Illegal Immigration Truth = NBC owns Telemundo, Texas Pacific Group owns Univision. I am not any kind of illegal alien. You are just an idiot with a limited and infantile imagination. In other words, you lose again, loser.

You defend illegal immigration, you are an illegal immigrant :lol:

Your an illegal immigrant that spent years on US message board building up over 13 thousand posts because you think making all those posts gets people to beleive you are credible so people will beleive whatever you say. Think again you big ol illegal alien you.

Do you really, really beleive all those posts you made get you some kind of power on this forum. Do you think the admin will ask you the illegal alien to be a moderator and run off all his members? Do you really think you the big fat illegal alien will get me to stop talking about you big fat beer drinking donut eating illegal aliens with home loans?

Yo smok'in something good then post thinking your post numbers are getting people to think everything you say is correct. :420:

The reason why unkotare has 13,000 posts is because he baits unsuspecting people into bizarre time wasting tit for tat posts that go on for mindless pages. Do you know how many people he's suckered for attention? There's me, Moonglow, Buford, Oohpoopahdoo, Skydancer, GHook93, Dante, Jake Starkey, Huggy, Catzmeow, Big Fitz, Blimpo, Rightwinger, Bobgnote, and now you. That's quite a list. No one wants to wade through his endless little attack posts as if they have some meaning so the topic normally dies. As long as you answer, unkotare will bray. The only way to deal with these attention getting devices is don't get suckered in. Let him slither away claiming some sort of victory and take your sensible discussions elsewhere. I am not any kind of illegal alien. You are just an idiot with a limited and infantile imagination. In other words, you lose again, loser.

You defend illegal immigration, you are an illegal immigrant

Both of those accusations are untrue. What is obviously true to anyone reading this is that YOU are a dishonest, feeble-minded idiot.

Your the one that's chasing me around these message boards trying to shut down the talk about how bad illegal immigration is in the U.S. Only an illegal immigrant would work so hard doing that.

You must be protecting illegal immigration if you are spending so much time protecting illegals. You have over 13 thousand posts, do you get paid to spend all day and nite on this forum to try and shut down talk about illlegal immigration Unkotare? I am not any kind of illegal alien. You are just an idiot with a limited and infantile imagination. In other words, you lose again, loser.

You defend illegal immigration, you are an illegal immigrant :lol:

Your an illegal immigrant that spent years on US message board building up over 13 thousand posts because you think making all those posts gets people to beleive you are credible so people will beleive whatever you say. Think again you big ol illegal alien you.

Do you really, really beleive all those posts you made get you some kind of power on this forum. Do you think the admin will ask you the illegal alien to be a moderator and run off all his members? Do you really think you the big fat illegal alien will get me to stop talking about you big fat beer drinking donut eating illegal aliens with home loans?

Yo smok'in something good then post thinking your post numbers are getting people to think everything you say is correct. :420:

The reason why unkotare has 13,000 posts is because he baits unsuspecting people into bizarre time wasting tit for tat posts that go on for mindless pages. Do you know how many people he's suckered for attention? There's me, Moonglow, Buford, Oohpoopahdoo, Skydancer, GHook93, Dante, Jake Starkey, Huggy, Catzmeow, Big Fitz, Blimpo, Rightwinger, Bobgnote, and now you. That's quite a list. No one wants to wade through his endless little attack posts as if they have some meaning so the topic normally dies. As long as you answer, unkotare will bray. The only way to deal with these attention getting devices is don't get suckered in. Let him slither away claiming some sort of victory and take your sensible discussions elsewhere.

Unkotare is flaming threads trying to shut down conversations on the topics. This is what these mindless people do especially liberals and illegal immigrants. Unkotare is an illegal immigrant and he spends all day doing this. I'm wondering if he's getting paid by La Raza.
Got anything else you know nothing about that you want to discuss? Edited

Unkotare, to re establish respect for yourself you must make amens to all those people you disrespected and make public apologies with admissions from yourself that you did not understand the topics being discussed. You must also make public to those people you disrespected that due to your lack of education as an illlegal immigrant you need to go back to your home country to learn how not to be so rude.

After you do these things you will start to gain back some respect.
You defend illegal immigration, you are an illegal immigrant

Both of those accusations are untrue. What is obviously true to anyone reading this is that YOU are a dishonest, feeble-minded idiot.

