Immigrant Caravans are back on Fox!!!! Economy must be good.

You're not looking at the "participation rate". It was headed up during Trump, now its heading down.

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Holy shit you can't even read a basic graph.

Let's read togather:

During Trump LFPR inched up because we've reached full employment again after Great Recession and then DROPPED LIKE A ROCK during Covid recession.

During Biden it has gone up in 2021 and remained about same in 2022.

Long term context: LFPR undercurrent IS DOWN DOWN DOWN untill 2040 unless we have a sudden immigration inflow to offset aging population that spends more and more time on education.

Current labor market conditions: We have historically high levels of job openings. If every unemployed person got a job today we would still have 3-4 millions of job openings.

So that means that currently there is a significant labor slack in the economy so the low end labor inflow would benefit the economy.
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Sorry, but illegals distespected our country and broke our laws to come here, as opposed to those who have folliwed the existing process and waited years to become a US citizen.

I am compmetely against rewarding 6-7 million criminals with amnesty / citizenship.

We have existing Immigration Laws Democrats are just as guilty of violating because it takes too long to follow the process to ac omplish their agenda.

Having control of both houses of Congress as well as the Presidency, Democrats could have passed bew Immigration Laws ... but they failed / refused to do so because biolating the Uzs Constitution and existing laws, as Biden has proved, was much easier and faster.

Even Obama admitted publicly tbat he did not have the Constitutional autjority to affect US Immigration pivy by himself ... before he rammed UN-Constitutional DACA into existence through his own.personal EO.

I am completely against granting citizenship to any illegal into the US or still flowing illegally into the US. Granting citizenship to illegals still flowing into this country before the border is REALLY closed and illegal immigration is stopped is like being in a boat with a large hole in it and wanting to bail the water out of it with a small dixie cup before you have plugged the leak.

IF citizenship was / is to be granted to illegals currently in this country they should NEVER be given (rewarded) the right to vote. No one invited 'you' here, 'you' criminally 'broke into' this country,so you should never have the right to have acsay howvit should be run.

-- If THOSE illegals want the right to vote they should have the option of voluntarily leaving the US, applying for citizenship, and going through tbe existing process like so many others have done.

Close / secure the border 1st

Stop all illegal entry into the US

Enforce all existing laws until a new immigration process can be passed through the legislative procesS, if one is desired


Why didn't tRump and the Rethugikkkons pass these laws when they had both houses and the Presidency from 2017-2019. But the corporations and uber wealthy got their tax cuts.
Well… suddenly immigrant caravans are back on Fox which tells you the economy must be really good. Time for a new boogeyman.. I mean old boogeyman.

Largest-ever migrant caravan crossing into US: Scott Bolden

They are here because Biden & Co laid out a huge welcome sign. It's absolutely ridiculous. They've formed a long line to cross the border and, instead of stopping them from crossing the border, Biden & Co, are trying their best to process everyone in an orderly fashion in the most humane way possible. How about just stopping them from crossing? They aren't even doing it on the sly anymore in the middle of the night. They just follow the line in which we know about and open the door for them with the welcome wagon. And, the word is out so more are coming.
Why didn't tRump and the Rethugikkkons pass these laws when they had both houses and the Presidency from 2017-2019. But the corporations and uber wealthy got their tax cuts.
There was enough Democrat opposition, and RINOs, to prevent them from doing so.

Democrats have held the House, Senate, ans Presidency TWICE in the last 2 decades - why didn't they?
There was enough Democrat opposition, and RINOs, to prevent them from doing so.

Democrats have held the House, Senate, ans Presidency TWICE in the last 2 decades - why didn't they?
Agreed, still trying to figure out why you only blame Dims. Both are complicit because their big money donors love cheap labor.
Agreed, still trying to figure out why you only blame Dims. Both are complicit because their big money donors love cheap labor.
I do not fault only 1 party, but only 1 President has ever assaulted the Constitution and US Immigration law this much, this openly, in US history - Biden.
I do not fault only 1 party, but only 1 President has ever assaulted the Constitution and US Immigration law this much, this openly, in US history - Biden.

I think encouraging a couple of our government might be found to be worse by most people.
Well… suddenly immigrant caravans are back on Fox which tells you the economy must be really good. Time for a new boogeyman.. I mean old boogeyman.

Largest-ever migrant caravan crossing into US: Scott Bolden


You lie to make a point.

Fox has been addressing immigrant caravans for 2 years with no break in coverage.
Not a boogeyman, just more workers to take jobs and raises from Americans.

Supply and demand for Labor, now workers can work more and get paid less. Thanks democrats!!

Americans are working the fields picking strawberries? Who is hiring these people? Just Democrats? All of the employers are Democrats?
Overturn an election, thus the overthrow of the rightful new POTUS and new admin.
Like through bogus 'Russian Collusion' scandals, failed coup attempts, and failed coup criminal Impeachment attempts based on zero crime / evidence / witnesses...?!

They are expecting to work for cash. There's no Work for them. Most agricultural work has been mechanized. There are only so many restaurants looking for dishwashers. In El Paso they live on the streets and get a burrito from an immigrant rights group. Many have moved into the airport. There are complaints of break ins all along the border. It's only a matter of time before the shooting starts.
Like through bogus 'Russian Collusion' scandals, failed coup attempts, and failed coup criminal Impeachment attempts based on zero crime / evidence / witnesses...?!


Sure, go with that.
I bet you even believe in "stolen election"!
Illegally crossing our borders, illegally entering our country, seeking amnesty from Democrats who have as little respect for the onstitution, US immigration laws, and our sovereignty as they do is most definitely illegal.
They don't get amnesty from Democrats silly, they get it from the law.

You seem to know very little about illegal immigration, which is probably why you obediently look the other way when Repubs could be changing amnesty laws.
Sure, go with that.
I bet you even believe in "stolen election"!
I noticed when you get hit with an undeniable, proven dose of reality you always apply the 'laughing' or 'fake news' icon, followed, at times, by a stupid comment like this.

You need to see a 'shrink' about your aversion to facts / reality or at least do something about your pathetic defense mechanisms / 'tells'.

In the meantime, if you want to discuss election deniers you can start with this one:


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