Illegal Immigrants Flooding US Facilities Claiming 'Credible Fear' for Lives


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Can you imagine how many will be using THIS excuse and getting away with it for the next 3 years of B. Insane's reign!..."GIVE ME MY FREE SHIT!!!

A recent trend along Texas' southern border involves illegal immigrants flocking to the U.S., turning themselves in to Border Patrol officials, and then expressing credible fear for their lives. Word has apparently spread throughout Central America that immigrants who take these steps have a good chance of obtaining asylum in the U.S. The newly popular practice is straining federal resources, causing "detention facilities, asylum offices and immigration courts [to be] overwhelmed," according to the New York Times.

Illegal Immigrants Flooding US Facilities Claiming 'Credible Fear' for Lives
It's just like the amnesty obozo started in 2012. All an illegal has to do is SAY he was brought to america as a kid and obozo lets him stay.

It will be the same if a blanket amnesty is given to all illegals. There will be conditions but the govt will ignore them.
It's just like the amnesty obozo started in 2012. All an illegal has to do is SAY he was brought to america as a kid and obozo lets him stay.

It will be the same if a blanket amnesty is given to all illegals. There will be conditions but the govt will ignore them.

Stupid strikes again.

1. President Obama deports while Rs give amnesty.
2. President Obama does not let illegals stay because they were born here. That's the Constitution that you despise and fight against every day.

Okay, you can go back to being stupid now.
It's just like the amnesty obozo started in 2012. All an illegal has to do is SAY he was brought to america as a kid and obozo lets him stay.

It will be the same if a blanket amnesty is given to all illegals. There will be conditions but the govt will ignore them.

Stupid strikes again.

1. President Obama deports while Rs give amnesty.

Deportations down again; pace is lowest of Obama presidency - Washington Times

California's Immigration Law Is Slowing Down Deportations As Fewer Immigrants Are Being Turned Over To The Feds | Fox News Latino

2. President Obama does not let illegals stay because they were born here. That's the Constitution that you despise and fight against every day.

If you're born here you're not illegal, dipshit.

Okay, you can go back to being stupid now.

With you leading the way.
It's just like the amnesty obozo started in 2012. All an illegal has to do is SAY he was brought to america as a kid and obozo lets him stay.

It will be the same if a blanket amnesty is given to all illegals. There will be conditions but the govt will ignore them.

Stupid strikes again.

1. President Obama deports while Rs give amnesty.
2. President Obama does not let illegals stay because they were born here. That's the Constitution that you despise and fight against every day.

Okay, you can go back to being stupid now.

"The administration has argued it is tougher on illegal immigration than previous presidents, and immigrant-rights groups have excoriated President Obama, calling him the “deporter-in-chief” for having kicked out nearly 2 million immigrants during his five-year tenure.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson acknowledged Tuesday that his department’s deportation numbers are now mostly made up of illegal immigrants caught at the border, not just those from the interior, which means they can’t be compared one-to-one with deportations under President Bush or other prior administrations.

Previous administrations primarily counted only those caught in the interior of the U.S. by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“Under the Obama administration, more than half of those removals that were attributed to ICE are actually a result of Border Patrol arrests that wouldn’t have been counted in prior administrations,” said Rep. John Culberson, Texas Republican.
“Correct,” Mr. Johnson confirmed.

.... in a one-to-one comparison with the final years of the Bush administration, deportations of those same people under Mr. Obama had actually fallen, according to immigration analysts who have studied the data."
Deportations come mostly from border, DHS chief says - Washington Times

Now....what were you saying about folks being 'stupid,' stupid?
Well first off it's not "credible" they're just making shit up.
These illegals are hoping they will be given the same status as say for instance Cubans, who are allowed to stay if they can make it here.

Many Americans of today do not realize that we have different immigration policies for "suppressed" nations such as Cuba, and the former Soviet Union.

There are probably many posters here that are not old enough to remember a time, when for instance, if there was a ballet troop from the Soviet Union touring the U.S. and if any of the dancers could get far enough away from one of their handlers, they could yell out "I DEFECT" and if they could get attention from a cop, or even an American citizen, the dancer was home free and we had to keep them.

Today of course if a Cuban can make it to Florida on a raft, they are in and we keep them.

This is not the case with Mexicans, and most of the rest of the continent.

So what we have here are these pieces of shit sneaking in and making shit up about being suppressed by their home country, in hopes they'll be given the same status.