Your[sic] the one that's chasing me around these message boards trying to shut down the talk about how bad illegal immigration is in the U.S.

Who's chasing? You are on one stupid thread saying stupid shit.

And I have never supported or defended illegal immigration, so in addition to being stupid you are also dishonest. You need to be sent back to the institute for more treatment, headcase.


Do you realize that misrepresenting other posters by fabricating quotes is a violation of the TOS, you idiot?

Do you realize how hilarious it is for the likes of YOU to talk about "respect" and "education"?
The reason why unkotare has 13,000 posts is because he baits unsuspecting people into bizarre time wasting tit for tat posts that go on for mindless pages. Do you know how many people he's suckered for attention? There's me, Moonglow, Buford, Oohpoopahdoo, Skydancer, GHook93, Dante, Jake Starkey, Huggy, Catzmeow, Big Fitz, Blimpo, Rightwinger, Bobgnote, and now you. That's quite a list. No one wants to wade through his endless little attack posts as if they have some meaning so the topic normally dies. As long as you answer, unkotare will bray. The only way to deal with these attention getting devices is don't get suckered in. Let him slither away claiming some sort of victory and take your sensible discussions elsewhere.

Unkotare, quit your whining! :eusa_boohoo: It's been proven by common knowledge that you intentionally post on U.S. message boards to destroy conversations about certain issues you don't like.

Unkotare, you "FLAME THREADS" trying to surpress and stop free speech and this in itself should be a violation but all message boards allow this kind of behavior because they beleive stopping someone from flaming threads is surpression of free speech when in actuality the person that is flaming the thread is trying to surpress and stop free speech from happening.

It's been proven that you are indeed trying to surpress and stop free speech. I have other topics I was going to provide to prove this but with Katzndogz post it proves by common knowledge that you intentionally are out to stop and surpress free speech.
You didn't type "free speech" in that post often enough. Some readers might miss your subtle message.


Maybe instead of typing it over and over OCD style you should try learning what it means, you stupid fucking headcase.
You didn't type "free speech" in that post often enough. Some readers might miss your subtle message.


Maybe instead of typing it over and over OCD style you should try learning what it means, you stupid fucking headcase.

Free Speech is in danger because the master of U.S. message board Unkotare says what we can and cannot post.

Unkotare will spend its days making sure all members of U.S. message board comply with all the rules and regulations that it and its illegal alien army want.

Illegal aliens don't want Free Speech so I request that all members of U.S. message board ask the U.S. message board master Unkotare what will be proper to post before anyone posts a message.
You have no idea what Free Speech means, you whiny, insane little bitch.
Are you just going to repeat this idiocy over and over, Rainman?

Yeap! I have a group now that this topic will be posted in. hehehehehehehehehehehe! Everyones invited to come by and discuss the topic and make comments if they want to get away from the illegal alien Uukatare. hehehehehehehehehe!

The group is called: "TEA PARTY". No liberal illegal alien yap and no pissy mouth Unkatare.
Are you just going to repeat this idiocy over and over, Rainman?

Yeap! I have a group now that this topic will be posted in. hehehehehehehehehehehe! Everyones invited to come by and discuss the topic and make comments if they want to get away from the illegal alien Uukatare. hehehehehehehehehe!

The group is called: "TEA PARTY". No liberal illegal alien yap and no pissy mouth Unkatare.

Are you inviting me, since I am neither a liberal nor an illegal alien; you whiny, insane little bitch?
The illegals get $8.00 an hour doing factory work and construction grunt work then get promoted into higher paying positions once they get the hang of doing a job. All you see are caucasion managers and hispanic supervisors with all hispanic crews. There's absolutely no white or black faces to be seen in the work crews either. If you aren't an illegal hispanic you ain't gett'in the work.

These illegal aliens get home and car loans after they get promoted into big time managment positions and their are millions of illegals that speak perfect english.

What all the illegal aliens have seems to me is what U.S. citizens had before the illegal alien invasion our proud elected officials are letting go on for their own personal profits.

