I'm a newb

Thanks Guys!! It's wonderful to be around like minded and people willing to reason with me.

I'm going to be straight forward with you friends, I was most recently an extended stay visitor of the Michigan Department of Corrections. In the correction system there is not a lot of wiggle room to share your opinion or oppose another. I'm happy to be out and in-between looking for a new job and I'm glad I can come here to catch up on recent news and opine. I'm not an violent or sexual offender, I was convicted of a white collar crime. I'm willing to go into detail if asked, I have nothing to hide and it feels good for once.

Do tell.
At some point in the future, somebody here will bring it back up when it supports their argument. I'll find it fun and interesting now and then. :lol:

Duhtee deeds done dirt cheap?

Dammit. Now I have that song in my head, pop! :mad:

Alan...you iz BAD. But a good bad. :lol:
Do tell.
At some point in the future, somebody here will bring it back up when it supports their argument. I'll find it fun and interesting now and then. :lol:

Duhtee deeds done dirt cheap?

Dammit. Now I have that song in my head, pop! :mad:

Alan...you iz BAD. But a good bad. :lol:

Sorry Gracie, been in my head since I saw angels welcome. Thought by typing it out it would go away. Epic fail. IT'S STILL THERE!
Money laundering & racketeering. It was not my intention to do so, I was middle management in a Detroit concrete company and was forced to do so under threat of violence. My wife wants nothing to do with me ever again because of what I have done. I lost everything including my cars and my house.
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Tony Soprano? Is that you? :lol:

Seriously...I am sorry about the wife. Give her time. I divorced my hubby but we remarried 9 years later..give or take.

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