I'm a Ron Paul guy and I changed my mind on foreign intervention


Diamond Member
May 19, 2007
its clear we need boots on the ground to combat Isis. We spent a trillion dollars and lost thousands of American lives fighting a war that never should have been but regardless, what happened to Iraq is our fault and we left too early. Now there's a new threat that's growing stronger. We started this and it's our obligation to finish it.

I'm the first ever person in history of the Internet to change their mind on something political. I'm available all week if anyone wants to take a selfie with me.
its clear we need boots on the ground to combat Isis. We spent a trillion dollars and lost thousands of American lives fighting a war that never should have been but regardless, what happened to Iraq is our fault and we left too early. Now there's a new threat that's growing stronger. We started this and it's our obligation to finish it.

I'm the first ever person in history of the Internet to change their mind on something political. I'm available all week if anyone wants to take a selfie with me.

Funny, just funny... ( Not really )

Putting boots on the ground would be fine if it was for a short period, but the reality is we will have to occupy that region of Iraq and parts of Syria for many years, and are you willing to do this?
its clear we need boots on the ground to combat Isis. We spent a trillion dollars and lost thousands of American lives fighting a war that never should have been but regardless, what happened to Iraq is our fault and we left too early. Now there's a new threat that's growing stronger. We started this and it's our obligation to finish it.

I'm the first ever person in history of the Internet to change their mind on something political. I'm available all week if anyone wants to take a selfie with me.

Funny, just funny... ( Not really )

Putting boots on the ground would be fine if it was for a short period, but the reality is we will have to occupy that region of Iraq and parts of Syria for many years, and are you willing to do this?
I don't think we had any other choice even before we left. It was always understood we were never going to be able to leave there. Even Cheney knew this was going to be a quagmire and he planned and executed it anyway. But as it stands right now we've essentially wasted a trillion dollars and thousands of lives. That's all in vain if we just let Isis grow and attack
its clear we need boots on the ground to combat Isis. We spent a trillion dollars and lost thousands of American lives fighting a war that never should have been but regardless, what happened to Iraq is our fault and we left too early. Now there's a new threat that's growing stronger. We started this and it's our obligation to finish it.

I'm the first ever person in history of the Internet to change their mind on something political. I'm available all week if anyone wants to take a selfie with me.

Funny, just funny... ( Not really )

Putting boots on the ground would be fine if it was for a short period, but the reality is we will have to occupy that region of Iraq and parts of Syria for many years, and are you willing to do this?
I don't think we had any other choice even before we left. It was always understood we were never going to be able to leave there. Even Cheney knew this was going to be a quagmire and he planned and executed it anyway. But as it stands right now we've essentially wasted a trillion dollars and thousands of lives. That's all in vain if we just let Isis grow and attack

At least you understand this.

It would take fifty years of occupation before you can attempt to remove our troops, and the American public will never support this.

They want something quick and easy while not understanding when you remove a brutal dictator like Saddam that kept the savages like ISIL in their place will mean that our troops will have to stay for a very long period of time until ISIL is no longer consider a viable option.

So I do not see us doing that and we might send troops back in but Iraq and Syria will most likely end up being another Lebanon when it is all over with!
I was a Ron Paul guy, but I don't support intervention in the Middle East. I'm all cool with our airstrikes on ISIS. I didn't support the Iraq War, but it's over with, and it's fair that we help clean up the mess left behind. What we shouldn't be doing is implanting American targets in the Middle East.
Well we're in a big freaking jam now. ISIS in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and now the Ukraine.

And our governments have allowed this.
its clear we need boots on the ground to combat Isis. We spent a trillion dollars and lost thousands of American lives fighting a war that never should have been but regardless, what happened to Iraq is our fault and we left too early. Now there's a new threat that's growing stronger. We started this and it's our obligation to finish it.

I'm the first ever person in history of the Internet to change their mind on something political. I'm available all week if anyone wants to take a selfie with me.

Paulie, I don't really know. Rand Paul's isolationist policies do have a degree of substance as well as his belief in liberty and freedom from Big Government. I was all for boots on the ground until Obama decided to open our nation to Syrian refugees that even the F.B.I. has admitted are infiltrated with terrorist and ISIS has openly declared that that is indeed the case. For the life of me I see little benefit in putting boots on the ground in the Middle East and opening up your own nation to terrorist attack. It just seems totally stupid to me.
its clear we need boots on the ground to combat Isis. We spent a trillion dollars and lost thousands of American lives fighting a war that never should have been but regardless, what happened to Iraq is our fault and we left too early. Now there's a new threat that's growing stronger. We started this and it's our obligation to finish it.

