I'm a middle class American, and I say F@#K it! Let the tax cuts for everyone expire.

Donald Polish

VIP Member
Nov 27, 2014
Ask me about taxation in this country!
I'm tired of the Republicans waging war on the working class so that they can appease their corporate overlords.
Extending the tax cuts for the rich will do nothing for the economy except help the rich stay rich. So Fuck em! let the tax cuts expire for everyone. Then after a few years, and a bit of deficit reduction, we make tax cuts for the poor and trickle up to the rich.
What do you feel about tax policy?
I agree with you on this. All the huge tax cuts have done the past 40 years for the super rich is harm the middle class. Time to get them over with and work on a more favorable environment to grow wealth for the other 99%.

The rich have done a damn good job fucking up this country.
As far as I know Barry Hussein is and has been president for the last six years. Do the low information lefties have a problem with his policies? What about Hillary's international fund taking money from terrorist regimes and ruthless anti-female despots? What's the problem with the anti-corporate crazies? American corporations pay more tax than any other free market country and Barry Hussein is allegedly a fan of corporate America. Where does that leave the nut cases who advocate anarchy?
They will continue, till which time that they can bring in the IMF and World Bank, and put down the serf rebellion - with 'reforms', and you know how un-successful austerity was in Greece.
Ask me about taxation in this country!
I'm tired of the Republicans waging war on the working class so that they can appease their corporate overlords.
Extending the tax cuts for the rich will do nothing for the economy except help the rich stay rich. So Fuck em! let the tax cuts expire for everyone. Then after a few years, and a bit of deficit reduction, we make tax cuts for the poor and trickle up to the rich.
What do you feel about tax policy?

What a load of hooey.

The End.
Ask me about taxation in this country!
I'm tired of the Republicans waging war on the working class so that they can appease their corporate overlords.
Extending the tax cuts for the rich will do nothing for the economy except help the rich stay rich. So Fuck em! let the tax cuts expire for everyone. Then after a few years, and a bit of deficit reduction, we make tax cuts for the poor and trickle up to the rich.
What do you feel about tax policy?

Yeah, that's our problem.
The government has too little money and the middle class has too much. LOL!

Boy, it takes a special kinda stupid to think that.
They will continue, till which time that they can bring in the IMF and World Bank, and put down the serf rebellion - with 'reforms', and you know how un-successful austerity was in Greece.

Austerity doesn't make any sense to me. You don't grow the economy by reducing jobs(destroying the public sector) like infrastructure, science or r&d. It doesn't make a whole hell of a lot of sense as the rich will end up with less people that are capable of buying their products. It's about power more then anything else and it needs to end.

When they can control 90% of the economy or more they have power...The loserterians are the perfect idiots to push them back into power like they were in the 1890s and 1900.
Abolish the IRS and shred the tax code.

Flat tax across the board

Yeah, let's lower the taxes on the rich to the floor and force the poor to carry the weight. While this shit gives you people the excuse you need to kill our science institutions and go pray to the lord.
What pisses me off is the republicans want to do away with infrastructure and science funding that make up only 5% of our entire budget. They don't blame the real causes of this debt they keep bitching up....

and SSI

Are the real causes.

They'd rather sack everything that makes this country respected then reform those.
They will continue, till which time that they can bring in the IMF and World Bank, and put down the serf rebellion - with 'reforms', and you know how un-successful austerity was in Greece.

Austerity doesn't make any sense to me. You don't grow the economy by reducing jobs(destroying the public sector) like infrastructure, science or r&d. It doesn't make a whole hell of a lot of sense as the rich will end up with less people that are capable of buying their products. It's about power more then anything else and it needs to end.

When they can control 90% of the economy or more they have power...The loserterians are the perfect idiots to push them back into power like they were in the 1890s and 1900.

Austerity doesn't make any sense to me.

Who has austerity? Where?
Tax cuts can only go to the rich because the poor are already paying very little, and in many cases, getting more out than they put in.
What pisses me off is the republicans want to do away with infrastructure and science funding that make up only 5% of our entire budget. They don't blame the real causes of this debt they keep bitching up....

and SSI

Are the real causes.

They'd rather sack everything that makes this country respected then reform those.
No they don't.
What pisses me off is the republicans want to do away with infrastructure and science funding that make up only 5% of our entire budget. They don't blame the real causes of this debt they keep bitching up....

and SSI

Are the real causes.

They'd rather sack everything that makes this country respected then reform those.

You are so wrong.

Loons like you think that the Feds spending oodles of money on "infrastructure" actually results in more and better infrastructure.

It doesn't. Such Federal spending goes to overly expensive boondoggles that always go over budget, and could have been done better and more cost effectively by the private sector.

It's PORK. Even your GAWD Obama realized that their are no shovel ready infrastructure projects for government funds.
Abolish the IRS and shred the tax code.

Flat tax across the board

Yeah, let's lower the taxes on the rich to the floor and force the poor to carry the weight. While this shit gives you people the excuse you need to kill our science institutions and go pray to the lord.
The biggest consumers pay the most taxes. How fucking hard is that to understand?
The poor don't pay taxes. They live on money of tax-payers.
The rich (those making millions or more, not those 250k households) keep their money in banks and investments. They rely on loopholes to earn more money and avoid huge taxes.
The middle-class don't get richer because they are salaried and/or have static personal incomes. It is disappearing.
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