Imagine if we invested into our own country instead of 14 years of war?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America

Yet, the republicans want more cuts for America and more war. I pray we don't reelect them.

We send our best and brightest to be killed for a bunch on grateful assholes in the middle east!!! Dumb...

Instead lets gave our children a great education, let them dream of better and become tomorrows scientist at our science institutions. Other people should have the chance to work on rebuilding and maintaining our infrastructure and r&d investment.

Just say no to republicans. A party of third century assholes.
I imagine how much money I might have in my pocket if we could get the government to return to spending only what it's legally allowed to and return all other monies to the taxpayers.

Yet, the republicans want more cuts for America and more war. I pray we don't reelect them.

We send our best and brightest to be killed for a bunch on grateful assholes in the middle east!!! Dumb...

Instead lets gave our children a great education, let them dream of better and become tomorrows scientist at our science institutions. Other people should have the chance to work on rebuilding and maintaining our infrastructure and r&d investment.

Just say no to republicans. A party of third century assholes.

Coulda fixed all our infrastructure for about $1 trillion. But if the occasional busy bridge collapses killing people on their way to work, that's ok.
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I imagine how much money I might have in my pocket if we could get the government to return to spending only what it's legally allowed to and return all other monies to the taxpayers.

Well, I can see that you hate civilization and want something for nothing. You drive on the roads, right? So you need to pay taxes, bum. You expect police to keep our society stable,,,well, you need to pay taxes! You expect clean air, water and food...Well, again you need to pay taxes!!!

You expect America to be the only super power on earth and have the best....But you expect this for nothing! What exactly is illegal? Oh'yess, you just hate government and ask for 95% of it to be abolished. Of course, if you ever got your way America wouldn't be much better then a third world backwards shit hole.
The war in Afghanistan was warranted as well as the spending for intelligence since 9/11. Iraq and the rest of the bloated waste of 5.5 trillion dollars + about 300 billion a year for the last 14 years (another 4 trillion) and you have 9 trillion dollars outright wasted by the government.

We could have built all new bridges, paved the roads with gold, cancelled all student loan debt, given China the finger, and paid off almost all of our foreign debt and set the entire country on a solid foundation for future generations.

So why did the people allow the theft of 9 trillion dollars without a whimper?

That is the question.
Well, I can see that you hate civilization and want something for nothing. You drive on the roads, right? So you need to pay taxes, bum. You expect police to keep our society stable,,,well, you need to pay taxes! You expect clean air, water and food...Well, again you need to pay taxes!!!

I have no problem paying taxes, so long as they are going to the right people for the right things. I should not be paying taxes to allow the FEDERAL Government to spend money on a STATE road. I should be paying those taxes to the STATE. I should not be paying ANY taxes for expenditures that are not directly related to one (or more) or the 18 SPECIFIC items in Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution (and NO, "General Welfare and Common Defense" are NOT among those 18 specified items, except as specified in the list that follows that clause..

You expect America to be the only super power on earth and have the best....But you expect this for nothing! What exactly is illegal? Oh'yess, you just hate government and ask for 95% of it to be abolished. Of course, if you ever got your way America wouldn't be much better then a third world backwards shit hole.

I don't WANT the US to be a SuperPower. I want us to be an Isolationist nation that tells the rest of the world to go **** themselves. I don't hate Government. I hate IMPROPER Government. I hate Government that exceeds it bounds. I'll take that chance of the US becoming a third world country, if being a first world nation means becoming more and more European Socialist in nature.

I shudder to think what my ancestores who came to this country from parts of Europe would think of this contry today. Nothing good, I can guarantee that.
The war in Afghanistan was warranted as well as the spending for intelligence since 9/11. Iraq and the rest of the bloated waste of 5.5 trillion dollars + about 300 billion a year for the last 14 years (another 4 trillion) and you have 9 trillion dollars outright wasted by the government.

We could have built all new bridges, paved the roads with gold, cancelled all student loan debt, given China the finger, and paid off almost all of our foreign debt and set the entire country on a solid foundation for future generations.

So why did the people allow the theft of 9 trillion dollars without a whimper?

That is the question.
Extreme patriotism and blatant ignorance.

Yet, the republicans want more cuts for America and more war. I pray we don't reelect them.

We send our best and brightest to be killed for a bunch on grateful assholes in the middle east!!! Dumb...

Instead lets gave our children a great education, let them dream of better and become tomorrows scientist at our science institutions. Other people should have the chance to work on rebuilding and maintaining our infrastructure and r&d investment.

Just say no to republicans. A party of third century assholes.
You really do yourself a disservice when you only blame the Rs for our constant wars. Sadly, war is a bipartisan policy.
I imagine how much money I might have in my pocket if we could get the government to return to spending only what it's legally allowed to and return all other monies to the taxpayers.

Well, I can see that you hate civilization and want something for nothing. You drive on the roads, right? So you need to pay taxes, bum. You expect police to keep our society stable,,,well, you need to pay taxes! You expect clean air, water and food...Well, again you need to pay taxes!!!

You expect America to be the only super power on earth and have the best....But you expect this for nothing! What exactly is illegal? Oh'yess, you just hate government and ask for 95% of it to be abolished. Of course, if you ever got your way America wouldn't be much better then a third world backwards shit hole.

Still so delusional you can't separate the different levels of government or what they are responsible for I see.

Yet, the republicans want more cuts for America and more war. I pray we don't reelect them.

We send our best and brightest to be killed for a bunch on grateful assholes in the middle east!!! Dumb...

