Illegal immigration is destroying this country


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
Thread title corrected to reflect reality.

Legal immigration is good for the country. Illegal immigration destroys our laws, our economy, and our culture.

When people come here legally they become americans, they learn english, the are taught the history of this nation.

Illegal immigrants are here for one reason------to get as much american money and free stuff as they can and send it out of the country.

Our border should be sealed. Illegals already in the country should be registered and if they have not committed any crimes, put on a path to citizenship. That path should include fines, mandatory education on our laws and constititution, and they should be put at the back of the list behind those doing it legally.

NO one in this country illegally should be eligible for welfare, food stamps, or any other govt programs. No one in the country illegally should be given a US drivers license, SS care, EBT card, they should be required to have an ID that shows that they are not here legally but are being allowed to stay as long as they fully comply with the immigration laws.

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