The rights war on energy efficiemt appliances

I don’t care what they’re capable of. Their defense isn’t our problem. Never should have been and shouldn’t be in the future.
Not Afghan capability, American capqbility. How long did it take to get water to the superdome ?
Oh, you think it is just coincidence that the more a person leans left, the more on board, and more they bleev in the catastrophic prophesies of environmental doom?


The marxists need stupid, gullible people like Tommy Tainant. For a while, at least, then they'll no longer be useful, and you know what happens then...


Regardless, there followed an exciting period during which Ron DeSantis – I can’t quite believe I’m typing this – replaced the rattlesnake on the Florida flag with a gas cooker in an X post and assorted food-prep freedom fighters posted pictures of the flickering blue flames of liberty. It was a moment of lighthearted entertainment in unremittingly grim times, so hooray for Appliance War II.

As we can see the roots of this run deep. I dont know who started it but it seems any aspect of modern life is open to conspiracy theory. I just cant see the benefit of this crazy. My observation is that the makers of fridges and washing machines are always looking for a competitive edge.

That revolves around several factors. Energy efficiency is a key one. Its generally seen as a good thing.So they build appliances that cost us less to run.

The whole trajectory of appliances has been positive.Everything in our houses is better than it was. Why are the crazy right looking to stop that progress ?
1st - Thanks for using a source that wants you to subscribe. :rolleyes:
2nd - It's not about energy efficiency, it's about effectiveness. Some old appliance designs did their job better than the newer energy efficient ones, which often have reliability issues = more expensive to repair and shorter lifespans = replace more often.
It has apparently escaped the notice of the Leftists who inhabit this venue that the Biden Administration and its minions are seeking to replace appliances that generate energy with natural gas and other carbon-based fuels with appliances that generate energy with electricity.

At present it is just seemingly random potshots at individual more gas-powered lawnmowers or other yard equipment, no more natural gas stoves, hot water heaters, and soon, home furnaces. Soon it will be everything.

There are a couple things wrong with this campaign. It increases costs for working-class people, for one (but Leftists couldn't care less about those unfortunates). It presumes that electricity will presently be generated solely with renewables or unicorn farts (God forbid we see an "explosion" of nuclear power generation), but this will not happen within the lifetime of anyone currently alive. Finally, it presumes that with more than half the world's population SHIFTING TO COAL, GASOLINE, and NATURAL GAS to cook their food, propel their vehicles, power their machines, heat their homes, and generate electricity for their iPhones and such, our cutting back will have more impact than passing gas in a tornado. It won't.

To be completely realistic, coal is the most abundant, cheapest, and most secure source of BTU's on the planet, and the third world (including India, rural China, Africa, and half of South America) WILL USE IT ABUNDANTLY as they seek a path to modernity. And who has any right to say they should not do that?
Coal can be a lot cleaner if applying FDG = Flue Gas De-sulfurization systems.

Flue-gas desulfurization - Wikipedia

Flue-gas desulfurization (FGD) is a set of technologies used to remove sulfur dioxide (SO2) from exhaust flue gases of fossil-fuel power plants, and from the emissions of other sulfur oxide emitting processes such as waste incineration, petroleum refineries, cement and lime kilns.
For the science deficient, SO2 when combined with water vapor in the air produces sulfuric acid = acid rain.
1st - Thanks for using a source that wants you to subscribe. :rolleyes:
2nd - It's not about energy efficiency, it's about effectiveness. Some old appliance designs did their job better than the newer energy efficient ones, which often have reliability issues = more expensive to repair and shorter lifespans = replace more often.
Have you got it all off your chest now? LMAO

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