Imagine If Our Intel Agencies Targeted More Actual Terrorists Instead Of Conservative Americans

Not sure. There was zero evidence of massive voter fraud taking place though.

Obama wasn’t running in 2020.

But you recommending violence is quite appropriate. Its what losers do.

Now tell us how the GOP gained seats during a “stolen” election. Would you please?
Your histrionics aside, how about that gain of function bio warfare weapon used to get rid of Trump.
Boy, that was something!
You're just another demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLE.
"Fuck off you pretentious pansy."

And therein lies the problem.
And the problematic identity.
Of MAGA adherents.

Their inarticulateness.
Their inability to coherently explain their views in a rationale and measured manner.
Hence, they are not taken seriously by thinking adults.

And it feeds into the widely-held perception, the 'folk-wisdom', so to speak..... that MAGA-folks and their QAnon and AlexJonesian colleagues are poorly or under-educated, perhaps badly raised by parenting, and not the brightest candles on the cake.

Dumb and uneducated some might say. Though I want to be carefully precise and make clear that I am not one of those who think MAGA's are grievance-ridden, slow-witted ne'er-do-wells who have failed in life, as so many others think they are.
Dragging Christians out of homes and churches is about as evil as can be. And the man who did it when brought up to him at a hearing got indignant saying that he had family members killed in the Holocaust. That in itself should have tempered him. We all know the Patriot Act and Homeland Security is just full of respect for citizens.
You can either be Christian or MAGA. But not both.
If our agencies are dealing with things like in the middle east, they are starting wars, not trying to stop them.
The OP point is quite lame unless one believes Israel's intelligence agency was similarly misdirected, even with this right at their doorstep. Plus, who here thinks we're Israel's baby-sitters?
Your histrionics aside, how about that gain of function bio warfare weapon used to get rid of Trump.
You mean Covid--that he ignored? But since you went there...He was paying Fauci while he was supposedly developing this “bio warfare weapon”. Makes anyone with a working brain wonder why you are continually supporting him.
Boy, that was something!
Yeah, it sure was; 400,000 deaths in a year and he ignored it. This is why he’s unemployed. LOL
You're just another demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLE.
Ahh, name calling. It’s all you have left.

Still no comment on how the election was both “stolen” and the GOP gained seats eh? Well...your silence speaks for itself since you have such a hard time doing so.
You mean Covid--that he ignored? But since you went there...He was paying Fauci while he was supposedly developing this “bio warfare weapon”. Makes anyone with a working brain wonder why you are continually supporting him.

Yeah, it sure was; 400,000 deaths in a year and he ignored it. This is why he’s unemployed. LOL

Ahh, name calling. It’s all you have left.

Still no comment on how the election was both “stolen” and the GOP gained seats eh? Well...your silence speaks for itself since you have such a hard time doing so.
The synchronized shut down of swing state precincts in the dead of night was the fatal blow.
The synchronized shut down of swing state precincts in the dead of night was the fatal blow.
Wow, could you imagine if that had really happened?

How Did Michigan ( a swing state) send another republican to the House if the election was stolen?
Wow, could you imagine if that had really happened?

How Did Michigan ( a swing state) send another republican to the House if the election was stolen?
The unfolded mail in ballots were only marked for the presidency leaving the down ballots blank, but you already knew that. 😉
The unfolded mail in ballots were only marked for the presidency leaving the down ballots blank, but you already knew that. 😉
So these master criminals who supposedly “stole” the election for Biden decided to also steal it for the Republicans too?’re on crack.

Imagine If Our Intel Agencies Targeted More Actual Terrorists Instead Of Conservative Americans​

Unfortunately, some Trumptards have proven they are actual terrorists.

If only they would shut the fuck up and accept they lost, then our intel agencies could focus their energies elsewhere.

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