refiners who could not find a ready supply of oil. Because smaller refiners had limited production capabilities, the decision further delayed gasoline supply.
Fungible isn't an "opinion". I happen to know how this shit works. Which is why I know bullshit when I see it.
Bullshit is Fungible. You should start a thread in Energy. Then we could have fun in seeing how fast your opinion is proven as nothing more.
Three months after Carter (congratulations on finding the shift key) lost the election, Reagan was President, so no. The Algiers Accords were official in January. Matter of fact Carter met them in Germany on their first stop coming out of Iran.

And yes, there's nothing you can do about that. Other than to quit lying about it.
The Hostages were not released while Jimmy Carter was president. That is a fact.

Actually that's bullshit.

Algiers Accords
January 19, 1981. Nuttin' you can do about it.

Perhaps it was dat eeeebil liburrul media showing you juxtaposed pics of Reagan taking the oath of office while a plane flew six thousand miles away, that you bought hook line and sinker. But history is history and dates are dates.
Fungible isn't an "opinion". I happen to know how this shit works. Which is why I know bullshit when I see it.
Bullshit is Fungible. You should start a thread in Energy. Then we could have fun in seeing how fast your opinion is proven as nothing more.

Once again -- it isn't "opinion". It's how the oil bidness works. The key word before "commodity" is not fungible --- it's international. Oil is bought and sold on a world market, by oil corporations --- not one country to another. Just as an ocean has many rivers flowing into it, if I went out and blocked the Savannah River, it wouldn't dry up the Atlantic Ocean.

And no, I don't need to start a thread to explain this.
Once again -- it isn't "opinion". It's how the oil bidness works. The key word before "commodity" is not fungible --- it's international. Oil is bought and sold on a world market, by oil corporations --- not one country to another. Just as an ocean has many rivers flowing into it, if I went out and blocked the Savannah River, it wouldn't dry up the Atlantic Ocean.

And no, I don't need to start a thread to explain this.
Now you want to speak of fungible in a thread about carter? You care to debate if Oil Corporations or Countries control and sell their oil? Semantics?

Fungible, if you reversed the flow of the Savannah river so that the Atlantic Ocean flowed into the river, to its source. Would not all life in that river die? Would the fresh water fish die? Would be be able to use that water for drinking? Would our water utilities be able to use salt water when they are not designed for salt water?

Can you buy and type of crude oil from any well in the world and use it any refinery? Are refineries designed for a specific oil?

Is oil fungible? Oil is certainly not water flowing in a river to the ocean where anyone and everyone can simply take what they want and or need.

Such an over simplified explanation of Oil obscures the fact of the matter, that specific refineries are designed for specific Oil.

Anyhow, you are free to start a thread in energy? To discuss your idea of fungible?

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