Illegal Border Crossings Hit More Than 101,500 in February

Why isnt this all over the “media”? Why arent there cameras at the border? Where are the pics of the kids in cages?

Are we holding illegals infected with COVID?

Because under the stolen Biden/Harris administration America has turned into a North Korea.

They have to hide things from the people.

Scary actually.
I want to know where all these people going?
Catholic charities makes a fortune placing these people for our government. But it sure as hell didn't help a neighboring school district where they overwhelmed the school and social services while driving down wages being offered.

I don't seem to recall a lot of outrage from conserve-hate-ives when there were more in May of 2019.
The cartels now control the border. Next step is to drive out all American law enforcement. Then they can start moving north taking city by city as they go. Turn America into Mexico.
Everything I see is Brown and it’s not just the desert
They always said that 10 illegal aliens got through for every one that got caught so are we to assume that a million a month are going to slide by without being apprehended at all? Biden and everyone who believes in his immigration policy are idiots.
Yeah...its the same math that always happens with blobbers....

"for every case of voter fraud, assume there were a million more cases that didn't get caught...and they all voted for Biden....and they all were in swing states....and Mexicans are all rapists".
No, Mexico and Central America are only sending their best. Doubtless among them are computer programmers, future Nobel prize winners and healers of Hippocratic talents.
Its probably a dead heat between those jumping over the fence to the south and driving in from red states as to who is a bigger problem. Many aren't taking the vaccine, wearing masks...and they are so violent, misogynistic, racist, and well, stupid.

Some actually think Trump won the election.
The only red state on the border is Texas, Most of the border is on blue states which is doubtless where all these highly skilled and law-abiding dreamers stream through. And no 5'1" pregnant Honduran woman, or anyone as fat as yourself, is jumping over Trump's wall, that's for sure.
Arizona is red but chain migration is killing it

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