I'm a freaking Bloody Mess

How in the HELL did you manage that on a EXHAST PORT P_P? ... :eusa_eh:
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i was pulling on the spark plug wire and slipped and my hand went right into the block :lol:

I had some bad luck this week...i got new bloody pics for everyone :lol: just waiting for the upload.
i cant believe it didnt infect....when i worked at er admitting....i loved when women would drag a man in...one guy had been in a gas fire....the lawnmower...woman going...."he needs to see a doctor" ..man holds up arm...skin sliding down arm..and goes "its not that bad"...

i am a total whoos...i stepped on a nail and refused to move...forward backwards any way....just stood there with the nail in my foot....and stood there...somehow the pain of anticiaption was worse than the pain of having the nail in my foot...finally the man found me...ask me how long i could stand there...i was answering when he grabbed my foot...stepped on the board and gave my foot a yank...made comments about me...and walked off...

there are times and places to be a pain slut....work aint one of them
Geez what a drama queen!

Geez a picture of your toilet. Try cleaning the darn thing before you take a picture of it, why don't you.

Do us all a favor and don't start posting pictures of body parts.

Let me guess pilgrim you're some middle aged man on social security disability.

Am I right?
I'm a freaking Bloody Mess

Sounds like me after the first time I got my red wings.

OMG OMG I KNOW WHAT THE MEANS.....I HAVE NEVER...I CANT BELIEVE YOU JUST SAID THAT ...ARTICLE! (said in that motherly guilt inducing voice)

article that was gross :lol:

It wasn't nearly as bad as the other one.


Geez what a drama queen!

Geez a picture of your toilet. Try cleaning the darn thing before you take a picture of it, why don't you.

its his toilet in his shop....actually pretty clean for a shop with all men

Do us all a favor and don't start posting pictures of body parts.

well now sweetie speak for youself...some body parts are worth posting!

Let me guess pilgrim you're some middle aged man on social security disability.

Am I right?

and no you are not right.....pp is a welder...working hard most of the time..fucking off a lot of them time.....but not on soc sec disablity...

so no you aint right.
damn boy clean your nails...i dont care about the toilet...but them nails....

and that is a hint to all of you out there....a woman likes a man who takes care of his nails
yea i know but that shit will embed in the skin ....you have seen old grease monkeys where that shit dont ever come out...starts slowly...

<----wondering what unnatural sex act will be brought up next
yea i know but that shit will embed in the skin ....you have seen old grease monkeys where that shit dont ever come out...starts slowly...

<----wondering what unnatural sex act will be brought up next

you want a picture of the scar on my face :lol: its a black scar from another dumb move i made a few years ago. its not so bad but sometimes people think i have pen on my face


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