We are doomed if our government starts falling for these stories, because the word will get out and millions of illegals will be flooding in making the same lying claims.

I posted this topic here last year and NONE of you gave a flying fuck about it !!!

This story should be wall to wall because of the potential doomsday scenario that could come out of it.

Fucking Hispanics !!!!!

Brown has E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G from our southern border all the way down to the southern tip of Brazil. But these fuckers won't be happy until they have the entire western hemisphere !!!
They should be afraid. Exports of filth are determined by how many housed and overseen by a private corporation that makes money off their brown asses. I'm not sure which is worse, the illegals, or the system that profits from their dumb asses.
It's just like the amnesty obozo started in 2012. All an illegal has to do is SAY he was brought to america as a kid and obozo lets him stay.

It will be the same if a blanket amnesty is given to all illegals. There will be conditions but the govt will ignore them.

Stupid strikes again.

1. President Obama deports while Rs give amnesty.
2. President Obama does not let illegals stay because they were born here. That's the Constitution that you despise and fight against every day.

Okay, you can go back to being stupid now.

No wonder Nuttly Leddite disabled her Rep points. She continually makes herself look like the biggest retard on the Forum....and, she is!

Apparently the FACTS about B. Insans's immigration policies escapes her!
It's just like the amnesty obozo started in 2012. All an illegal has to do is SAY he was brought to america as a kid and obozo lets him stay.

It will be the same if a blanket amnesty is given to all illegals. There will be conditions but the govt will ignore them.

Stupid strikes again.

1. President Obama deports while Rs give amnesty.
2. President Obama does not let illegals stay because they were born here. That's the Constitution that you despise and fight against every day.

Okay, you can go back to being stupid now.

"The administration has argued it is tougher on illegal immigration than previous presidents, and immigrant-rights groups have excoriated President Obama, calling him the “deporter-in-chief” for having kicked out nearly 2 million immigrants during his five-year tenure.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson acknowledged Tuesday that his department’s deportation numbers are now mostly made up of illegal immigrants caught at the border, not just those from the interior, which means they can’t be compared one-to-one with deportations under President Bush or other prior administrations.

Previous administrations primarily counted only those caught in the interior of the U.S. by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“Under the Obama administration, more than half of those removals that were attributed to ICE are actually a result of Border Patrol arrests that wouldn’t have been counted in prior administrations,” said Rep. John Culberson, Texas Republican.
“Correct,” Mr. Johnson confirmed.

.... in a one-to-one comparison with the final years of the Bush administration, deportations of those same people under Mr. Obama had actually fallen, according to immigration analysts who have studied the data."
Deportations come mostly from border, DHS chief says - Washington Times

Now....what were you saying about folks being 'stupid,' stupid?

And we also know that even if Obama has deported alot of illegals, we know his heart and belief system isn't into deporting any of them. If he had his way, he would be like any other American liberal and go in the opposite direction, he would open up the borders and let as many flood in as wanted in.
Stupid strikes again.

1. President Obama deports while Rs give amnesty.
2. President Obama does not let illegals stay because they were born here. That's the Constitution that you despise and fight against every day.

Okay, you can go back to being stupid now.

"The administration has argued it is tougher on illegal immigration than previous presidents, and immigrant-rights groups have excoriated President Obama, calling him the “deporter-in-chief” for having kicked out nearly 2 million immigrants during his five-year tenure.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson acknowledged Tuesday that his department’s deportation numbers are now mostly made up of illegal immigrants caught at the border, not just those from the interior, which means they can’t be compared one-to-one with deportations under President Bush or other prior administrations.

Previous administrations primarily counted only those caught in the interior of the U.S. by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“Under the Obama administration, more than half of those removals that were attributed to ICE are actually a result of Border Patrol arrests that wouldn’t have been counted in prior administrations,” said Rep. John Culberson, Texas Republican.
“Correct,” Mr. Johnson confirmed.

.... in a one-to-one comparison with the final years of the Bush administration, deportations of those same people under Mr. Obama had actually fallen, according to immigration analysts who have studied the data."
Deportations come mostly from border, DHS chief says - Washington Times

Now....what were you saying about folks being 'stupid,' stupid?

And we also know that even if Obama has deported alot of illegals, we know his heart and belief system isn't into deporting any of them. If he had his way, he would be like any other American liberal and go in the opposite direction, he would open up the borders and let as many flood in as wanted in.

