I'm asking all Dems to be gracious in this moment

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forgiving my most humblest opinion but you got a shitty way of "uniting the country" first you tear it apart for 8 years, call everyone every name in the book including racist, and you want to unite the fucking country? Holy shit.

it's easy to be gracious when you have won. funny how that works.

that is probably her first post without a "fuck you" in it.
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forgiving my most humblest opinion but you got a shitty way of "uniting the country" first you tear it apart for 8 years, call everyone every name in the book including racist, and you want to unite the fucking country? Holy shit.
dont you rmemeber calling anyone who disagreed with all the failed policies traitors?

Well we proved Bush stole elections , start proving the election was stolen.
Though really, the old saying goes "You get what you give."

And come tomorrow, I expect all the Republicans who voted McCain said McCain was going to win to line up and eat their crow like we Democrats would of had Obama lost.
Yea, hopefully this tough, hard election gave each side enough opportunity to get their angst and anger out. Come tomorrow we can stop being Democrats, Republicans, or Independents and come back to being Americans. I hope we can get behind OUR president and be united despite our differences.

I know the election isn't officially called yet, but I'm already in tears. Just knowing how much I've changed and grown throughout this election. Just knowing that the eyes of the world is on us tonight, seeing us in a positive light and an example - something that has been sorely missing in the US for a long while now.. It's a big day for all of us, so lets show some humility and reach out...to everyone. We've shown them what we are, lets show them what we can be.
you can disagree on politics and be the biggest a-hole ever. so i take your comment with a grain of salt. it's easy to be gracious when you have won.

I already planned on coming here and offering congratulations to the Republicans in the event that McCain wins so excuse me if you assume you know something about me personally that you couldn't possibly know.

It seems that a few will make it difficult to be gracious but I'd at least like to see the effort made because nothing is accomplished by gloating.
no I'll give that honor to ACORN.

OK, whatever helps you sleep at night.

They did really well propping up those dead bodies to stand in line to vote today, didn't they?

Are you going to talk some more baby talk now?
Though really, the old saying goes "You get what you give."

And come tomorrow, I expect all the Republicans who voted McCain said McCain was going to win to line up and eat their crow like we Democrats would of had Obama lost.

I like crow. Put some gravy on it and I'll eat it.
forgiving my most humblest opinion but you got a shitty way of "uniting the country" first you tear it apart for 8 years, call everyone every name in the book including racist, and you want to unite the fucking country? Holy shit.

is that a collective you or a personal you? just curious if you're actually crediting me with tearing the entire country apart AND with stealing the election? :eusa_whistle:
is that a collective you or a personal you? just curious if you're actually crediting me with tearing the entire country apart AND with stealing the election? :eusa_whistle:

Well Silence, You ARE woman, hear you ROAR!

this shit aint over yet folks. Isn't it still a wee bit early to start passing out highfives and handjobs?
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