Jimmy Carter was not the worst president we ever had.

Carter was a good candidate but a mediocre president
Reagan was a great candidate but a mediocre president
Bush I was a mediocre candidate but a pretty good president
Clinton was a great candidate and a great president
Bush II was a mediocre candidate and the worst president in my lifetime
Obama was a great candidate and a great president
Trump was great candidate and a terrible president

We should choose our presidents by lottery, there seems to be no connection between good candidates and good presidents.
Do you think that Joe Biden is a great candidate? Do you think he'll be a great President?
Nixon did some bad things like Cambodia and starting the drug war, but he did a few good things like starting the EPA at a time when we were trashing the environment....I grew up near the Cuyahoga River in Ohio and saw it first hand.
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They EPA had nothing to do with fixing either of those. It was local government regulations, which I have no problem with. There is little to nothing the EPA did to improve anything.

In fact, I know of several examples, where companies and localities made agreements to reduce pollution, that the EPA stepped in and wiped those agreements out, allowing more pollution and less regulation than what local-company agreements already had. One example was Dayton and the Miami river, where the EPA stepped in and lowered pollution controls that Dayton had already created.

We would be better off today, if the EPA had never existed.
First, Carter was not the worst president in all US history. But he was most certainly the worst in 50 years, although Obama is pretty close.

1. The regulations and restrictions we have today, because of the DOE, is still causing problems in our energy policy to this day.

2. Department of Education, is a terrible agency that needs eliminated.

3. SALT was not ratified because the Russians proved they had no intention of abiding by it, which is exactly what people warned Carter about, and Carter ignored them.

4. Partial credit to Carter on this one. Sadat attacked Israel and lost the Sinai. Sadat wanted the Sinai back, and peace. Sadat initiated contact with Israel. Sadat initiated contact with Carter. Carter invited Sadat and Begin, to Camp David. Carter had the absolutely least influence, and least involvement in the entire process. Nevertheless, for what little bit he did.... I'll give him the little credit he deserves.

5. A massive waste of money, that made the white house, a world wide historical building, into something looking like trailer trash with Christmas lights on year round.

6. Generally I think it was a bad move. For what purpose? Nothing. All he did was wreck some athletes dreams, who trained their whole lives for a chance at the Olympics and didn't go.

7. Yeah, grant amnesty to law breakers. Seems like that's the entire Democrat party. No wonder you can write a jacked up article like this, and thing you have a point.

8. It cracks me up that left-wingers across the country, were screaming about how China was stealing our jobs, and then turn around and praise Carter for making that possible.

9. Given how every regulation and government involvement in health care, all the way to Obama care, has caused the cost of care to increase... Carter's plan was not a good one.

10. This one isn't a negative or a positive. It is just a thing. If you are telling me that out of everything Carter did, that this was one of his big top 10 accomplishments.... then that speaks volumes about what a lousy president he was, if this is counted as a major accomplishment.

Same old juvenile and asinine carter and Obama are the two worst presidents ever crap. do your homework first on the corruption of Nixon,Ford,Reagan,Clinton and both bush’sbefore coming on here with this bullshit crap that carter was the worst in 50 years blah blah blah bs crap. If you bothered to do your homework on the corruption of all those presidents who all took a crap and lighter to the constition,you would see you are rambling that he was the worst in the last 50 years and all those presidents I mentioned were 10 times worse than carter ever was :uhoh3: :ahole-1:
Democrats ate the scum of this country.

Since the end of WWII our worst Presdients have been the Democrat assholes. Scumbags like JFK, LBJ and Slick Willy. Incompetent dickheads like Carter and Obama.
Okay you just proved to the whole world what an idiot you are.Jfk tried to get rid of the evil CIA and the fed which is why they killed him,you have no credibility whatsoever nowputting jfk and Carter in there with Lbj Clinton and Obama as scumbags and leaving out those other scumbags as well reagan both bush’s,Nixon and Ford who all took a crap on the constitution and Americans 100 times worse than carter ever did.
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No gray area ? Fuck off.:rolleyes:
Yeah like I said,he is mister non objective mr biased,trolls like him can’t stand toe to toe to pesky facts that reagan,Nixon,Ford,and both bush’s took a crap and lighter to the constitution 100 times worse than carter ever did.

