Im a Friend of Israel


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
#england #ThreeLions
I am also a friend of Israel. I have nothing against Arabs or Palestinians, but I am a friend of Israel because the Jews are so few, there are perhaps a maximum of 10 million Jews and over a billion Muslims who hate Jews, many Europeans also hate Jews, especially in Eastern Europe like Russia, also in Serbia, I noticed that there are many in Serbia who show solidarity with the Palestinians. I suspect this is due to conspiracy theories (Zionism, Israel, USA) and especially because the USA is on Israel's side and the USA is seen as an enemy . I commented on a fat Roma who is inciting against Israel, he says that they are worse than the Nazis and murder the Palestinians. I commented pro-Israel, he is a fat Roma from Serbia and lives in Serbia. I was pro-Israel but also pro-peace and pro-neutrality. There are black and white across the board on the left and right which are for Israel and which are for the Arabs.

Here I am with the Star of David
There is only one of you -- I trust---- but just because you are outnumbered that is no good reason to love you regardless . Perhaps be Frightened by you .

Yet you suggest we should side / support the Jewish nation just because they are outnumbered .
No logical consistency there , Mortician .

According to your stance we should perhaps have supported your friends the WW2 Nazis because they were completely outnumbered by Russians , let alone by Russia plus other allies .
I am also a friend of Israel. I have nothing against Arabs or Palestinians, but I am a friend of Israel because the Jews are so few, there are perhaps a maximum of 10 million Jews and over a billion Muslims who hate Jews, many Europeans also hate Jews, especially in Eastern Europe like Russia, also in Serbia, I noticed that there are many in Serbia who show solidarity with the Palestinians. I suspect this is due to conspiracy theories (Zionism, Israel, USA) and especially because the USA is on Israel's side and the USA is seen as an enemy . I commented on a fat Roma who is inciting against Israel, he says that they are worse than the Nazis and murder the Palestinians. I commented pro-Israel, he is a fat Roma from Serbia and lives in Serbia. I was pro-Israel but also pro-peace and pro-neutrality. There are black and white across the board on the left and right which are for Israel and which are for the Arabs.

Here I am with the Star of David

To which country are you loyal?

When I joined the US Army decades ago, I took an oath to defend America against all enemies "foreign and domestic".

Ever since the Lavon Affair in the 1950s, Israel has repeatedly deceived, manipulated and even murdered loyal Americans.

The Lavon Affair was an earlier Israeli False Flag firebombing of US installations in Egypt.
The Israeli scheme was to firebomb an American target and blame it on the Egyptians so that America would attack Egypt.

Another Israeli False Flag betrayal was its deliberate attack on our USS Liberty and murder of 34 American G.I.s.

Apologists for Israel and America's noisy gaggle of "Israel Firsters" try to claim that the attack was an accident are quickly debunked by the fact that the Israelis used unmarked French Mirage fighters for the initial attacks.

Later in the attack, our "ally" used torpedo boats to strafe lowered life rafts for the wounded Americans.
The Israelis were so proud of this war crime that they displayed the remains of the life raft in an Israeli museum.(1)

Finally, after military service in Laos, I was assigned to an Airborne Rapid Deployment Unit created only to protect Israel if necessary. At the same time we were told not to trust IDF as they are just trying to draw the US more deeply into an unwinnable war on Muslims.

A few years later when US Marines were in Lebanon: "General R.H. Barrow charged that Israeli troops were deliberately threatening the lives of Marines serving as peacekeepers in Lebanon. There was, he wrote, a systematic pattern of harassment by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) that was resulting in "life-threatening situations, replete with verbal degradation of the officers, their uniform and country."US Marines" (4)

More recent betrayals involve Israeli spying on the US, theft of US secrets and selling of them to hostile governments.(2)

Between the countless Israeli lobbies who manipulate US Middle East Policy and America's gaggle of disloyal "Israel Firsters", there doesn't seem to be anyone left to consider what is in America's best interests and the best interests of the loyal American G.I.s who get sent to fight wars for Israel's ruling right wing extremists. (3)

I had hoped that Americans had learned something from the criminal carnage in Iraq that fighting wars for Zionist regional hegemony is severely detrimental to America's best interests but the blood lust expressed in some of these Kill-all-the-Muslims comments shows how little was learned and by whom.

My first loyalty is to the US and I fully support the Jews being secure in their own country.
Yes, it's possible to do both but the only hope for peace is a is an equitable US Middle East policy.

We can't let Netanyahu exploit a tragedy using more American blood and resources for his genocidal agenda.


(1). "The Forgotten Sneak Attack"

EXCERPT "The life raft taken by the Israeli torpedo boat and the wheel of the torpedo boat that succeeded in hitting Liberty are on display at Israel’s National Maritime Museum in Haifa. In Israel, those who participated in the attack are celebrated as national heroes."CONTINUED


EXCERPT "The Jewish state’s primary target: America’s industrial and technical secrets.

