Illegal immigrants arrested for looting homes damaged by Hurricane Ian

No, send them back to whatever 3rd world shithole they came from.
Or shoot them.
You can be Ralph Cramden or Ed Norton but I am demanding that you can't be both, unless you're trying to make an even bigger fool of yourself!

Cease and desist!

For your own sake, good god man!
America needs to either support them or pay the price in elevated crime statistics.

But we already know that America chose the latter many years ago.

What to do?

Replace Florida's wrecked homes with jails?
why not deport them? or if they are seeking refugee. status allow them to stay in mexico until their hearing? we used to have that policy
America needs to either support them or pay the price in elevated crime statistics.

But we already know that America chose the latter many years ago.

What to do?

Replace Florida's wrecked homes with jails?
There's enough prison space in FL. 1/6 of Louisiana is still in there since Katrina because they thought could play Louisiana games in FL and FAAFO. The State of Florida does not coddle criminals like Louisiana does. The Katrina cockroaches found that out real quick.
Some may have been released by now, maybe.
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that's what the used to say about Italians.
This is what El Salvadorans say about themselves. El Salvador is a dangerous, violent, crime ridden cess pool. Because that's where El Salvadorans are. When they come here, they don't leave their values behind.
This is what El Salvadorans say about themselves. El Salvador is a dangerous, violent, crime ridden cess pool. Because that's where El Salvadorans are. When they come here, they don't leave their values behind.
I know I was in El Salvador during their war.
Send them home! .....................said DeSantis. :clap: this Governor is a totally amazing man!

Send them home! .....................said DeSantis. :clap: this Governor is a totally amazing man!

a logical solution
it's improving slowly.
I don't see how that's possible. When El Salvadorans came here years ago the Mexicans were slaughtering them for sport. They formed the MS13 gang even deadlier than the Mexicans. Then sent that back to El Salvador through criminal deportations. That made El Salvador even worse than it was. Now they come here already fully fledged gang bangers.
I don't see how that's possible. When El Salvadorans came here years ago the Mexicans were slaughtering them for sport. They formed the MS13 gang even deadlier than the Mexicans. Then sent that back to El Salvador through criminal deportations. That made El Salvador even worse than it was. Now they come here already fully fledged gang bangers.
and many are fleeing that shit.
and many are fleeing that shit.
But it's THEM. These are violent criminals fleeing other violent criminals. Who, by the way are also fleeing violent criminals. When they get here no one disavows the violence, the criminal activity or gang affiliation.

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