Im new here, just checking this out.

And I'm already getting some pretty snippy responses haha, so for now, I'll just leave it at "california" :)

anthony if you think some of your intro thread is "pretty snippy", well lets just say you won't find any safe spaces here that will make you feel all warm and fuzzy... I hope you do stick around just because I like to see a liberal Professors get beat profusely about the head and shoulders in a good ole pissin match...

Hope to see you around...
Before WillHaftawaite comes in with his fruity post about rules and guidelines let me break it down for you.

You CAN wish death upon an entire group of people based on their political ideology.

You CAN be as racist as you would like.

You CAN accuse your political opponents of being evil.

You CAN wish death upon an entire state that you don't like.

You CANNOT accuse somebody of fucking a dog.

DO NOT accuse anybody of fucking a dog.
I'm new. Not sure if this is the right forum for me, but interested in civil discussions on politics, to pass the time.
Trying to get a feel if this is that kind of place, or if it's just shouting across the great divide.
I live in California. Philosophically I'm on the extreme left on most issues, but am what I consider 'pragmatic' in my voting.
I am a professor at a decently large University.
Cheers. :)

"Philosophically I'm on the extreme left on most issues"

Philosophically I'm on the extreme Right on ALL issues, up until about 6 months ago I was ONLY philosophically on the extreme Right on most issues but now considering Leftists aka Communists have started shit I decided it was now time to go full on extreme Right on ALL issues.

IF you stay around, then I expect in threads we might meet in I will show No Mercy and will be Zero Tolerance, nothing personal it's just that I hate Communists and Communism.

With this in mind, I say Hello to you.
well lets just say you won't find any safe spaces here that will make you feel all warm and fuzzy...
Hope to see you around...

I'm not looking for a 'safe space' or to feel 'warm and fuzzy'. Im simply looking for a modicum of civility.
Welcome. The best conversation and debate can only be found in the Flame Zone. Upstairs is mostly filled with unintentionally funny dipshits.

Actually the best debates are in the "clean debate" zones. The one's where moderators require people spend more time on debating the topic, than on flaming the other posters.

The basement (taunting zone, badlands) is filled with people just flaming each other.
Truthfully there's better discourse in The Flame Zone,
Ofc truth is subjective there.
One thing about The Flame Zone is partisan BS is nonexistent.
Except for Ropenstein. Idk why he does that.
well lets just say you won't find any safe spaces here that will make you feel all warm and fuzzy...
Hope to see you around...

I'm not looking for a 'safe space' or to feel 'warm and fuzzy'. Im simply looking for a modicum of civility.

In general we all can be civil to one another, I have been in many Non-Political threads with Leftists and it's been great and I do have Leftist friends at this forum, we never get into Political threads with each other though.

If though there is a political thread and various idiots start losing it completely, then we ALL have one of two choices, we can join in and then the thread gets derailed and usually locked OR we can abandon thread and move on. I USED to do a lot of choice one, but now I do a majority of choice two. This because A) I hate threads getting locked and B) I don't want to waste my time arguing in circles anymore.
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I'm new. Not sure if this is the right forum for me, but interested in civil discussions on politics, to pass the time.
Trying to get a feel if this is that kind of place, or if it's just shouting across the great divide.
I live in California. Philosophically I'm on the extreme left on most issues, but am what I consider 'pragmatic' in my voting.
I am a professor at a decently large University.
Cheers. :)

Nope, definitely not the right place for you. Being on the extreme left and expecting "civil discussions" on politics is like a fox saying to the coop owner, "I only wanted a TASTE of the chickens!"
I hate Communists and Communism.

Kind of a bummer that you hate me and we've just only met. I certainly dont hate you, even if we philosophically are polar opposites.

See my other post I just did, it is perfectly okay to get along but I find it has to happen in Non-Political threads, to me politics is NOT EVERYTHING and as I know we ALL have various things in common then I prefer to go for those because the Political thing is just let's face it VERY ugly now and it leads to general nastiness.