this troll is biased unaware of the facts of the corruption of the Republican presidents I mentioned and has no credibility,therefore everybody should ignore him,don’t give him the attention he seeks.
Holy shit he was bad. Sadly enough he only got worse with age and is still embarrassing himself. He moved from attacking the United States to attacking his own denomination the Southern Baptist Convention to finally attacking all of Christianity. Liberalism is truly a progressive and malignant mental illness.
Holy shit he was bad. Sadly enough he only got worse with age and is still embarrassing himself. He moved from attacking the United States to attacking his own denomination the Southern Baptist Convention to finally attacking all of Christianity. Liberalism is truly a progressive and malignant mental illness.
Carter attacked Christianity ?
Do you think that Joe Biden is a great candidate? Do you think he'll be a great President?
I predict he'll be a mediocre candidate in the style of Kerry and Gore but not as bad as Hillary. Probably not nearly as good as Trump but I still think he has an even chance to win. He'll be a good but not great president but still a vast improvement over Trump.

If Trump wins it wouldn't surprise me if he resigns. He'll go out a winner and that is all he really cares about. He wouldn't have to actually do the hard work of being president which I don't think interests him as much as winning. If he loses he'll blame everyone but himself.
No gray area ? Fuck off.:rolleyes:

You need to be educated a little bit.

Since WWII:

Best Presidents







Slick Willy

Totally Incompetent


Worst President in the History of the Republic

I've always thought that the hardest job as a "manager" is taking over from someone when things are going great because chances are they won't stay that way for long! Life has a way of doing that. Chances are you're going to be remembered as the guy who was sitting in the Head Chair when things went South!

Conversely...if you're really good at the job...then the best time to take over is when things are at their worst. You'll be remembered as the guy on the White Charger who rode in and saved the day!

W. got handed an economy on the downslope after the Dot Com Boom had run it's course, 9/11 and a press corps that hated his guts! It doesn't get much worse than that! Barack Obama on the other hand had been given TARP funds to play with (which Bush took the hit for politically), lots of stimulus money, a relatively stable Middle East and a fawning press corps. He really was given a perfect opportunity to look like a superstar. In my opinion he blew that when he chose to go after things like Obama Care and Cap & Trade legislation while ignoring millions of people who were out of work and really hurting.
Both sides ran away with billions.
I know too many Lenders who bypassed the software and Rubber Stamped Loans APPROVED!
FDR, and LBJ arguably did more damage than Obama. I see Carter as the least worse of these four. Obama did the most to divide the country racially, and in other ways but did not get to install his Fundamental Transformation. FDR and LBJ really made the U.S. a huge welfare state. Carter was just incompetent.
A little over the top defacing Washington although he was
a land-grabbing slave owner himself.
Holy shit he was bad. Sadly enough he only got worse with age and is still embarrassing himself. He moved from attacking the United States to attacking his own denomination the Southern Baptist Convention to finally attacking all of Christianity. Liberalism is truly a progressive and malignant mental illness.
Carter attacked Christianity ?

He "attacks" it every Sunday when he teaches Sunday School.

Later, he "attacks" lunch.

And yet --- amazingly -- unlike POTUSes before and after him, he never attacked anybody while in the Presidency.
Go figure.
Holy shit he was bad. Sadly enough he only got worse with age and is still embarrassing himself. He moved from attacking the United States to attacking his own denomination the Southern Baptist Convention to finally attacking all of Christianity. Liberalism is truly a progressive and malignant mental illness.
Carter attacked Christianity ?

He "attacks" it every Sunday when he teaches Sunday School.

Later, he "attacks" lunch.

And yet --- amazingly -- unlike POTUSes before and after him, he never attacked anybody while in the Presidency.
Go figure.
Yeah I guess Americans love warmongering presidents that start wars in other countries that go out and murder women and children and take a crap on the constitution. :uhoh3:
When it comes to bone headed presidents I find it hard to surpass invading the wrong country over WMD's.
When it comes to bone headed presidents I find it hard to surpass invading the wrong country over WMD's.
I'm not defending Bush, but the truth is, Saddam did have WMDs.
The dilemma for Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush was that he got them from us in the early 80's and they couldn't let the cat out of the bag on it. Anthrax-tipped missiles actually.

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