There is no doubt that American sovereignty is the target.

You know, that there are Republicans who would also submit it to the United Nations....

Richard Haass, Republican, president of the Council on Foreign Relations “… states must be prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies if the international system is to function…. sovereignty must be redefined if states are to cope with globalization.”

Be on guard.
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If we leave it up to the Dimocrat party we won't even have borders, and we will be flooded with third worlders from the south with no education and all with their palms out to the government.
WAKE UP and realize that the Dimocrat party is going to tank this country by creating more and more incentives for illegals to come here, and seek government help !!
It's just like the amnesty obozo started in 2012. All an illegal has to do is SAY he was brought to america as a kid and obozo lets him stay.

It will be the same if a blanket amnesty is given to all illegals. There will be conditions but the govt will ignore them.

The Messiah Sir Ronald of Reagan provided amnesty, Obama has increased deportation.

Why do you lie?

Oh, and the OP's partisan bullshit ought not be ignored. Jeb Bush told us these immigrants come here for love.
It's just like the amnesty obozo started in 2012. All an illegal has to do is SAY he was brought to america as a kid and obozo lets him stay.

It will be the same if a blanket amnesty is given to all illegals. There will be conditions but the govt will ignore them.

Stupid strikes again.

1. President Obama deports while Rs give amnesty.
2. President Obama does not let illegals stay because they were born here. That's the Constitution that you despise and fight against every day.

Okay, you can go back to being stupid now.

"The administration has argued it is tougher on illegal immigration than previous presidents, and immigrant-rights groups have excoriated President Obama, calling him the “deporter-in-chief” for having kicked out nearly 2 million immigrants during his five-year tenure.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson acknowledged Tuesday that his department’s deportation numbers are now mostly made up of illegal immigrants caught at the border, not just those from the interior, which means they can’t be compared one-to-one with deportations under President Bush or other prior administrations.

Previous administrations primarily counted only those caught in the interior of the U.S. by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“Under the Obama administration, more than half of those removals that were attributed to ICE are actually a result of Border Patrol arrests that wouldn’t have been counted in prior administrations,” said Rep. John Culberson, Texas Republican.
“Correct,” Mr. Johnson confirmed.

.... in a one-to-one comparison with the final years of the Bush administration, deportations of those same people under Mr. Obama had actually fallen, according to immigration analysts who have studied the data."
Deportations come mostly from border, DHS chief says - Washington Times

Now....what were you saying about folks being 'stupid,' stupid?

So, under the current administration less people are getting across our borders then during the GW Bush Reign. And that bothers you because ... you're a partisan hack. Shall we talk about stupid now?
I thought the illegals were just taking jobs nobody wants
....GW Bush

Remember also that Bush reversed the Republican Party’s support for English-only public education and stopped cuts in school funding for the children of illegal immigrants.

George W. Bush on Immigration

During his first campaign swing through California in June, Bush said he was “against the spirit” of Proposition 187-which in part would prevent illegal immigrants from attending public schools-and would not have supported a similar measure for Texas. “I felt like every child ought to be educated regardless of the status of their parents,” he said.

More George W. Bush on Immigration
Well first off it's not "credible" they're just making shit up.

A person seeking asylum has to prove their claim in court before an immigration judge, not to someone on the internet saying "they're just making shit up."

"Prohibition on the forced return of a refugee is called nonrefoulement and is one of the most fundamental principles in international refugee law. This principle is laid out in Article 33 of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, which says that no state "shall expel or return ('refouler' in French) a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life or freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion."

"Some countries detain asylum seekers upon arrival, during the asylum process or while waiting for deportation (refoulement). Asylum seekers may have already suffered imprisonment and Torture in the country from which they have fled. Therefore, The consequences of detention may be particularly serious, causing severe emotional and psychological stress. Article 31 of the Refugee Convention says that refugees should not be penalized for having entered a country illegally if they have come directly from a place where they were in danger and have made themselves known to the authorities. Therefore, asylum seekers should not be detained for being in possession of forged identity papers or for destroying identity or travel documents."

"Media stories, for example, often confuse refugees with people migrating for economic reasons"


Study Guide - The Rights of Refugees
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They should be afraid. Exports of filth are determined by how many housed and overseen by a private corporation that makes money off their brown asses. I'm not sure which is worse, the illegals, or the system that profits from their dumb asses.

