I'm interested to hear Christians version about return of dictator/Jesus


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
Not interested in any links to any scriptures of bibles or writings of any others, I am interested to hear what YOU, the Christians, in your own words have to say HOW YOU IMAGINE the return of the evil dictator followed by return of Christ. I am interested in DETAILS

1- how you will know it is the evil dictator,
2- how will you know now it's Jesus Christ.
3- will they use the same name. because if the same name I may qualify since my name is aBrutis, and since I was born on December 25th
4- will there be stage effects, music, festivities, what kind of festivities
5- how will you identify the evil dictator that precedes Jesus, and what if the evil dictator hides behind the puppet circus?
6- how long from the time of evil dictator to the return of Jesus? days, months, years, decades?
I'm interested in hearing why someone with any sense would put a thread like this in Politics or Current Events.
LOL..... you want explanations of the return of Christ but you don't want scripture that backs it up????

Good luck with that.

I can answer a few of your questions but I would have to quote scripture... and since you are afraid of it, you'll just have to continue to wonder.

Short answer for #2.....we will ALL know.

And for the record, I belly laughed at #4. God haters just crack me up.
LOL..... you want explanations of the return of Christ but you don't want scripture that backs it up????

Good luck with that.

I can answer a few of your questions but I would have to quote scripture... and since you are afraid of it, you'll just have to continue to wonder.

Short answer for #2.....we will ALL know.

And for the record, I belly laughed at #4. God haters just crack me up.
If this is the best Christians can do then WOW... :cuckoo::eusa_pray::eusa_boohoo:
Prior to Christ's return there will be two prophets defending Jerusalem from invaders for 3 1/2 years. They will be murdered and return to life after 3 days. Then the people will flee to the mount of olives as an earth quake occurs. There Christ will appear to them wearing red and show them the wounds in his hands, wrists, and feet. They will ask Him how he received them and He will tell them He is Jesus who was crucified.

Then we will have 1000 years of peace.

Study the scriptures. Learn for yourself.
LOL..... you want explanations of the return of Christ but you don't want scripture that backs it up????

Good luck with that.

I can answer a few of your questions but I would have to quote scripture... and since you are afraid of it, you'll just have to continue to wonder.

Short answer for #2.....we will ALL know.

And for the record, I belly laughed at #4. God haters just crack me up.
If this is the best Christians can do then WOW... :cuckoo::eusa_pray::eusa_boohoo:

all we have to do is watch for folks like you asking for the mountains to fall on them and hide them.......
Not interested in any links to any scriptures of bibles or writings of any others, I am interested to hear what YOU, the Christians, in your own words have to say HOW YOU IMAGINE the return of the evil dictator followed by return of Christ. I am interested in DETAILS

1- how you will know it is the evil dictator,
2- how will you know now it's Jesus Christ.
3- will they use the same name. because if the same name I may qualify since my name is aBrutis, and since I was born on December 25th
4- will there be stage effects, music, festivities, what kind of festivities
5- how will you identify the evil dictator that precedes Jesus, and what if the evil dictator hides behind the puppet circus?
6- how long from the time of evil dictator to the return of Jesus? days, months, years, decades?

You just need to read the Bible, sir.
Prior to Christ's return there will be two prophets defending Jerusalem from invaders for 3 1/2 years. They will be murdered and return to life after 3 days. Then the people will flee to the mount of olives as an earth quake occurs. There Christ will appear to them wearing red and show them the wounds in his hands, wrists, and feet. They will ask Him how he received them and He will tell them He is Jesus who was crucified.

Then we will have 1000 years of peace.

Study the scriptures. Learn for yourself.
I like the ex files better. Jesus Christ I know told me personally that he already HAS appeared and lived among us incognito and he has been crucified many times, he moves from soul to soul, he has one of his main residences inside my body, but he is capable of living in multiple bodies at the same time, and so if you ever get tired of the duck tales, ask me questions about Jesus Christ and I will be glad to help.
Not interested in any links to any scriptures of bibles or writings of any others, I am interested to hear what YOU, the Christians, in your own words have to say HOW YOU IMAGINE the return of the evil dictator followed by return of Christ. I am interested in DETAILS

1- how you will know it is the evil dictator,
2- how will you know now it's Jesus Christ.
3- will they use the same name. because if the same name I may qualify since my name is aBrutis, and since I was born on December 25th
4- will there be stage effects, music, festivities, what kind of festivities
5- how will you identify the evil dictator that precedes Jesus, and what if the evil dictator hides behind the puppet circus?
6- how long from the time of evil dictator to the return of Jesus? days, months, years, decades?

No problem. IMHO:

1. He will be the one who brokers a false peace with Israel that includes Israel giving away part of their land.

2. Look for the man who stops WW3. He will rip open one of the dimensions we just realized exists, and His foot will touch down on the Mount of Olives. He's the one. He brings an eternal peace with him. You'll know Him by the love He has.