Instead lets gave our children a great education, let them dream of better and become tomorrows scientist at our science institutions. Other people should have the chance to work on rebuilding and maintaining our infrastructure and r&d investment.

Just say no to republicans. A party of third century assholes.

I agree with not going to war.

I totally disagree with your claims in the last line.

We should say no to both parties. They are all idiots.

Yet, the republicans want more cuts for America and more war. I pray we don't reelect them.

We send our best and brightest to be killed for a bunch on grateful assholes in the middle east!!! Dumb...

Instead lets gave our children a great education, let them dream of better and become tomorrows scientist at our science institutions. Other people should have the chance to work on rebuilding and maintaining our infrastructure and r&d investment.

Just say no to republicans. A party of third century assholes.

I agree with not going to war.

I totally disagree with your claims in the last line.

We should say no to both parties. They are all idiots.

We'd be better off going back to focusing on America and building our schools, infrastructure and science institutions to the best on earth. This is the only way we will remain the most powerful nation on earth as china wants this title.

The problem with our politicans is they allow corruption and apply the "wrong" red tape that hurts quality of all these things. These two things should be the focus..Ripping down the system and saying we don't need investment into America is the wrong approach.

Yet, the republicans want more cuts for America and more war. I pray we don't reelect them.

We send our best and brightest to be killed for a bunch on grateful assholes in the middle east!!! Dumb...

Instead lets gave our children a great education, let them dream of better and become tomorrows scientist at our science institutions. Other people should have the chance to work on rebuilding and maintaining our infrastructure and r&d investment.

Just say no to republicans. A party of third century assholes.

I agree with not going to war.

I totally disagree with your claims in the last line.

We should say no to both parties. They are all idiots.

We'd be better off going back to focusing on America and building our schools, infrastructure and science institutions to the best on earth. This is the only way we will remain the most powerful nation on earth as china wants this title.

The problem with our politicans is they allow corruption and apply the "wrong" red tape that hurts quality of all these things. These two things should be the focus..Ripping down the system and saying we don't need investment into America is the wrong approach.

You're preaching to the choir. Only remember that the Pre-Reagan days you pine for also had a lot of issues.

Like they actually favored things like family.

They would have burned porn sellers at the stake.

Why do you think some want local government. What you described is when you get one entity trying to make rules for 300,000,000 people.

And your hatred of republicans (without going after democrats) seems childish.

Yet, the republicans want more cuts for America and more war. I pray we don't reelect them.

We send our best and brightest to be killed for a bunch on grateful assholes in the middle east!!! Dumb...

Instead lets gave our children a great education, let them dream of better and become tomorrows scientist at our science institutions. Other people should have the chance to work on rebuilding and maintaining our infrastructure and r&d investment.

Just say no to republicans. A party of third century assholes.

Imagine if we went to war 14 years ago without our hands tied behind our back trying to appease leftist asswipes. We could of carpet bombed everything from Syria to Afghanistan without sacrificing ground troops. We could of taken over all the oil fields to pay for it all and more.

Instead we had a moderate President that believed Islam was a "religion of peace" and tried to bring them freedom, when in reality Muslims cannot accept freedom and only know war and misery like their 1400 year history proves.

If you ever want to see our nation returned to economic greatness again, we're going to need a leader that isn't afraid to stand up against the Islamists that are gunning for us. Hint: Hillary isn't it.
Damn! Why dont we all take your idea and demand that "MY" money goes to only where I want it to go. What way to live. Damn!

Well, I can see that you hate civilization and want something for nothing. You drive on the roads, right? So you need to pay taxes, bum. You expect police to keep our society stable,,,well, you need to pay taxes! You expect clean air, water and food...Well, again you need to pay taxes!!!

I have no problem paying taxes, so long as they are going to the right people for the right things. I should not be paying taxes to allow the FEDERAL Government to spend money on a STATE road. I should be paying those taxes to the STATE. I should not be paying ANY taxes for expenditures that are not directly related to one (or more) or the 18 SPECIFIC items in Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution (and NO, "General Welfare and Common Defense" are NOT among those 18 specified items, except as specified in the list that follows that clause..

You expect America to be the only super power on earth and have the best....But you expect this for nothing! What exactly is illegal? Oh'yess, you just hate government and ask for 95% of it to be abolished. Of course, if you ever got your way America wouldn't be much better then a third world backwards shit hole.

I don't WANT the US to be a SuperPower. I want us to be an Isolationist nation that tells the rest of the world to go **** themselves. I don't hate Government. I hate IMPROPER Government. I hate Government that exceeds it bounds. I'll take that chance of the US becoming a third world country, if being a first world nation means becoming more and more European Socialist in nature.

I shudder to think what my ancestores who came to this country from parts of Europe would think of this contry today. Nothing good, I can guarantee that.
Damn! Why dont we all take your idea and demand that "MY" money goes to only where I want it to go. What way to live. Damn!

It's not about where I want it to go. It's about where the US Constitution says it can legally go. That's what you folks miss so often...... it's not about me. It's about the rules laid down by the founding fathers.
Still so delusional you can't separate the different levels of government or what they are responsible for I see.

Not delusional at all. Tbe US Constitution lays out a very limited set of legislative and fiscal powers for the US Government. All others powers and expenditures are left to the states and local authorities.

So, yes I do believe the US Federal Government is wrong to be spending a dine on the road widening project on a STATE highway in front of the condo complex I kive in. Even though they're giving it to the State first, it's an unconstitutional expenditure.

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