“No other country close to the United States continues to cross the line on espionage like the Israelis do,” said a former congressional staffer who attended another classified briefing in late 2013, one of several in recent months given by officials from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the State Department, the FBI and the National Counterintelligence Directorate.

The intelligence agencies didn’t go into specifics, the former aide said, but cited “industrial espionage—folks coming over here on trade missions or with Israeli companies working in collaboration with American companies, [or] intelligence operatives being run directly by the government, which I assume meant out of the [Israeli] Embassy.” CONTINUED

AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003

(4). "Israel Charged With Systematic Harassment of U.S. Marines"
To which country are you loyal?

When I joined the US Army decades ago, I took an oath to defend America against all enemies "foreign and domestic".

Ever since the Lavon Affair in the 1950s, Israel has repeatedly deceived, manipulated and even murdered loyal Americans.

The Lavon Affair was an earlier Israeli False Flag firebombing of US installations in Egypt.
The Israeli scheme was to firebomb an American target and blame it on the Egyptians so that America would attack Egypt.

Another Israeli False Flag betrayal was its deliberate attack on our USS Liberty and murder of 34 American G.I.s.

Apologists for Israel and America's noisy gaggle of "Israel Firsters" try to claim that the attack was an accident are quickly debunked by the fact that the Israelis used unmarked French Mirage fighters for the initial attacks.

Later in the attack, our "ally" used torpedo boats to strafe lowered life rafts for the wounded Americans.
The Israelis were so proud of this war crime that they displayed the remains of the life raft in an Israeli museum.(1)

Finally, after military service in Laos, I was assigned to an Airborne Rapid Deployment Unit created only to protect Israel if necessary. At the same time we were told not to trust IDF as they are just trying to draw the US more deeply into an unwinnable war on Muslims.

A few years later when US Marines were in Lebanon: "General R.H. Barrow charged that Israeli troops were deliberately threatening the lives of Marines serving as peacekeepers in Lebanon. There was, he wrote, a systematic pattern of harassment by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) that was resulting in "life-threatening situations, replete with verbal degradation of the officers, their uniform and country."US Marines" (4)

More recent betrayals involve Israeli spying on the US, theft of US secrets and selling of them to hostile governments.(2)

Between the countless Israeli lobbies who manipulate US Middle East Policy and America's gaggle of disloyal "Israel Firsters", there doesn't seem to be anyone left to consider what is in America's best interests and the best interests of the loyal American G.I.s who get sent to fight wars for Israel's ruling right wing extremists. (3)

I had hoped that Americans had learned something from the criminal carnage in Iraq that fighting wars for Zionist regional hegemony is severely detrimental to America's best interests but the blood lust expressed in some of these Kill-all-the-Muslims comments shows how little was learned and by whom.

My first loyalty is to the US and I fully support the Jews being secure in their own country.
Yes, it's possible to do both but the only hope for peace is a is an equitable US Middle East policy.

We can't let Netanyahu exploit a tragedy using more American blood and resources for his genocidal agenda.


(1). "The Forgotten Sneak Attack"

EXCERPT "The life raft taken by the Israeli torpedo boat and the wheel of the torpedo boat that succeeded in hitting Liberty are on display at Israel’s National Maritime Museum in Haifa. In Israel, those who participated in the attack are celebrated as national heroes."CONTINUED


EXCERPT "The Jewish state’s primary target: America’s industrial and technical secrets.

“No other country close to the United States continues to cross the line on espionage like the Israelis do,” said a former congressional staffer who attended another classified briefing in late 2013, one of several in recent months given by officials from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the State Department, the FBI and the National Counterintelligence Directorate.

The intelligence agencies didn’t go into specifics, the former aide said, but cited “industrial espionage—folks coming over here on trade missions or with Israeli companies working in collaboration with American companies, [or] intelligence operatives being run directly by the government, which I assume meant out of the [Israeli] Embassy.” CONTINUED

AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003

(4). "Israel Charged With Systematic Harassment of U.S. Marines"
Cool story bro.
Fuck both sides, Hamas terrorists and Jewish Nazis.
The only people hurt in this whole fucking thing are the Palestinian women and children...

Аnd the rest can go fuck themselves.
Cool story bro.

Thanks, I also walked and hitch hiked around the Islamic Middle East for 10 - 11 months and was repeatedly "kidnapped" by friendly Muslim drivers who insisted on treating me to simple meals and shelter along with meeting his friends who treated me like some sort of celebrity because they had never seen a blue eyed, red bearded Westerner and they had hundreds of questions about life in America and the the West in General.
Just a little later, my host would show me the nearby ancient ruins I had originally come to see.

After a few days in a remote village, I would say my good bys and go on to the next stop where I would also sleep in parks, around mosques and, more than once, in the middle of the trans Syrian desert.