3. The anti-Christ will use His own known name. ABrutis is a non qualifier, nor is your birth date. You are just not that important, and in all probability will have met your demise as a casualty of the war. If you are lucky enough to survive man's inhumanity to man, you'll know The Redeemer when you see Him. At least your knees will.

Christ will continue to be known by the variety of names we know Him as today, with the addition of a name on His thigh:
Lion of the Tribe of Judah
Wonderful Counselor
Beloved Son of God
Bright and Morning Star
Beloved One
Author of Eternal Salvation
God's Anointed
Light of the World, and so on.

4. Would you expect any less of the All Mighty? Just as when He left, the festivities will begin with a roaring earthquake when His foot touches the Mt. of Olives, that will split the mountain from east to west. There will be cheering and thanksgiving as the remnant of the 12 tribes of Israel recognize Him as the Messiah, and run to the safety of Yeshua Hamashia. For the rest of the itinerary, consult you local Bible.

5. The anti-christ is a man. This politician will be mortally <(as in he will die) wounded in the head or neck area. Satan will inhabit his body and it will appear that the leader survived his wound.

He will emulate Christ. He will use his limited power to cause statues to speak and other displays of wizardry.

The world will say, "Who is like him, no one can defeat Him, He brought peace to the world".

He will enter into a 7 yr. treaty with Israel, <(read more, google or Bible Daniels 70th week) assuring them peace and military security. We may or may not be told of this covenant at the exact time it is entered into.

He will allow the Jews to rebuild their Temple and then defile it by taking God's place in the Holy of Holies and declare himself God 3 and 1/2 years into the peace treaty.

Christ will be on this earth, 3 and 1/2 years after the anti-christ defiles the temple.

More is written to us about this time, than any other time described in the Bible. The answers you seek are all right there. You shun scripture, yet ask questions pertaining to it. I hope I have answered all your questions to God's satisfaction considering all of your restrictions..... :eusa_angel:
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Not interested in any links to any scriptures of bibles or writings of any others, I am interested to hear what YOU, the Christians, in your own words have to say HOW YOU IMAGINE the return of the evil dictator followed by return of Christ. I am interested in DETAILS

1- how you will know it is the evil dictator,
2- how will you know now it's Jesus Christ.
3- will they use the same name. because if the same name I may qualify since my name is aBrutis, and since I was born on December 25th
4- will there be stage effects, music, festivities, what kind of festivities
5- how will you identify the evil dictator that precedes Jesus, and what if the evil dictator hides behind the puppet circus?
6- how long from the time of evil dictator to the return of Jesus? days, months, years, decades?

No problem. IMHO:

1. He will be the one who brokers a false peace with Israel that includes Israel giving away part of their land.

2. Look for the man who stops WW3. He will rip open one of the dimensions we just realized exists, and His foot will touch down on the Mount of Olives. He's the one. He brings an eternal peace with him. You'll know Him by the love He has.

3. The anti-Christ will use His own known name. ABrutis is a non qualifier, nor is your birth date. You are just not that important, and in all probability will have met your demise as a casualty of the war. If you are lucky enough to survive man's inhumanity to man, you'll know The Redeemer when you see Him. At least your knees will.

Christ will continue to be known by the variety of names we know Him as today, with the addition of a name on His thigh:
Lion of the Tribe of Judah
Wonderful Counselor
Beloved Son of God
Bright and Morning Star
Beloved One
Author of Eternal Salvation
God's Anointed
Light of the World, and so on.

4. Would you expect any less of the All Mighty? Just as when He left, the festivities will begin with a roaring earthquake when His foot touches the Mt. of Olives, that will split the mountain from east to west. There will be cheering and thanksgiving as the remnant of the 12 tribes of Israel recognize Him as the Messiah, and run to the safety of Yeshua Hamashia. For the rest of the itinerary, consult you local Bible.

5. The anti-christ is a man. This politician will be mortally <(as in he will die) wounded in the head or neck area. Satan will inhabit his body and it will appear that the leader survived his wound.

He will emulate Christ. He will use his limited power to cause statues to speak and other displays of wizardry.

The world will say, "Who is like him, no one can defeat Him, He brought peace to the world".

He will enter into a 7 yr. treaty with Israel, <(read more, google or Bible Daniels 70th week) assuring them peace and military security. We may or may not be told of this covenant at the exact time it is entered into.

He will allow the Jews to rebuild their Temple and then defile it by taking God's place in the Holy of Holies and declare himself God 3 and 1/2 years into the peace treaty.

Christ will be on this earth, 3 and 1/2 years after the anti-christ defiles the temple.

