“I'm a fighter for the Democrat Party...a fighter for the nation”...Avenatti running for president

Actually your own link says "Democratic Party".

Read much?

Avenatti will figure out he ain't all that when no one gives him money for his campaign.

Avenatti comes from a modest background. he was the first in his family to graduate college.

him and Stormy Daniels have incredible integrity, passion, and a fight for the truth!
we have a man who brags about grabbin women by their private parts, who calls people condescending nicknames like Little Rubio and whatnot, who stalked Secretary Clinton in those debates where she wanted to say to him "back off you creep"

we need to impeach this buffoon! impeach Pence too!
Tucker pwnd the creepy porn lawyer and proved the creepy porn lawyer could not fight his way out of a paper bag.
"When exactly did American politics start revolving around Michael Avenatti, and how do we make it stop"
Sorry bout that,

  1. Michael Avenatti puts the *ic* in Democratic.
  2. And so does his girlfriend.
Avenatti crawled under a rock after slandering Dr Kavanaugh. he made his twitter private. you cant run for president like that
Michael Avenatti‏Verified account @MichaelAvenatti
.@SenatorCollins does not have the judgment to be a US Senator. She never met my client, never had her interviewed, never met the 6 witnesses supporting her declaration or had them interviewed, and never cross examined my client. And yet she made a credibility determination. How?
I think I have the answer for you:
Ms Maine can think clearly because she never fell off a stripper pole.
Avenatti should get a clue when his second anti Kavenaugh client has been completely and totally ignored.

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