I'm hearing rumblings of dems using affirmative action as a DNC plank in 2024

Seems reasonable to hold Republicans accountable

Banning Abortion
Ending Affirmative Action
Wanting to take away healthcare
Siding with Putin
The group you are referring to is called the Supreme Court of the United States. Their solitary goal is to do the right thing. They put the control or acceptance of abortion in the hands of the state legislatures of each state. If you want recourse to abort the unborn children in your family, you are going to have to go through your state's legislative body, not the Federal Government. The Supreme Court didn't even ban abortion, the put it in the correct hands, your own state legislature body.

Affirmative Action has had several decades to change the lives of ethnic minorities that were producing too many deadbeat dads and not enough family men. You can't force people of any race to do something they're dead set against, but they need to realize that if they don't treat their children to a roof over their heads, clothes on their backs, and meals on the table, they can't put the fault onto other people any more. I wish them nothing but the best in creating their own family pride.

Republicans and Democrats alike need health care. It's ludicrous to blame Republicans when they take care of their own families. Do you want your low expectations along racial lines to make somebody else pay for their insurances?

"Siding with Putin." Stop projecting. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of the Obama administration and Obama promoted giving 20% of America's nuclear storage to Russia, and Obama outright gave billions of gallons of gas surrounding an Aleutian Island to Vladamir Putin. Republicans had nothing to say about the situation, and elections do not show that the majority of Americans hated the thought of a hostile nation turning around and using their superior nuclear bonanza to destroy the North American continent. DEMOCRATS ALLOWED THAT AND KEPT ON VOTING GIVAMINT DEEP STATE OMERTA CREEPS TO RUN THEIR POLITICAL PARTY.

That has been VERY DEVISIVE, totally foolhardy, and all this was done on the sly before they announced what we found out they did. Unilateral decision making is horrifying. Stop it and stop blaming us after the fact of your party's own stupid misdeeds. Communism is a much more rabid dog eat dog social system than you know.

You may get the Commie state Hillary Clinton wants by pushing the Alinsky method down Republican throats, but you may not have any Republicans left to blame after your totalitarian practitioners kill off all their adversaries rather than talking things over in a committee of equal states. The rest of us will fight for our property to the death if you want to take away property and hand it over to Hillary's hatefest.
The campaign writes itself against the republicans. They have laid destruction to the liberties of Americans that wont be forgiven. If the Democratic Party wasnt incompetent campaigning I would call for a historic sweep of the the Senate, House, and White House. However, the Dems are bad enough to pick up slight wins in the house, lose the senate, and win big the White House... even they cant fuck up the oval office next year.
The campaign writes itself against the republicans. They have laid destruction to the liberties of Americans that wont be forgiven. If the Democratic Party wasnt incompetent campaigning I would call for a historic sweep of the the Senate, House, and White House. However, the Dems are bad enough to pick up slight wins in the house, lose the senate, and win big the White House... even they cant fuck up the oval office next year.
LOL....You may be deluded but your misplaced optimism can't be denied. :laughing0301:
Seems reasonable to hold Republicans accountable

Banning Abortion
Ending Affirmative Action
Wanting to take away healthcare
Siding with Putin
As opposed to Democrats:

Free abortion-on-demand no restrictions.
Anti-white racism hiring and admissions.
Destroy the healthcare system by making it state owned.
Bankrupting our country by funding a Ukrainian dictatorship.
Draft kids to send them to Ukraine to die when they run out of soldiers.

Sounds like a winning platform.
As opposed to Democrats:

Free abortion-on-demand no restrictions.
Anti-white racism hiring and admissions.
Destroy the healthcare system by making it state owned.
Bankrupting our country by funding a Ukrainian dictatorship.
Draft kids to send them to Ukraine to die when they run out of soldiers.

Sounds like a winning platform.
1. Abortions were not a problem.. most later week ones are medical that now require the suffering of women and children

2. White people really have it tough - you are poor because you are stupid, not white.

3. The GOP have no plan on healthcare... if you dont like obamacare dont get it moron.

4. Pence was just in Ukraine. The only people siding with Russia are Russian trolls and unpatriotic dumbfuck hick Americans that are too stupid to be alive.

5. You are a moron.. draft?
Affirmative Action is a complete failure. The failed inner cities are worse now than they were when the program started.

All AA does is to cast doubt on the abilities of black professionals, citizens have no way of knowing if they are qualified or if they are Affirmative Action beneficiaries who don't know their asses from a hole in the ground.

The program certainly sounds unconstitutional, but I'm not a constitutional scholar so I leave others like the SCOTUS to opine on that. But I do know that its bad policy designed to keep black people down.
wow ! you really dont understand your party do you ? your party relies on racial division hate and the right to kill children in the womb to win elections .
No and no. No, not my party and no, I really don't understand them. I take the good with the bad, when I cast my ballot, no matter which party if voting for in the Presidential cycle. I pick by the party that will do the least harm at that moment. The only time rejecting both the two major parties was 2016, as neither party had a candidate with any character except bad character, so I went Libertarian, as I am obligated by my upbringing to vote, even if I know the candidate I choose will ultimately lose, and whoever wins (even if I vote for them) will without a doubt piss me off, as they all have since I started voting in 1972, some more than others.
4. Pence was just in Ukraine. The only people siding with Russia are Russian trolls and unpatriotic dumbfuck hick Americans that are too stupid to be alive.
Glad to hear you are willing to join the fight yourself, or have your kids go and fight.
As a part of their "mah democracy" argument.

The question I have is what they would gain by using something that clearly is so unconstitutional?

I mean they have the angry black and leftist women vote sewed-up already. Hell they may lose votes with the upper middle class blue-burb housefrau who wants their kids to be able to get into a "good school" based on their achievements, not their skin color.

I guess we will see what takes preference in their addled heads.....The killing of fetuses or the advancing of the undeserving.

They might want to reconsider. ;)
What will white males use as an excuse now?
As opposed to Democrats:

Free abortion-on-demand no restrictions.
Anti-white racism hiring and admissions.
Destroy the healthcare system by making it state owned.
Bankrupting our country by funding a Ukrainian dictatorship.
Draft kids to send them to Ukraine to die when they run out of soldiers.

Sounds like a winning platform.
Lets go with it

Let the voters decide if they agree with banning abortion, ending affirmative action, killing healthcare, allowing Putin to capture Ukraine
As a part of their "mah democracy" argument.

The question I have is what they would gain by using something that clearly is so unconstitutional?

I mean they have the angry black and leftist women vote sewed-up already. Hell they may lose votes with the upper middle class blue-burb housefrau who wants their kids to be able to get into a "good school" based on their achievements, not their skin color.

I guess we will see what takes preference in their addled heads.....The killing of fetuses or the advancing of the undeserving.

They might want to reconsider. ;)

Who are you hearing these "rumblings" from?

Or are you just making shit up?

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