Jimmy Carter was not the worst president we ever had.

Carter attacked Christianity ?

When he came out he entitled his piece "Losing my religion". He did..not me. He now subscribes to following a group called "The Elders". Read it yourself.

Leaving a particular church is not attacking Christianity....exactly the opposite.,...
just as Jesus.
Carter attacked Christianity ?

When he came out he entitled his piece "Losing my religion". He did..not me. He now subscribes to following a group called "The Elders". Read it yourself.

Leaving a particular church is not attacking Christianity....exactly the opposite.,...
just as Jesus.

He attacked his former one on the way out. This was an attack piece. he doesn't like the way Christians view women.
You almost gotta laugh that Carter fans need to defend him by claiming he "wasn't the worst president". Among gigantic bureaucratic messes like the "Dept of Education" that produced a generation of idiots and forcing the metric system on Americans, Carter is known for the "misery index" and long, long gas lines. Carter couldn't get us energy so he created the Energy Dept. How's that for a slick political move? His plan to rescue the Iraq hostages was an abject failure and it took a strong president like Reagan to free them. Brother Billy Carter, burp, would have made a better president.
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You almost gotta laugh that Carter fans need to defend him by claiming he "wasn't the worst president". Among gigantic bureaucratic messes like the "Dept of Education" that produced a generation of idiots and forcing the metric system on Americans, Carter is known for the "misery index" and long, long gas lines. Carter couldn't get us energy so he created the Energy Dept. How's that for a slick political move? His plan to rescue the Iraq hostages was an abject failure and it took a strong president like Reagan to free them. Brother Billy Carter, burp, would have made a better president.
Whitehall troll as always ignores all the facts the op myself and pogo have listed that prove in spades all the other presidents after him were MUCH worse than he was as well that there others before him worse as well,FHA’s how this troll operates,he never tries to refute facts or ever Looks at them :abgg2q.jpg: That’s hysterical that he calls reagan a strong leader,the man who at the time ran the most corrupt administration ever having more officials indicted than any other previous president and got us into a deficit worse than all presidents COMBINED plus the fact he took a lighter to the constitution which carter never did,then betrayed the lower and middle class family’s while catering to the rich giving them all the tax breaks,if that’s a strong leader,god help us all.

The biggest bellend president America has had was Obama.
AND whether you realize it or not,Bush at a close second the fact obama expanded what he got started.

Obama let America down big style. Despite what Democrats believe, his fancy bullshit and flesch reading scores doesn't make him a good president.

"Sir, he shot you, you're bleeding out!"

"Not to worry Jeeves, what a guy, I just suck up his fancy bullshit, so he's brilliant. This fatal wound is insignificant".
Adolph Dubs, ambassador to Afghanistan murdered. Carter's response?????????

If you can not acknowledge Carter's biggest failures do you really kniw what you are talking about.
And Carter has pointed out that in his tenure we never started a war, never dropped a bomb, never fired a shot. One of precious few POTUSes who can say that, and the only one since Hoover.
Adolph Dubs, ambassador to Afghanistan murdered.

American Hostages taken in Iran, Carter invades Iran to rescue the hostages, 8 military service members die.

Carter is an embarrassment.
Of course, he was not the worse.

He did NOT get us into a bloody Civil War.
He did NOT get us into World War I.
He did NOT get us into World War II.
He did NOT get us into the Korean War.
He did NOT get us into the Vietnam War.
He did NOT invade Iraq based on a lie.
Of course, he was not the worse.

He did NOT get us into a bloody Civil War.
He did NOT get us into World War I.
He did NOT get us into World War II.
He did NOT get us into the Korean War.
He did NOT get us into the Vietnam War.
He did NOT invade Iraq based on a lie.

He also did not escalate the war in Afghanistan, bomb Libya, fight the war in Iraq for three years, lie to us about Benghazi, create that disastrous Obamacare, use the IRS to curtail a grassroots political movement, kiss Castro ass in front of the whole world and give billions of dollars to the Iraina Mullahs so that is why he considered only the second worst President.
Carter also raised taxes and watched energy prices triple.

WE ALL watched that energy spike. Which hit by the way in 1973, on Nixon's watch, two POTUSes before Carter.
Linear time. Get used to it.
WE ALL watched that energy spike. Which hit by the way in 1973, on Nixon's watch, two POTUSes before Carter.
Linear time. Get used to it.
Grow up!
There were two energy crisis in the 70's. The second one not only on Carter's watch but caused by Carter.

Google failed you again.
Jimmy Carter was not the worst president we ever had.

Indeed. I'm sure he thanks Gawd everyday for Barack Obama.
You almost gotta laugh that Carter fans need to defend him by claiming he "wasn't the worst president". Among gigantic bureaucratic messes like the "Dept of Education" that produced a generation of idiots and forcing the metric system on Americans, Carter is known for the "misery index" and long, long gas lines. Carter couldn't get us energy so he created the Energy Dept. How's that for a slick political move? His plan to rescue the Iraq hostages was an abject failure and it took a strong president like Reagan to free them. Brother Billy Carter, burp, would have made a better president.
Whitehall troll as always ignores all the facts the op myself and pogo have listed that prove in spades all the other presidents after him were MUCH worse than he was as well that there others before him worse as well,FHA’s how this troll operates,he never tries to refute facts or ever Looks at them :abgg2q.jpg: That’s hysterical that he calls reagan a strong leader,the man who at the time ran the most corrupt administration ever having more officials indicted than any other previous president and got us into a deficit worse than all presidents COMBINED plus the fact he took a lighter to the constitution which carter never did,then betrayed the lower and middle class family’s while catering to the rich giving them all the tax breaks,if that’s a strong leader,god help us all.

