Imagine you visit a health clinic, been the hospital twice over a few months for similar issues (left side numbness)...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
....and they tell you, "there is some reason for concern, you should visit your Family Doctor" (which is really my wifes doctor) one hour away. I am functioning as a slow motion zombie not wanting to get riled up, cut out tea etc. He has a facility at the clinic to do tests so why risk a delay? The Police State decide if you are worthy of life or if deemed an expendible undesireable. "He's not one of us in the state apparatus"...
....and they tell you, "there is some reason for concern, you should visit your Family Doctor" (which is really my wifes doctor) one hour away. I am functioning as a slow motion zombie not wanting to get riled up, cut out tea etc. He has a facility at the clinic to do tests so why risk a delay? The Police State decide if you are worthy of life or if deemed an expendible undesireable. "He's not one of us in the state apparatus"...
Numbness is often caused by a bulging disc in the spine. It's not the only possible cause of course.
....and they tell you, "there is some reason for concern, you should visit your Family Doctor" (which is really my wifes doctor) one hour away. I am functioning as a slow motion zombie not wanting to get riled up, cut out tea etc. He has a facility at the clinic to do tests so why risk a delay? The Police State decide if you are worthy of life or if deemed an expendible undesireable. "He's not one of us in the state apparatus"...
I would recommend seeing an endocrinologist or, if this is more serious, a neurologist. I had to have an MRI done on my back two weeks ago for a long ago issue (that, coincidentally, left me with numbness in my right foot) and my cost was $724. Didn't have to wait long, so I guess that's good, but these hospitals want their $$$$$$
I would recommend seeing an endocrinologist or, if this is more serious, a neurologist. I had to have an MRI done on my back two weeks ago for a long ago issue (that, coincidentally, left me with numbness in my right foot) and my cost was $724. Didn't have to wait long, so I guess that's good, but these hospitals want their $$$$$$
He had suggested "I coud refer you to a neurologist"...then tells me to see my phantom FD. It's as if he was speaking to himself. How benevolent of him...
He had suggested "I coud refer you to a neurologist"...then tells me to see my phantom FD. It's as if he was speaking to himself. How benevolent of him...
Give it time and see if the numbness gets worse or starts to fade. If it gets worse, see your FD as soon as you can and demand that he schedule you an appointment. If you have to wait to see a neurologist monitor your symptoms and tell him about them when you see him. You (not you personally) have to take care of yourself and not expect doctors to do it, because many are overworked and overstressed with patients.
I've been numb down my right leg for twenty yeas now and no matter what they do it's still there.
....and they tell you, "there is some reason for concern, you should visit your Family Doctor" (which is really my wifes doctor) one hour away. I am functioning as a slow motion zombie not wanting to get riled up, cut out tea etc. He has a facility at the clinic to do tests so why risk a delay? The Police State decide if you are worthy of life or if deemed an expendible undesireable. "He's not one of us in the state apparatus"...
Mild inconvenience = police state?

Good grief
Mild inconvenience = police state?

Good grief
You are naive and unaware. Read my experiences over 10 years. My health, which was impacting my speech, memory, feeling in one side, head pain, is not a "minor inconvenience". This is but one of a litany of "inconveniences" I have experienced...
Read my experiences over 10 years.
It would take forever to read 10 years worth of your constant whinging about Canada. If you're that annoyed about this, just go into crippling debt that you'll never escape like us proud Americans do when we have health problems.
....and they tell you, "there is some reason for concern, you should visit your Family Doctor" (which is really my wifes doctor) one hour away. I am functioning as a slow motion zombie not wanting to get riled up, cut out tea etc. He has a facility at the clinic to do tests so why risk a delay? The Police State decide if you are worthy of life or if deemed an expendible undesireable. "He's not one of us in the state apparatus"...
I told you what the root cause of your problems is, and now I'll tell you that the symptoms will spread to other parts of your body. Get professional help for mental illness and trust what you will be told.
I told you what the root cause of your problems is, and now I'll tell you that the symptoms will spread to other parts of your body. Get professional help for mental illness and trust what you will be told.
The path to heaven for shills is particularly narrow....the Creepy Covert Ones have cost this country greatly...
....and they tell you, "there is some reason for concern, you should visit your Family Doctor" (which is really my wifes doctor) one hour away. I am functioning as a slow motion zombie not wanting to get riled up, cut out tea etc. He has a facility at the clinic to do tests so why risk a delay? The Police State decide if you are worthy of life or if deemed an expendible undesireable. "He's not one of us in the state apparatus"...

See here in America you just tell them you felt tightness in your chest. When they find out it isn't your heart, they will run every other possible test they can to max out your bill on the 23 hour hold they put suspected heart patients on.
See here in America you just tell them you felt tightness in your chest. When they find out it isn't your heart, they will run every other possible test they can to max out your bill on the 23 hour hold they put suspected heart patients on.
They descend on you like a plague of locusts. :omg:
They descend on you like a plague of locusts. :omg:

More or less. When I was last in the ER, the person giving me the CAT scan was, "I don't know why the heck they are having me give you a CAT scan for what is clearly the stomach virus that is going around." I responded, "Because I have health insurance and your machine was available is my guess." She laughed, "Pretty much. They don't like to keep these imaging machines idled."
More or less. When I was last in the ER, the person giving me the CAT scan was, "I don't know why the heck they are having me give you a CAT scan for what is clearly the stomach virus that is going around." I responded, "Because I have health insurance and your machine was available is my guess." She laughed, "Pretty much. They don't like to keep these imaging machines idled."
I went in for a tick bite (found out late it was a spider bite). They put me on a gurney and gave me an EKG exam because I was on heart meds. The ED cardiologist then doubled my statin prescription unnecessarily. My regular doctor countermanded the change as I was doing fine on the lower dosage.

Another time I went in for chest pains (unrelated to my heart). They gave me four EKG's, admitted me and kept me there for two days. An old doctor who looked like Dr. Frankenstein prescribed a powerful BP med that I was to take before bedtime. He was literally the scariest person I have ever met. I never filled the prescription.

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