I'm the first ever person in history of the Internet to change their mind on something political. I'm available all week if anyone wants to take a selfie with me.
The best way to deal with ISIS is to let the Arab nations deal with ISIS. They would do a much better job.

But the Arab nations are not going to do shit until we leave the field. As long as we are there, they will believe that we will take the whole load, and they will be right.

Saudi Arabia's priority right now is Yemen and Al Qaeda. They are not going to jump into the fight against ISIS as long as we are doing the heavy lifting in Syria and Iraq.

If we leave, Iran will probably do most of the work, with some by Saudi Arabia.

The last thing ISIS wants is for us to leave. They cannot achieve any legitimacy unless we go after them and they survive.

And they will survive if we go after them. Here's why:

If we stay, then we have to commit to a minimum ten year occupation. We're talking the next two or three presidents being war presidents. With a normal cycle recession due sometime in the next two years.

There is no politician with any balls who will say that out loud, even though they all know this to be a fact.

They also know the American people are in no way prepared to make that kind of commitment, which means we will abandon the job prematurely, which means ISIS will sprout right back up, meaner and sexier than before.

The only way America will commit to a ten year war is if we suffer a big attack inside the US. A big one.

I think a lot of pants shitters secretly harbor a desire to see such an attack, just so they can unleash their inner Nazi.

Even then, America will go after ISIS with a rage which will quickly burn out, and then we will abandon the job prematurely, and then along will come Son of ISIS.

No, the only sane course is to leave the field and force the Arabs to solve their own problems.
its clear we need boots on the ground to combat Isis. We spent a trillion dollars and lost thousands of American lives fighting a war that never should have been but regardless, what happened to Iraq is our fault and we left too early. Now there's a new threat that's growing stronger. We started this and it's our obligation to finish it.

I'm the first ever person in history of the Internet to change their mind on something political. I'm available all week if anyone wants to take a selfie with me.
The best way to deal with ISIS is to let the Arab nations deal with ISIS. They would do a much better job.

But the Arab nations are not going to do shit until we leave the field. As long as we are there, they will believe that we will take the whole load, and they will be right.

Saudi Arabia's priority right now is Yemen and Al Qaeda. They are not going to jump into the fight against ISIS as long as we are doing the heavy lifting in Syria and Iraq.

If we leave, Iran will probably do most of the work, with some by Saudi Arabia.

The last thing ISIS wants is for us to leave. They cannot achieve any legitimacy unless we go after them and they survive.

And they will survive if we go after them. Here's why:

If we stay, then we have to commit to a minimum ten year occupation. We're talking the next two or three presidents being war presidents. With a normal cycle recession due sometime in the next two years.

There is no politician with any balls who will say that out loud, even though they all know this to be a fact.

They also know the American people are in no way prepared to make that kind of commitment, which means we will abandon the job prematurely, which means ISIS will sprout right back up, meaner and sexier than before.

The only way America will commit to a ten year war is if we suffer a big attack inside the US. A big one.

I think a lot of pants shitters secretly harbor a desire to see such an attack, just so they can unleash their inner Nazi.

Even then, America will go after ISIS with a rage which will quickly burn out, and then we will abandon the job prematurely, and then along will come Son of ISIS.

No, the only sane course is to leave the field and force the Arabs to solve their own problems.


I also demand to know why Israel has thus far not committed any of their armed forces in the struggle to combat ISIS. I keep getting told on this board how formidable their military is, yet we haven't heard a peep from them.

And why isn't the Arab world doing anything to assist and aid fellow Muslims fleeing from ISIS?
I also demand to know why Israel has thus far not committed any of their armed forces in the struggle to combat ISIS. I keep getting told on this board how formidable their military is, yet we haven't heard a peep from them.

Israel is not involved for the same reason they were not involved in the first Gulf War. Their involvement would alienate the Arab nations we need to do the fighting.
And why isn't the Arab world doing anything to assist and aid fellow Muslims fleeing from ISIS?

Are you kidding? Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt have HUGE refugee camps for Syrian refugees.

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