I'm hearing rumblings of dems using affirmative action as a DNC plank in 2024

1. Abortions were not a problem.. most later week ones are medical that now require the suffering of women and children

2. White people really have it tough - you are poor because you are stupid, not white.

3. The GOP have no plan on healthcare... if you dont like obamacare dont get it moron.

4. Pence was just in Ukraine. The only people siding with Russia are Russian trolls and unpatriotic dumbfuck hick Americans that are too stupid to be alive.

5. You are a moron.. draft?
If that’s true about abortion, then why have Dems always rejected ANY restriction on abortion? Including partial birth abortion? Your lies aren’t adding up!
Not yet.

When Ukraine runs out of bodies, then what?

Are you going to let Putin win?
We’re funding Ukraine to fight their own battle. If they lose, like you are praying for , then they lose and there is one more resource in the hands of communist Russia to your glee and happiness comrade hawk.
3. The GOP have no plan on healthcare... if you dont like obamacare dont get it moron
Why does the government need a “plan” for healthcare? It should be entirely private as it always has been, with as little government interference. With Obamacare premiums skyrocketed and many cannot afford the healthcare they have.
If that’s true about abortion, then why have Dems always rejected ANY restriction on abortion? Including partial birth abortion? Your lies aren’t adding up!
Because doctors don’t kill babies. All those late ones are for health which you can read all about moms delivering dead fetuses and even nearly dying of septic with right wing crazily laws. You’ve killed compassion.
We’re funding Ukraine to fight their own battle. If they lose, like you are praying for , then they lose and there is one more resource in the hands of communist Russia to your glee and happiness comrade hawk.
I see, so you are willing to allow Putin to win. Guess that makes you a Putin stooge.
Look at theHawKKK, whoring for Putin! This racist alt-right white supremacist probably was going into full meltdown last weekend!

Oh look, another keyboard warrior who is cheering for a war he is too much of a pussy to fight in!

Why does the government need a “plan” for healthcare? It should be entirely private as it always has been, with as little government interference. With Obamacare premiums skyrocketed and many cannot afford the healthcare they have.
Why does the government need a ‘plan’ for retirement? Cause long term it reduces the burden on society. Why do we pave roads? Let private do it! Why build airports? Let private do it. Please. It was built around a Republican proposal that became political.
No and no. No, not my party and no, I really don't understand them. I take the good with the bad, when I cast my ballot, no matter which party if voting for in the Presidential cycle. I pick by the party that will do the least harm at that moment. The only time rejecting both the two major parties was 2016, as neither party had a candidate with any character except bad character, so I went Libertarian, as I am obligated by my upbringing to vote, even if I know the candidate I choose will ultimately lose, and whoever wins (even if I vote for them) will without a doubt piss me off, as they all have since I started voting in 1972, some more than others.
I rejected both major parties in 2016 AND 2020, myself.

Would it be safe to assume you voted for Biden in 2020?
I rejected both major parties in 2016 AND 2020, myself.

Would it be safe to assume you voted for Biden in 2020?
Yes. By that time, so many of his "best people" had admitted crimes or been convicted, he, himself had already been impeached for using military aid to try to influence Ukraine to investigate his political enemy for political gain, had insulted Gold Star Families, had already redirected line paragraph budgeted funds approved by congress and signed by him in the budget to the wall, congress would not fund, had let Russia and Turkey convince him to pull back our troops and allow Turkey to make cross border attack on our allie, and a host of other things, I didn't approve of, besides being a general asshole.
Democrats think black people are too stupid to make it on their own merit.

Racist as hell, doncha know?
The campaign writes itself against the republicans. They have laid destruction to the liberties of Americans that wont be forgiven. If the Democratic Party wasnt incompetent campaigning I would call for a historic sweep of the the Senate, House, and White House. However, the Dems are bad enough to pick up slight wins in the house, lose the senate, and win big the White House... even they cant fuck up the oval office next year.
You don't know jackshit what you are rambling about, Moon Bat. Just shut the fuck up. You embarrassed yourself.
As a part of their "mah democracy" argument.

The question I have is what they would gain by using something that clearly is so unconstitutional?

I mean they have the angry black and leftist women vote sewed-up already. Hell they may lose votes with the upper middle class blue-burb housefrau who wants their kids to be able to get into a "good school" based on their achievements, not their skin color.

I guess we will see what takes preference in their addled heads.....The killing of fetuses or the advancing of the undeserving.

They might want to reconsider. ;)
It wouldn't surprise me if the party who is supposedly against race based discrimination would run on a platform of promoting race based discrimination.

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