This thread is some funny shit....These goofballs are all acting as though history began the day they were born.

Worst presidents?....Lets start with Woodrow Wilson, then move on to Lincoln, FDR, and LBJ....All four the most racist, wormongering, power drunk thugs ever to infest 1600 Pennsylvania.

Carter was merely and incompetent fart in the wind in comparison to these titans of tyranny.
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This thread is some funny shit....These goofballs are all act as though history began the day they were born.

Worst presidents?....Lets start with Woodrow Wilson, then move on to Lincoln, FDR, and LBJ....All four the the most racist, wormongering, power drunk thugs ever to infest 1600 Pennsylvania.

Carter was merely and incompetent fart in the wind in comparison to these titans of tyranny.
Yes. Americans generally have notoriously short attention spans and even shorter recollection of history. Sometimes on purpose, other times out of pure apathy and ignorance.
WE ALL watched that energy spike. Which hit by the way in 1973, on Nixon's watch, two POTUSes before Carter.
Linear time. Get used to it.
Grow up!
There were two energy crisis in the 70's. The second one not only on Carter's watch but caused by Carter.

Google failed you again.

Oh I don't need Da Googles. I already knew that. I was actually there. Which makes "grow up" a fountain of irony.
Even better, I know contrived made-up bullshit when I see it. And I point it out, for free. You're welcome.

Btw the plural of crisis is crises. Richard Nixon actually used that word (correctly) in a book title. The more you know.
WE ALL watched that energy spike. Which hit by the way in 1973, on Nixon's watch, two POTUSes before Carter.
Linear time. Get used to it.
Grow up!
There were two energy crisis in the 70's. The second one not only on Carter's watch but caused by Carter.

Google failed you again.

Oh I don't need Da Googles. I already knew that. I was actually there. Which makes "grow up" a fountain of irony.
Even better, I know contrived made-up bullshit when I see it. And I point it out, for free. You're welcome.

Btw the plural of crisis is crises. Richard Nixon actually used that word (correctly) in a book title. The more you know.
You didnt know shit. And yes, you are pretty good at contradicting yourself, you state it was nixon not carter, then you say you know it was carter, then you say it is made up bullshit that it was carter.

Grow up.

The leader that trended us towards ignoring the constitution...........#1

What a great idea, to get one's quotes from Googly Images completely out of context.

>> It is imperative that we distinguish between education and technical or industrial training. And before we distinguish between these two it is necessary that we distinguish between the individuals who are going to take the one and the individuals who are going to take the other. There is no method in American life by which the state or any public authority can pick out the persons to be educated in the one way or the other. The vitality of American life, and the vitality of all democratic life, lies in self-selection; it lies in the challenge put upon all to make up their minds as to what they want and what they intend to do with themselves. It is absolutely essential that we should start with that or we can never have any system of education.​
For a system means a definite thing, it means an organic whole; it means the parts of that whole related to each other in rational fashion, some fixed kind and determined sequence of studies. You cannot get system in any other way. Miscellany cannot be jolted down into a system. If we are going to have any selection, we must have a selection of the individual by himself or herself. I think that the most fatal thing that can happen to anybody is to be taken care of by somebody else. To be carried along by somebody's suggestions from the time you begin until the time when you are thrust groping and helpless into die world is the very negation of education. By the nursing process, by the coddling process, you are sapping a race; and only loss can possibly result except upon the part of individuals hero and there, individuals who are so intrinsically strong that you cannot spoil them. There are individuals into whose ears your suggestions are received, it may be, with polite attention, bill upon whom you make no impression whatever, and those are the persons safe against the demoralizing processes you are attempting.​
Let us go back and distinguish between the two things that we want to do; for we want to do two things in modern society. We want one class of persons to have a liberal education, and we want another class of persons, a very much larger class, of necessity, in every society, to forego the privileges of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks. You cannot train them for both in the time that you have at your disposal. They must make a selection, and you must make a selection. I do not mean to say that in the manual training there must not be an element of liberal training; neither am I hostile to the idea that in the liberal education there should be an element of the manual training. But what I am intent upon is that we should not confuse ourselves with regard to what we are trying to make of the pupils under our instruction. We are either trying to make liberally-educated persons out of them, or we are trying to make skillful servants of society along mechanical lines, or else we do not know what we are trying to do. <<​

The speech is from 1909 btw, before Wilson held any political office at all, which makes it irrelevant here.
Nice try but all you get out of cherrypicked easily-debunked Googly Image quotes is a self-delusional wank.

Oh and as far as "trending us toward ignoring the Constitution, might wanna also look up the Alien and Sedition Acts. Of frickin' 1798.
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