I am sure we can get along, I mean I consider Pogo and Coyote and rightwinger FULL-ON Communists, but I still love them.
well lets just say you won't find any safe spaces here that will make you feel all warm and fuzzy...
Hope to see you around...

I'm not looking for a 'safe space' or to feel 'warm and fuzzy'. Im simply looking for a modicum of civility.
You might find a little bit here.
I hate Communists and Communism.

Kind of a bummer that you hate me and we've just only met. I certainly dont hate you, even if we philosophically are polar opposites.

See my other post I just did, it is perfectly okay to get along but I find it has to happen in Non-Political threads, to me politics is NOT EVERYTHING and as I know we ALL have various things in common then I prefer to go for those because the Political thing is just let's face it VERY ugly now and it leads to general nastiness.

I am sure we can get along, I mean I consider Pogo and Coyote and rightwinger FULL-ON Communists, but I still love them.

You stated that you 'hate communists'. I don't think classifying me as a 'communist' is entirely inaccurate.
You hate me, as I'm essentially a "communist". Which is, what it is, I suppose.
Before WillHaftawaite comes in with his fruity post about rules and guidelines let me break it down for you.

You CAN wish death upon an entire group of people based on their political ideology.

You CAN be as racist as you would like.

You CAN accuse your political opponents of being evil.

You CAN wish death upon an entire state that you don't like.

You CANNOT accuse somebody of fucking a dog.

DO NOT accuse anybody of fucking a dog.

^^^^ Warning to anthony

I was an innocent virgin Roman Catholic girl when I joined this forum aaronleland has since corrupted me and turned me into a deviant and a pervert, so be WARNED.... :smoke:
I hate Communists and Communism.

Kind of a bummer that you hate me and we've just only met. I certainly dont hate you, even if we philosophically are polar opposites.

See my other post I just did, it is perfectly okay to get along but I find it has to happen in Non-Political threads, to me politics is NOT EVERYTHING and as I know we ALL have various things in common then I prefer to go for those because the Political thing is just let's face it VERY ugly now and it leads to general nastiness.

I am sure we can get along, I mean I consider Pogo and Coyote and rightwinger FULL-ON Communists, but I still love them.

You stated that you 'hate communists'. I don't think classifying me as a 'communist' is entirely inaccurate.
You hate me, as I'm essentially a "communist". Which is, what it is, I suppose.

Politically I hate Communists, but if we take Politics OUT OF EVERYTHING and you like films or whatever, then I can happily discuss that with you.

In the Political Realm it's in my DNA to fight Communists until the end.
I hate Communists and Communism.

Kind of a bummer that you hate me and we've just only met. I certainly dont hate you, even if we philosophically are polar opposites.

See my other post I just did, it is perfectly okay to get along but I find it has to happen in Non-Political threads, to me politics is NOT EVERYTHING and as I know we ALL have various things in common then I prefer to go for those because the Political thing is just let's face it VERY ugly now and it leads to general nastiness.

I am sure we can get along, I mean I consider Pogo and Coyote and rightwinger FULL-ON Communists, but I still love them.

You stated that you 'hate communists'. I don't think classifying me as a 'communist' is entirely inaccurate.
You hate me, as I'm essentially a "communist". Which is, what it is, I suppose.
I don't think all hate is bad. For example, we should hate Nazis/Marxists

Hating evil is a good thing, but it is different hating evil ideologies from hating individual people.

In fact, to have any degree of morality I think it a requirement.
can someone tell me how to turn off 'get an email every time someone posts in here' feature. I feel like I have everything unchecked.

At the top right of the thread is a box saying "Watch." Click on and choose E-mail option.

Welcome to the board. Remember: Far left critters never leave here unscathed. It's a blood sport.
can someone tell me how to turn off 'get an email every time someone posts in here' feature. I feel like I have everything unchecked.

At the top right of the thread is a box saying "Watch." Click on and choose E-mail option.

Welcome to the board. Remember: Far left critters never leave here unscathed. It's a blood sport.

"It's a blood sport."

I like blood sport, chocolate milk, Manolo Blahnik and now I'm getting into watching Surfing and so ALL is great :smoke:

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