More is written to us about this time, than any other time described in the Bible. The answers you seek are all right there. You shun scripture, yet ask questions pertaining to it. I hope I have answered all your questions to God's satisfaction considering all of your restrictions..... :eusa_angel:
I don't like it. does not sound like anything Jesus Christ told me personally. As I was riding on a bus someone began bothering me, I stepped out and walked in the desert until I came up to the gate. an old lady opened the gate and I entered the kingdom of God, the most beautiful place I have ever seen. There I talked to Lord Jesus Christ and he explained EVERYTHING to me: those who wrote the bible and the scriptures are the same people that had him crucified, they are satans. and so are all their followers. today they are in power and you can see that by the fact that the word satan needs to be Capitalized to be considered spelled correctly, while the word god or saint is fine when NOT capitalized. I am a representative of Christ and all Christians who defy me are satanic parasites who hide behind a DEAD man, a man who can not talk BACK and CONDEMN their satanic behavior, and they shall all burn in hell. Praise the lord Jesus Christ Amen.
And after I talked to Jesus, I was able to fly and see lakes below me and everything that was in them, because the water was so clear.
does not sound like anything Jesus Christ told me personally.

Then it was not Jesus that you were listening to.
It is however what He told the rest of us.
does not sound like anything Jesus Christ told me personally.

Then it was not Jesus that you were listening to.
It is however what He told the rest of us.
Why didn't he tell you about the 9:11 attacks or about Hussein Osama in the white house?

The same reason why Experion, Equifax and Transunion doesn't want to hear about people trying to steal my social security information. They could take reports all day.

Genesis 6:5 ¶ And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Since Jesus said, "Seek the truth and you will find it, and the truth will set you "FREE", he can't be a dictator. You get to choose where you want to be...with the truth, or with the liar.
Since Jesus said, "Seek the truth and you will find it, and the truth will set you "FREE", he can't be a dictator. You get to choose where you want to be...with the truth, or with the liar.
Exactly. What I said was that the puppet masters will first ignore Jesus, then turn him into a joker and then if that fails, turn him into an evil dictator (AKA monster. it's a standard procedure)
He did tell us pv. There are many codes in the Bible, but one could not be unlocked until the advent of the computer. Newton, Nostradamus and others tried, understood the method needed to find the code, but couldn't extract it without the speed of a computer.

Daniel was a top notch prophet, but at one point God told him this:
"Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. "But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase."

We are at the end of the age of the Gentile, and no other words have been unsealed, but the amount of information found in the Torah simply cannot be disputed. The other thing is, what has been extracted pertains to this age. Airplanes, twin towers, Kennedy's, holocaust, Hiroshima, Obama, would have meant nothing to those in Daniel's era.

Before you scream co-incidence, can be done with any book, no it can't. A name, a description, a place perhaps, but every significant event happening to mankind with accuracy, can't be found anywhere but the Torah, with a computer.

The man who has provided us with a wealth of the code does not believe in God. He can't explain how the code got there, but can't ignore it's existence. Anyone with a computer can extract the same thing.

So He did tell us. And when a matrix is discovered it is passed along to the person relevant to the code. Obama knows what it says about him. Netanyahu knows what it says about him, and Rabin knew what it said about his assassination, prior to the event.
I know how it got there. He told us the future over 3,000 years ago. :)
He did tell us pv. There are many codes in the Bible, but one could not be unlocked until the advent of the computer. Newton, Nostradamus and others tried, understood the method needed to find the code, but couldn't extract it without the speed of a computer.

Daniel was a top notch prophet, but at one point God told him this:
"Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. "But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase."

We are at the end of the age of the Gentile, and no other words have been unsealed, but the amount of information found in the Torah simply cannot be disputed. The other thing is, what has been extracted pertains to this age. Airplanes, twin towers, Kennedy's, holocaust, Hiroshima, Obama, would have meant nothing to those in Daniel's era.

Before you scream co-incidence, can be done with any book, no it can't. A name, a description, a place perhaps, but every significant event happening to mankind with accuracy, can't be found anywhere but the Torah, with a computer.

The man who has provided us with a wealth of the code does not believe in God. He can't explain how the code got there, but can't ignore it's existence. Anyone with a computer can extract the same thing.

So He did tell us. And when a matrix is discovered it is passed along to the person relevant to the code. Obama knows what it says about him. Netanyahu knows what it says about him, and Rabin knew what it said about his assassination, prior to the event.
I know how it got there. He told us the future over 3,000 years ago. :)
I agree with what you said about the book, although we must realize that sometimes there is a man who knows everything that is in the book and more, without reading it. If I would have read the book I would have probably been brainwashed into believing that Jesus was a Semite who lived in the middle east, but now I know the truth from my heart, which is that Jesus was actually a pure white man who lived in Europe.
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