The wealthy see all these illegals that don't have anything as potential sales and profits as the illegals take all our money and spend it on the lifesyles and stuff U.S. citizens are losing.
The Estimated count of illegals in the US is based upon how many illegals have housing paid for by the US federal government only. Yes, the US government gives housing to the 12 million illegals they say to be in the US. The 12 million number is how many illegals get federal welfare & assistance. The 12 million number does not include the millions that do not get federal help. The actual illegal alien count in the US could be over 100 million by popular private citizen estimates.

NOTE 1: No link for source. I was having a discussion about illegals on another forum a while back and a government employee popped in and leaked the info about the government estimating the count from how many illegals get government subsidised housing.

I did some of my own research into the info this person gave me and found that Michelle Malkin the Fox News contributor hit on this way back in 2003. Here’s a passage from what she wrote:

“That’s just the tip of the illegal alien homeowners’ iceberg. The Post failed to note that Federal Housing Administration-approved loans through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development do not require lenders to obtain proof of citizenship or legal permanent residence. These FHA/HUD programs, primarily targeting minorities and first-time homebuyers, are federally insured and require minimal down payments.”

Here’s the link to the article in 2003:

Michelle Malkin hit it “Dead On” in 2003 and published many other articles well before the big housing crash of 2008. The problem was everyone was making big time cash off illegals and “NOBODY LISTENED”. In 2008 people started losing their homes big time and still nothing was said about the illegal aliens with home loans.

My statements are personal opinions from my own research and I’ve read alot and I see alot of news programs and not a mention of illegals getting home loans.

U.S. citizens need to know that the reason they lost so much of their wealth is because the housing market was seriously inflated due to illegal aliens getting home loans and the people we trusted to stop us from losing so much wealth were grabbing wealth from illegal aliens until the whole housing market crashed. U.S. citizens lost their wealth but the big boys who gained alot of wealth from illegals still retain their wealth they obtained from illegals.

The pew research center claims there are only 12 million or so illegals in the country but they get their data from the U.S. census which is the biggest but of BS I’ve ever heard about the illegal alien count. There’s absolutely no way 12 million illegals will admit to being in the U.S. illegally. They may get a few admitting it but most illegals wouldn’t even answer the door when the census person comes a knock’in let alone tell the government census taker they were illegal.

I was just told by a government employee that the illegal alien count was taken from the number of illegals that were getting federal housing subsidies. I found this research by Michelle Malkin when I was investigating my own opinion on the housing crash about illegals getting home loans through the government so I have to take it that my informent was correct. Most people I talk to say the number is between 60 and 100 million illegals in the U.S. and when issues become common knowledge then the common knowledge becomes factual evidence if the common knowledge is not rumor based.
I have to take it that my informent was correct. Most people I talk to say the number is between 60 and 100 million illegals in the U.S. and when issues become common knowledge then the common knowledge becomes factual evidence if the common knowledge is not rumor based.

"Informant" :rolleyes:

The doctors were not lying when they told you that you are completely fucking insane.
No, I do not think Obama is doing anything at all to close the border. Obama is intentionally leaving it open to get spanish votes from all the illegals that were given amnesty in the late 1980's.

Obama and his ban of democratic liberals know that they can't let the economy collaspe and the only way to keep it from collasping is to get rid of the illegals. Removing illegals opens up jobs for U.S. citizens and keeps the economy stable. Obama is not removing all the illegals he could be removing though. He's only removing enough under the guise of criminal illegal aliens to keep the economy from collasping completely under his watch.

Obama doesn't want the economy to boom. He can't turn the U.S. into a socialist nation if the economy is booming. Things gotta stay bad or Obama and his ban of democratic communists will fail. Gotta be millions of poor people that the government can take care of or Obama fails. Obama wants U.S. citizens to be dependent on a U.S socialist communist government.

Obama is controlling all this through illegal immigration and the amount of job opportunities available to U.S. citizens. Illegal immigrants occupying U.S. jobs does this for Obama and the liberal democrats. Illegal aliens don't buy all the things U.S. citizens buy and Illegal aliens send a large portion of their money out of the U.S.

Enforce immigration laws and the U.S. economy will come back with a fury. U.S. citizens will have boat loads of job opportunities and employers will be forced to pay good wages to U.S. citizens instead of bean wages given to illegal immigrants. U.S. citizens will spend the increased wages they are getting spurring on competition which will keep companies from inflating their product prices to cover the lower profit margins they are getting by not having cheap illegal aliens working for them.

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