Illegal Mexican Immigrant Sentenced to 8 Years in Prison for Illegal Voting.

It has been said over and over by many on the right they don't care which party they vote for..Any illegal vote cancels,out a legitimate vote. It shouldn't happen.
OR COURSE Briebart did not mention she voted in the Republican Primaries and was a registered Republican!
OR COURSE Briebart did not mention she voted in the Republican Primaries and was a registered Republican!
Who cares? Republicans dont accept illegal votes. We have integrity.
Democrats don't accept illegal votes either silly....that's only in your demented head! :D

Then WHY didn't Breibart mention it? You can be darned sure Briebart would have made it part of their heading if she were a Democratic voter!
OR COURSE Briebart did not mention she voted in the Republican Primaries and was a registered Republican!
Who cares? Republicans dont accept illegal votes. We have integrity.
Democrats don't accept illegal votes either silly....that's only in your demented head! :D

Then WHY didn't Breibart mention it? You can be darned sure Briebart would have made it part of their heading if she were a Democratic voter!
You guys do everything in your power to bring in every dirt poor migrant across the globe, and you do it specifically for voting power. You ensure that our federal laws arent enforced, specifically to get mexican votes. You guys use tax dollars to try and buy the vote of every poor person in the country. Youre the party of free shit and loose laws. You have zero integrity.
OR COURSE Briebart did not mention she voted in the Republican Primaries and was a registered Republican!

in 2014
yes, I do understand that it was not in this election!

but it does show, as I have always thought, that people who do manage to illegally vote, are NOT all on the Democratic side.... especially when it comes to LEGAL immigrants voting....they DON'T WANT illegals either, for the most part, they want them to wait in line like they had to....
Yes, because everytime lightning strikes, it is the omen of millions more getting struck that year. Every time a shark attacks it is the omens of million more to come that year. Everytime a plane crashes it is the omens more of millions to come that year.

Nobody has ever denied that there is a certain amount of illegitimate votes. The argument has always been that there isn't the millions Trump claims it to be. You cannot take one event and extrapolate it to more just because you want it to be so. If the evidence comes in after Trump investigates and millions have voted illegally, then we can all know that we really need to look at our voting system and, perhaps, have the federal government take more control over it (right now it is more in the hands of the states). However, until we have proof of something occurring you can't just imagine a doomsday scenario from only a relatively small number of events.

Also, linking a Brietbart article, which we all know pedals falsehoods, does not bring confidence to anyone.
This is where you fucking lefties are so wrong. You trivialise illegal votes. It wouldn't matter if it was only one that illegal vote nullified a legal US citizens one.
Yes, because everytime lightning strikes, it is the omen of millions more getting struck that year. Every time a shark attacks it is the omens of million more to come that year. Everytime a plane crashes it is the omens more of millions to come that year.

Nobody has ever denied that there is a certain amount of illegitimate votes. The argument has always been that there isn't the millions Trump claims it to be. You cannot take one event and extrapolate it to more just because you want it to be so. If the evidence comes in after Trump investigates and millions have voted illegally, then we can all know that we really need to look at our voting system and, perhaps, have the federal government take more control over it (right now it is more in the hands of the states). However, until we have proof of something occurring you can't just imagine a doomsday scenario from only a relatively small number of events.

Also, linking a Brietbart article, which we all know pedals falsehoods, does not bring confidence to anyone.
This is where you fucking lefties are so wrong. You trivialise illegal votes. It wouldn't matter if it was only one that illegal vote nullified a legal US citizens one.
I'm not trivializing it, I never said that it was not an issue. In fact, I literally compared it to lightning striking, shark attacks, and a crashed plane...which are all serious. However, I also pointed out that, comparatively, it is not a common occurrence unless new data comes out. I did ensure to point out that if new data does come out showing it to be prevalent, we should act (I suggested more fed control).

You should read my post before you blanket react with your bias.

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