I'm interested to hear Christians version about return of dictator/Jesus

Hearts are to pump blood with.
Read the Book. Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi. His kingdom to come will be in Jerusalem.
Hearts are to pump blood with.
Read the Book. Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi. His kingdom to come will be in Jerusalem.
I will not accept his kingdom that is in the illusion of the Jews and other Semites - Jesus I know is WHITE, he is ALIVE, does not preach Talmud, despises all Christian politicians in positions of power around the world, and seeks to dominate the world BY HIMSELF. his new name is ABRUTIS. There shall be no other god but him, and those who take his name in vain (like American Christians do) shall lose their nations and burn in hell until they recognize their savior the lord Abrutis. Lord Abrutis is eager to forgive all his people, but they must understand that ONLY HE is their true master. He will lead as the Brutal Dictator to pave the way for the return of Jesus Christ within souls of each and every human being that is to be allowed to live on this earth.
Because you have never read the Book, and have leaned on your own understanding, your Jesus despises. Satan has convinced you that you can know Jesus without any knowledge of Him. The real Jesus, the one that loves you with a love that is beyond our capacity to understand, is humble and forgiving. Hate is not in Him. There is only one side or the other for you to "accept". Choosing the anti-christ will garner you the same end as the anti-christ. But, choosing Christ is to accept a kingdom of love, forgiveness, and the absence of hate for eternity. Many will choose the antichrist because their knowledge of Christ is lacking, opening the door for Satan to waltz right in. You are a good example of that. You have no clue who Christ is, so you have manufactured one. My advice would be read the Bible and get to know His voice.

There is no ABrutis. You have manufactured that concept also.

And as for the New World Gov. cutting taxes, flush that with ABrutis. I saw an English member of Parliament look right into the camera and say to Americans, "You, of all people, understand taxation without representation. I am going into this room to write checks to the U.N. for nothing."

The U.N. is the Global Initiative that has removed America's borders. They have not removed taxation. To the contrary, they are data mining every move we make and every dime we own.
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LOL..... you want explanations of the return of Christ but you don't want scripture that backs it up????

Good luck with that.

I can answer a few of your questions but I would have to quote scripture... and since you are afraid of it, you'll just have to continue to wonder.

Short answer for #2.....we will ALL know.

And for the record, I belly laughed at #4. God haters just crack me up.

You and I agree on this subject.
1. the difference between Christ Jesus and Antichrist is
the difference between Restorative Justice and Retributive Justice
2. there will not be one leader but one Message that all leaders/people share in
common and universal agreement, the spirit of peace and justice or justice with mercy, establishing agreement on truth freely that sets all nations and tribes free from strife
3. we will know because there will be unity and agreement no more division
all conflicts will be resolved in the spirit of mutual forgiveness and correction
to restore good faith relations
4. all people of all ways will be made whole, retaining identity and culture as is,
and reconciling with all others with full inclusion and universal understanding

universal truth by definition will include all people and resolve all conflicts
there will be no mistaking the absolute truth that allows all relative ways within it

Not interested in any links to any scriptures of bibles or writings of any others, I am interested to hear what YOU, the Christians, in your own words have to say HOW YOU IMAGINE the return of the evil dictator followed by return of Christ. I am interested in DETAILS

1- how you will know it is the evil dictator,
2- how will you know now it's Jesus Christ.
3- will they use the same name. because if the same name I may qualify since my name is aBrutis, and since I was born on December 25th
4- will there be stage effects, music, festivities, what kind of festivities
5- how will you identify the evil dictator that precedes Jesus, and what if the evil dictator hides behind the puppet circus?
6- how long from the time of evil dictator to the return of Jesus? days, months, years, decades?

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