I had intended to visit Israel, Gaza, Egypt but the '73 War broke out when I was just outside of a Palestinian refugee camp in Southern Lebanon and I had to find a semi drunken pilot to fly me and 3 other Westerners to Istanbul where I had other friends from previous visits.

As I mentioned earlier, it was my interest in ancient history and archeology that brought me to the Middle East but, after 10 -11 months of living among the Muslims, I learned so much more about the realities of that tumultuous part of the world and humanity, in general .

The questions I was most frequently asked were:
  • "Why do Americans suddenly hate us?"
  • Why does America help Israel kill the Palestinians and steal their land?"

I tried to explain the power and corrosive influence of America's Israeli lobbies and the egregious pro Israel bias of Western MSM but the Muslims couldn't understand how people as clever as Americans could be so easily deceived and manipulated nor can I.

Thanks & enjoy your weekend,
I am also a friend of Israel. I have nothing against Arabs or Palestinians, but I am a friend of Israel because the Jews are so few, there are perhaps a maximum of 10 million Jews and over a billion Muslims who hate Jews, many Europeans also hate Jews, especially in Eastern Europe like Russia, also in Serbia, I noticed that there are many in Serbia who show solidarity with the Palestinians. I suspect this is due to conspiracy theories (Zionism, Israel, USA) and especially because the USA is on Israel's side and the USA is seen as an enemy . I commented on a fat Roma who is inciting against Israel, he says that they are worse than the Nazis and murder the Palestinians. I commented pro-Israel, he is a fat Roma from Serbia and lives in Serbia. I was pro-Israel but also pro-peace and pro-neutrality. There are black and white across the board on the left and right which are for Israel and which are for the Arabs.

Here I am with the Star of David
It's Israel vs Gaza Strip.
No, it is Israel vs Hamas and the other terrorist. It is Israel vs Gaza Strip only if you think all the Gazans are terrorists.
Israel is launching a counter attack on ... ?

You're misrepresenting this. The OP went on about Jews vs Muslims. Number of Jews in Israel vs Number of Muslims in Arab nations.

But it's (the war) the people -- Jews in Israel vs Palestinians in Gaza Strip -- is the reply to the OP. Lives, people, the numbers in Israel vs the Gaza Strip...

and fuck HAMAS.
Israel is launching a counter attack on ... ?

You're misrepresenting this. The OP went on about Jews vs Muslims. Number of Jews in Israel vs Number of Muslims in Arab nations.

But it's (the war) the people -- Jews in Israel vs Palestinians in Gaza Strip -- is the reply to the OP. Lives, people, the numbers in Israel vs the Gaza Strip...

and fuck HAMAS.
Again, it is Israel vs the terrorists, not Israel vs the Palestinians. Civilians in Gaza are not being targeted by Israel, they are being caught in the crossfire between Israel and Hamas and the other terrorists.
Again, it is Israel vs the terrorists, not Israel vs the Palestinians. Civilians in Gaza are not being targeted by Israel, they are being caught in the crossfire between Israel and Hamas and the other terrorists.

I am addressing the OP. "Arabs or Palestinians...the Jews are so few...10 million Jews and over a billion Muslims." The OP is addressing how many Jews vs ...what?

So in a war of Israel and HAMAS in the GAZA strip there are how many Jews/Israelis vs how many people in the Gaza? No on is effing saying Israel is targeting all Palestinians, but you just said hey, they're collateral damage. How effed up is that? And please do not make shit up again -- I am not defending HAMAS or attacking Israel.
I am also a friend of Israel. I have nothing against Arabs or Palestinians, but I am a friend of Israel because the Jews are so few, there are perhaps a maximum of 10 million Jews and over a billion Muslims who hate Jews, many Europeans also hate Jews, especially in Eastern Europe like Russia, also in Serbia, I noticed that there are many in Serbia who show solidarity with the Palestinians. I suspect this is due to conspiracy theories (Zionism, Israel, USA) and especially because the USA is on Israel's side and the USA is seen as an enemy . I commented on a fat Roma who is inciting against Israel, he says that they are worse than the Nazis and murder the Palestinians. I commented pro-Israel, he is a fat Roma from Serbia and lives in Serbia. I was pro-Israel but also pro-peace and pro-neutrality. There are black and white across the board on the left and right which are for Israel and which are for the Arabs.

Here I am with the Star of David

You look different than your avatar. :disbelief:
You look different than your avatar. :disbelief:

Yes because im a) younger b) slender/skinny c) different hairstyle and haircolor d)different style dress, but it is my face when i was in high school

This is the original picture i used, and the AI made my avatar, you see my avatar is the same face as my real self in high school just different hair and dress

Im the guy on the left of the picture with the black sweater and red t-shirt and necklace, i was skinnier in high school. you see it is really my face in my avatar


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