What's worse are irrational idiots like you who add nothing to the discussion of an important issue. Illegal immigration creates and/or exacerbates many problems for many people, and is wrong in principle. However, your kind of pointless cowardice and blind hatred is not and will never be part of any realistic process of addressing the issue. We all know you're scared and weak, ok? You can STFU now.
Well first off it's not "credible" they're just making shit up.

A person seeking asylum has to prove their claim in court before an immigration judge, not to someone on the internet saying "they're just making shit up."

"Prohibition on the forced return of a refugee is called nonrefoulement and is one of the most fundamental principles in international refugee law. This principle is laid out in Article 33 of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, which says that no state "shall expel or return ('refouler' in French) a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life or freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion."

"Some countries detain asylum seekers upon arrival, during the asylum process or while waiting for deportation (refoulement). Asylum seekers may have already suffered imprisonment and Torture in the country from which they have fled. Therefore, The consequences of detention may be particularly serious, causing severe emotional and psychological stress. Article 31 of the Refugee Convention says that refugees should not be penalized for having entered a country illegally if they have come directly from a place where they were in danger and have made themselves known to the authorities. Therefore, asylum seekers should not be detained for being in possession of forged identity papers or for destroying identity or travel documents."

"Media stories, for example, often confuse refugees with people migrating for economic reasons"


Study Guide - The Rights of Refugees

A person seeking asylum has to prove their claim in court before an immigration judge, not to someone on the internet saying "they're just making shit up."

"Prohibition on the forced return of a refugee is called nonrefoulement and is one of the most fundamental principles in international refugee law. This principle is laid out in Article 33 of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, which says that no state "shall expel or return ('refouler' in French) a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life or freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion."

"Some countries detain asylum seekers upon arrival, during the asylum process or while waiting for deportation (refoulement). Asylum seekers may have already suffered imprisonment and Torture in the country from which they have fled. Therefore, The consequences of detention may be particularly serious, causing severe emotional and psychological stress. Article 31 of the Refugee Convention says that refugees should not be penalized for having entered a country illegally if they have come directly from a place where they were in danger and have made themselves known to the authorities. Therefore, asylum seekers should not be detained for being in possession of forged identity papers or for destroying identity or travel documents."

"Media stories, for example, often confuse refugees with people migrating for economic reasons"


Study Guide - The Rights of Refugees


Who determines the motivation of the person crossing the border without proper authority? You see, the issue is more complicated than many of us understand, there are international conventions which must be adhered to and rights to be considered. Too many think it's really simple to build a fence or for a state legislature to pass a law.

Before any case gets to the Federal Judge, the case needs to be investigated, witnesses interviewed and reports written; then the defendant has the right to due process, so any attorney is appointed. The whole process is expensive and time consuming; hence, LE finds it easier to simply allow the offender to walk back across the border. And yes, sometimes this is an on going occurrence.
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It's just like the amnesty obozo started in 2012. All an illegal has to do is SAY he was brought to america as a kid and obozo lets him stay.

It will be the same if a blanket amnesty is given to all illegals. There will be conditions but the govt will ignore them.

Stupid strikes again.

1. President Obama deports while Rs give amnesty.
2. President Obama does not let illegals stay because they were born here. That's the Constitution that you despise and fight against every day.

Okay, you can go back to being stupid now.

"The administration has argued it is tougher on illegal immigration than previous presidents, and immigrant-rights groups have excoriated President Obama, calling him the “deporter-in-chief” for having kicked out nearly 2 million immigrants during his five-year tenure.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson acknowledged Tuesday that his department’s deportation numbers are now mostly made up of illegal immigrants caught at the border, not just those from the interior, which means they can’t be compared one-to-one with deportations under President Bush or other prior administrations.

Previous administrations primarily counted only those caught in the interior of the U.S. by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“Under the Obama administration, more than half of those removals that were attributed to ICE are actually a result of Border Patrol arrests that wouldn’t have been counted in prior administrations,” said Rep. John Culberson, Texas Republican.
“Correct,” Mr. Johnson confirmed.

.... in a one-to-one comparison with the final years of the Bush administration, deportations of those same people under Mr. Obama had actually fallen, according to immigration analysts who have studied the data."

Deportations come mostly from border, DHS chief says - Washington Times

Now....what were you saying about folks being 'stupid,' stupid?

Minor detail... and a good catch !


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